Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
I have one more show slot to fill this week for Saturday and I'm looking for recommendations. Here are the shows I'm considering:
MJ: I saw this last night and had a very poor experience due to rude audience members and I feel like I didn't get to appreciate the show as much as I otherwise would because of that. I might try to get seats in the first couple of rows so that audience behaviour wouldn't be as disruptive.
Plaza Suite: One of the only shows on Broadway I haven't seen yet, although I'm not sure the premise seems particularly interesting.
Tina: The other show on Broadway I haven't seen yet. I'm usually meh about biopics, so I'm not sure I'll enjoy it, but it's the only other one I haven't seen besides Plaza Suite.
Aladdin: I've seen this before, but a long time ago (in its Pre-Broadway run in 2014). I enjoyed it, but Disney shows don't necessarily thrill me the way other shows sometimes do.
The Book of Mormon: I last saw this in 2014 and enjoyed some of it but found most of the Africa scenes cringeworthy. Might be worth watching again given that they've done rewrites recently.
Chicago: I've seen it a bunch of times but I always enjoy myself.
Come From Away: I've seen this one a dozen times or so, but I always have a good time.
Hadestown: I've seen this three times and enjoyed it (most recently on February 19 for Amber's last show), but it might be cool to see with Lana Gordon as Persephone.
Moulin Rouge!: Wasn't thrilled by this the last time I saw it, might be willing to give it another chance.
Wicked: I've seen this five times and enjoyed it each time.
Please share suggestions, and if you have any recommendations for off-Broadway shows that might not be on my radar, please share those too!
Have you seen Little Shop of Horrors Off-Broadway yet?
Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
EDSOSLO858 said: "Have you seenLittle Shop of HorrorsOff-Broadway yet?"
Yes! I've seen it twice, including once on this trip. Conrad was so good!!!
How about Company?
Updated On: 3/3/22 at 06:33 PMFeatured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
BearcatBroadwayLover said: "How about Company?"
I saw Company in January. Didn't love it...the book scenes bored me. The music and the staging are great (especially of "Getting Married Today", but the book scenes really dragged. The last time I saw it Patti wasn't there, and I'd like to see it once with her in it...not sure I have the appetite for seeing it *three* times. So I'm thinking to wait to see Company again until Patti is back.
Nothing good in the first two rows of MJ this weekend. I'd give Come From Away or Moulin Rouge another try, it's been on fire lately. Enjoy the weekend!