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Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds- Page 2

Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds

sinister teashop Profile Photo
sinister teashop
#25Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/7/24 at 7:26pm

jv92 said: "Ke3 said: "jv92 said: "But without Kramer and ACT UP, this fellow would not be in the fortuitous circumstance he’s in, that too, too many were not— and never could be.

Kramer was the public face of ACT UP and certainly important to its founding and growth but ACT UP was a collective enterprise and a child of left culture. The same culture that today is advocating for the same demands that Victor I. Cazares is advocating for.

Don't take my word for it, read any history of ACT UP including Sarah Schulman's comprehensive Let the Record Show.

Updated On: 3/7/24 at 07:26 PM

#26Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/7/24 at 8:46pm

sinister teashop said: "Good for this playwright and others who are raising their voices about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. President Biden, it seems, is not only finally listening but taking action to lessen it."

Yes, after months of negotiations, desperate attempts for signs of life from the hostages, aid efforts with sixteen different governments about provision of food/water via a border hermetically sealed by the Israeli and Egyptian armies, and all sorts of political pressures from every which direction, when news of this guy's decision to go off his meds reached the Situation Room, the Biden Admin suddenly snapped to attention!



sinister teashop Profile Photo
sinister teashop
#27Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/7/24 at 9:16pm

PipingHotPiccolo said: "sinister teashop said: "Good for this playwright and others who are raising their voices about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. President Biden, it seems, is not only finally listening but taking action to lessen it."

Yes, after months of negotiations, desperate attempts for signs of life from the hostages, aid efforts with sixteen different governments about provision of food/water via a border hermetically sealed by the Israeli and Egyptian armies, and all sorts of political pressures from every which direction, when news of this guy's decision to go off his meds reached the Situation Room, the Biden Admin suddenly snapped to attention!

As in ACT UP, change comes through cumulative action. Even the voice of a piccolo matters.


#28Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/9/24 at 4:08pm

GottaGetAGimmick420 said: "Also, Victor noted themselves that they were fired by NYTW before the med strike started. I'll find a link to that to share."

Circling back, most jobs would fire you for taking 25 days to respond to an email

#29Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/9/24 at 6:08pm

sinister teashop said: As in ACT UP, change comes through cumulative action. Even the voice of a piccolo matters.


but this isn't even that. the poor man has centered himself instead of Gazans, compromised his health, aimed at a target that has zero -- ZERO -- influence over the cause he claims to be concerned about, and wasted spectacularly expensive medicine. he's not ACTing UP, he needs counseling. and he needs to get back on his MF'in meds.

(not that i believe it matters, but possibly to avoid someone saying something they might come to regret, i've been HIV+ and undetectable on meds for 14 years.)


"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#30Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/10/24 at 10:20am

I could say a lot of things. And none of them are mean, and all of them are in earnest. But since they are related to mental health, they would probably get deleted. And I don't want to waste my time typing a bunch of stuff out in earnest, just to have it get deleted for breaking...I honestly don't know which rule.

All I'll say is that I hope this playwright gets the help they very clearly need. This is honestly a really scary story.

#31Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/10/24 at 4:54pm

the NY Mag splashy profile of this guy was more enraging than his own misguided "protest"- why are only the worst extremes always platformed? Everyone has lost the plot.

#32Playwright on HIV Med Strike / NYTW Responds
Posted: 3/11/24 at 7:00am

PipingHotPiccolo said: "the NY Mag splashy profile of this guy was more enraging than his own misguided "protest"- why are only the worst extremes always platformed? Everyone has lost the plot."

There's Jonathan Glazer, director of the most acclaimed film of the year, about the Holocaust, using the Oscars' platform for his message and his hands were shaking and he's already being slandered. This story would probably not even have reached the number of people it did if it had not angered Michael R. Jackson. I could maybe share the admiration that the people cheering for this have, if they were asking for something that might actually make a difference, and not come off as this tantrum asking the NYTW to do a toothless statement. 
