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Phantom Movie!!!!

#25re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 5:56pm

Can I get a AMEN!

#26re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 8:38pm

As some people know, MC and ALW have not been very "simpatico" for many years. Neither even considered working on this project. So the " I want Michael" petitions would fall on deaf ears from the start. That being said, although MC would lure buyers into this market (because he is the "phantom of fame" to the general public), the role calls for a "fatherly" image not "granfatherly", making MC out of the line-up (which he wasn't in to begin with). I like MC vety much, but his "masking" days are over, lest he does a benefit concert.

As far as casting, no, these actors are not exactly houshold names in film and certaintly not on stage. So Schumacher must have good reasons for hiring them among the hundreds of considerations and auditions. Let's hope his judgement is up to par on this. Schumacher admittted in an interview that " this was a huge and daunting project and he was certianly not afraid to admit to being humbled by it and hopes to do his best". I think that a fair and honest assesment of his intentions.

POTO, the moive, will NEVER please everyone! Count on people to play casting dir, stage dir. choreog. from behind their tv screens. IT'S A GIVEN ! Look what happened to the recent "Music Man with big name Matthew Broderick! (rightfully so).

Should they use experienced, quailty actors with mediocore voices? Maybe, if they are do an outstanding job acting. Would you rather see great acting with "serviceable" vocals then lousy acting but Brodawy quality vocals? To me that is the $64 question. It's a personal choice. Not all great stage performers transform well on screen. Remember that!

The Plot and Staging: Depends... how they TBTP will re-create this classic. If they stick to the text book Stage version, they can't go wrong. Why mess with one of the most successful musicals ever? But, if they choose to adapt the story, it's a gamble if it will fly.

Personally, I am looking forward to seeing what will be done with this. I've also talked to several Broadway Phantoms and they pretty much feel the same way about this project, or so 3 or 4 have told me in great detail.

So, time will tell. Give it a chance, hold your breath, don't pre-judge and we'll see.

THanks for indulging my personal take on this ! Cheers!

#27re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 6/1/03 at 10:40am

Broadwayguy2 I didnot say that don't go putting words in my mouth about MC. If someone should be cast I would like to see Matthew Brodrick or Steve Webber both had great voices in the producers.

kec Profile Photo
#28 re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 6/1/03 at 4:06pm

Matthew Broderick as the Phantom?!?! Sorry, I just don't see it. His voice may have been good in the Producers, but do you think his voice is capable of the almost opera-like singing he'd have to do in POTO?

#29re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 6/1/03 at 5:29pm

LOL! THank God you guys are not making this movie. Matthew Broderick as the Phantom!!! Dear Lord, just because the guys can sing a bit, fast talk, be sharp and do cutesy things on a few Broadway stages does not qualifiy him to take on such a serious acting/ vocal role. He was "Ferris Bueller" as "The Music Man" and the critics and general audience panned him for the most part in a role that was well suited for him. A name he may be ....But a Phantom he is NOT. Broderick is great in some things but pretty much type cast.

If they were to take a Bd'w phantom who's had a history of success with the stage version, that's one thing. Even then, he may not do well in front of a camera. There's a big diff. between film and stage.

I have no crystal ball on this one either. Don't know who will be the "right" one for the role....but little Matthew is NOT ...IMHO.

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#30re: Crawford in POTO the Movie....
Posted: 6/1/03 at 7:20pm

Agreed, Tuttle. Moviegoers don't need a Phantom who "still can shovel sh*t." (FB hit it on the nose.)

It's obvious no one in power's been listening to Crawford's belly aching Phans all these years. They're not going to start now.

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#31re: re: Crawford in POTO the Movie....
Posted: 6/2/03 at 4:35pm

:::***It's obvious no one in power's been listening to Crawford's fans all these years. They're not going to start now.***:::

Exactly!!! I love you!!! Ok!!! Goodbye!

"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."
Updated On: 7/12/19 at 04:35 PM

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
Posted: 6/2/03 at 4:45pm

If you don't like Phantom of the Opera or Michael Crawford why are you posting messages? I know theres a "big" difference between film and stage but don't you think it would be a better movie with an experienced actor? Michael Crawford was chosen for the role back when the show came out, so many fans stuck with that and still want him as the Phantom. Don't make-fun or anything. We (or at least I do)want MC NOT Matthen Broderick.

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

Posted: 6/4/03 at 9:50am

I agree with ChristineDaae, I want Michael C he started the role as Phantom I just can't see anyone else. And stop making fun of him.

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#34re: re: BELLY ACHING?
Posted: 6/4/03 at 4:15pm

I'm kind of obsessed with MC. He was my first Phantom.. He got me into Broadway!


There was an article I remember reading. It was about Michael and how he understood why he wouldn't get it now. Also he said that he agreed with the producers wanting the Phantom to be younger than himself. Because movies are quite different than stage. God I wish I could find that article...

"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."
Updated On: 7/12/19 at 04:15 PM

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/5/03 at 3:43am

:: If you don't like Phantom of the Opera or Michael Crawford why are you posting messages?::

Why do you assume I don't like the show? I've seen the show nine times. I think that qualifies as not disliking it. I am allowed to have an opinion.

As for Michael Crawford, I find his interpretation whiny and his voice from the Jérôme Pradon School of Nasal, though given a choice I'd rather sit through a 7 hour loop of Pradon as Judas than Crawford as The Phantom once.
