Joined: 12/31/69
Can I just say that I've been changed? The show was absolutely phenomenal and really, I could never have imagined how incredible it would be. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/07
For "WANNA BE A FOSTER"- ONCE AGAIN- I WAS REPLYING TO TRIPLETHREAT'S POSTING. I could care less what you or anyone else thinks.I do not have to defend myself or explain my actions. I have only stated my friendship with John as something to be proud of ,and I have not stated it in EVERY post-I am not just a "Friend", but have known him for a long time, before SA.{ a Friend of the Family} I am not some crazed teen { in my 40's}looking to impress someone bec I met John at the stage door.Do I feel it "ELEVATES" me, thinking I am better than anyone else here...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! I am the lowest form of celebrity. I am NEW to this board and clearly, people like you and Antidrew have your own opinions, But this is the real reason why I have stayed away from these boards, it's bec of the rudeness displayed.I knew I should have stayed away... someone warned me, and they were right...Yea, Spring Awakening LOVE-- RIGHT! I will take my "LOVE" for this show and Johnny elsewhere...
Have a Great Life!
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 03:25 PM
Stand-by Joined: 5/21/06
I ♥ Spring Awakening
Swing Joined: 8/13/07
I love Spring Awakening.
Now, I am a teenager who came into this play only for the fact that I was totally in love with Jonathan Groff [Melchior], John Gallager Jr. [Moritz] and Jonathan B. Wright [Hanschen].
Then....I heard the music.
Many of my guy friends fell in love with 'The Bitch of Living' and most of my girl friends fell for 'My Junk' or 'Mama Who Bore Me.' I just fell for it all. I never knew that the voice of an Angel could come out of a innocent boy like Gideon Glick.
I love how most the cast of 'Spring Awakening' isn't really that much older than I am. I am sixteen.
I love how Jonathan and Lea aren't afaird to show their 'love' for each other on stage and I love how this cast has litterly come to love each other.
[No, serioulsy. Lauren Pitchard and Skylar Astin are officially a couple.]
This play is one of the many that Broadway has come to know and love that takes risks larger than any life can ever Imagen to fully see. It shows the real life issues of teenagers back then and today.
The cast was right when they figured out that no, life and times hasn't really even changed that much. There are still sex crazed teenagers and teenagers that are finding themselves out there.
Another point I love is the fact that they aren't afaird to push the total limit with this play.
I would love to see this play.
Even though I haven't seen it, I love it already.
Go Duncan and Steven!
Updated On: 8/14/07 at 03:31 PM
silversurfer, it's called name dropping and most people find it to be really obnoxious.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/07
I don't DROP names,it is just a fact.
And another fact, I find you obnoxious.
Swing Joined: 8/13/07
I'm so glad we can all love each other here!
What's a fact? That for some strange reason you feel the reason to announce that your friends with someone in the cast? I'm glad you have a friendship with him but when you start several posts with, "friend of John Gallagher here", it gets to be annoying and obnoxious. Sorry you can't see that.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/07
It was my fault for coming on to these boards in the first place. I should have known better. I leave it to you and all the rest who rule here & dictate to others. I am done with this and you.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/06
Apparently Alexandra is Wendla in...5 minutes!!!
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/06
Nope...according to TGO she's on for the matinee.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Careful guys or you're going to put every soap opera out of business.
Swing Joined: 7/3/07
This is such GREAT news. I'm so happy for Alexandra. You go girl!!! Can't wait to hear the reviews.
On second thought, I don't care what anyone reviewing the show might think. I'm just so happy for her.
Updated On: 8/25/07 at 05:19 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
I saw SA Thursday night for the first time for my b-day and loved it. I got Orc. Right Row E, I got the rush tickets. I Absoultely loved the show, The energy in the theater was electric. The Cast was right on. I felt like I was at a big Rock concert with a deep story. I love this show. It might be my new faviorte show. Next time I see the show I want to get the onstage seats. Does anyone know if SA will put a lottery into effect to replace Student Rush because I had to get up pretty early but It was sooo worth it.