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Phantom Movie!!!!

#0Phantom Movie!!!!
Posted: 5/30/03 at 9:31am

I will not go repeat Not go!!! to see this movie. The Gall that Andrew LLoyd Webber said Michael C. is too old to play the role. First of all The Phantom is supposed to be old. And Michael ok he is 61 has more engry than these young actors and he is still sexy look at DOTV. Sorry all I disagreed when this all started.

#1re: Phantom Movie!!!!
Posted: 5/30/03 at 9:33am

Just listen to your CDs then. I'm willing to give the movie a chance to stand on its own merits.


ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#2re: re: Phantom Movie!!!!
Posted: 5/30/03 at 11:18am

Although I'm not a super-duper Michael Crawford fan, I've been wondering about the "too old" problem myself. I mean the Phantom is in a mask! And when he takes it off, he is all covered with makeup to make him all yucky looking. So, even if you got some young stud like Hugh Jackman, no one can see him!!

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Phantom Movie!!!!
Posted: 5/30/03 at 12:05pm

It's not that. Really...they're trying to appeal to those who are not phans or have any clue about the musical/play/story.

Hell, I'm a Phan and I bought the evil book "The Phantom of Manhattan" so even if the movie ends up being a flop...I'll go and see it ...sigh.

"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."
Updated On: 7/12/19 at 12:05 PM

#4Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/30/03 at 7:27pm

First off I want to say Hi to all of the people I know from and Hi to everyone else. Its good to be back posting somewhere.

I will fully support the Phantom movie until I see it. After I see the final product, then I'll make my decision. I say give it a chance.

#5re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/30/03 at 7:35pm

Yes, the Phantom is in a mask most of the time, but have you taken a look at Crawford's body lately? Every martini he's ever consumed is showing on his waistline!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#6re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/30/03 at 7:59pm

Yes, only broadwaystars should be uses in musical films, that way when the ones who know nothing about film work do a poor job in a media they have never studied, the only ones to see it will be the hard-core broadway fans and all of those people who payed their cash to get into Chicago only went to see it becasue they love the stsge versiona nd it had nothing to do with the bankability of its stars.

Micheal crwafrod doing phantom anyplace now is a bad idea. the phantom just isn't creepy when he needs to use a walker to get aroundand half wa through Music of the Night or the title number he has to stop to adjust his dentures, take his arthritis pills, or slips into one of those sneeky spontaneous naps.

Phantess Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/30/03 at 8:56pm

Hey there are people here that actually support the movie??? Incredible!

I also support the movie. I think it's only fair that until we see the final product not to make any judgement.

As for casting...Michael Crawford is definately never going to be concidered for the role. People need to get over it.

Phantom movie advocates

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#8re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 11:04am

I know what you mean! Hmmm...been to the board? They're probably pissed! And what will they do now that it's set in stone?


"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."
Updated On: 7/12/19 at 11:04 AM

#9re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 11:30am

I know you think you're being funny, but obviously you didn't see Michael in DOTV. He is anything BUT in need of a walker. He probably has more energy than you do. And that crack about his waistline...sorry guys not so. No he isn't as thin as he as 15 years ago, but he is NOT what you make him out to be either. If you're going to discuss his ability to do the role, discuss it on his ability to sing it and perform it, and as his voice is as strong is ever THAT isn't a problem either. Why do people have to lower themselves to making cheap shots to make a point. And besides the fact that they're not using Michael, it appears they're changing the musical, removing some songs, adding new scenes. It's not the Phantom we've grown to love all these years, and since that's what I want to see on the screen, there's no reason for me to see it. It may end up being a fine movie for what it is, but it's not the Phantom it's supposed to be.

#10re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 11:52am

I see the Phantom as being old. It doesn't matter about his age. But MC can't be the Phantom always.

#11re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 11:53am

It is called an ADAPTION for a reasson. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 11:55am

I'm a HUGE Phantom phan. I think Michael Crawford would be the best Phantom for this movie. If not him then at least someone who is or had been experince in the role. Maybe someone from a tour or Broadway?
About Michael and the age thing, you don't even see his face!!! Hes covered in make-up! He can definatly sing it cause when I saw him in Dance of the Vampires, he sounded great!

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

#13re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 12:08pm

Because he is here now, does Dollypop still check the site (other than the message board)? If so, there is an interview with TSMrW in the Stage Notes column (written by the site's moderator) in the archive - the 5/20/03 column, halfway through under the heading "Off to the Opera" is interesting with lots of comments from Patrick about the upcoming film.

Hmm... meanwhile, it seems that Mr. John Simon has joined this message group with comments about Mr. Crawford's physical condition (untrue, by the way, if you have seen Mr. Crawford in person and out of costume lately. Despite some fairly serious medical problems, he is doing o.k., all things considered).

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 12:14pm

Speaking of the message board on someone told me it's still up. There's only about 30 people still on, though.


"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."
Updated On: 7/12/19 at 12:14 PM

#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 12:19pm

Once again, any arguement made about why they should use ONLY verterans of the stage production in film versions is totally idiotic.

TheOboist Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 2:37pm

I agree to all of this...I won't go see it. From what I'm hearing, they're only getting big name actors and trying to make it appeal to the non-phans, which I think is a really bad idea. I read some of the info on it, and they said they were going to put in a swordfight between the Phantom and Raoul (????? Really, it's an opera house...why would they have swords? And the Phantom uses a lasso, anyway) and horseback riding (that's in the book, but even so not much of it). I think they are going to destroy this movie...and it's just a bad idea in general. You can't convey the amazingness of the play through a movie...that's impossible. Ok...I'll stop ranting...all of you who know me know I tend to rant about this subject...

~Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?

~Close your eyes, start a journey through a strange new world, leave all thoughts of the world you knew before...close your eyes and let music set you free! Only then can you belong to me...

#17re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 2:43pm

"I agree to all of this...I won't go see it. From what I'm hearing, they're only getting big name actors and trying to make it appeal to the non-phans, which I think is a really bad idea."

do you know how rediculous you sound?? What is the point of making a movie to only appeal to the Phantom fans?? The point of the film is to get it to a widder audience. Of course they want big names in it and that is not a bad thing -- hello Chicago.

As to them having swords -- it fits the time period. as to horseback riding and things -- bid deal. they are including things in the film that were not possible on stage. Webber is involved in the film, i am pretty sure he approves of the changes. Grow up and quit acting like a five year old! It is a musical. It will be a movie. Geez.

Kelly Profile Photo
#18re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 4:08pm

Big names? Where? Of the three that have been announced - Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum and Patrick Wilson - who's the big name? To the general public, these people, the three leads in the film, are completely unknown.

Perfect love, perfect sin...there is no perfect anything.

#19re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 4:10pm

I don't get the big name reference either. i only used in my post because that was the terminology used in the post I replied to.

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#20Crawford in POTO the Movie....
Posted: 5/31/03 at 4:17pm

...would be one of the worst casting decisions ever.

He doesn't own the role and as many have proven since, there are others who have succeeded in the role.

I believe the world can keep revolving if he is not in the movie.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#21re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 4:42pm

To Dollypop,and BroadwayGuy2 , I don't like your rude remarks about Michael. You both have him in the coffin dead already God forbid... Michael waistline well he is not fat he may have put on a couple of pounds so what , he was so skinny as a child. You two probably didnot see DOTV Michael still has what it takes and the engry so big deal he is 61. You two were just plain rude.

#22re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 4:48pm

And I agree with ISSAME. It doesnot matter to me what age Michael is .I like him cause he is Michael a sweet and lovely person I had letters from him when he did Phantom. And he does a lot for sick children some with Cancer I say God Bless him.

#23re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 5:39pm

hmmm.. so Micheal should be cast becasue he is sweet. Ha!

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#24re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Phantom Movie
Posted: 5/31/03 at 5:56pm

:::***I agree to all of this...I won't go see it. From what I'm hearing, they're only getting big name actors and trying to make it appeal to the non-phans***:::

It's not a bad idea if you're trying to make money! Seriously you guys. I've been through this whole thing for about 3 years now! I use to be gun-ho about Michael as the Phantom as well, but then time went on and I saw things for what they really were. The movies are not Broadway! You have to realize that. Just because some fan says that it should be a certain's not going to make a difference! This Hollywood...not the government! Wait...bad example...


"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."
Updated On: 7/12/19 at 05:56 PM
