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Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert

Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert

ItsJavert Profile Photo
#1Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/15/17 at 5:28am


I knew Terrence Mann is the OBC Javert and I had always wanted to see his performance. Now I've just seen the bootleg of Les Miz Broadway Apr 22, 2003, in which he stars as Javert.

I have to say it's very out of my expectation. Is it just me or his portrayal of Javert is a little bit strange? Very different from other Javerts I've seen. He seldom stands still, but shakes his body or move back and forth. Perhaps too much hand gestures. Sometimes say something silently when not singing, and I cannot figure out what he's saying(Anyone knows? I'm very curious). His acting, his interactions with other characters are also very different. 

That said, I don't dislike his performance at all. It's always nice to see a different portrayal of a character. I'm just very curious did he perform the same way at the original Broadway production? Or did he try a new way to perform at the revival? Or he was sick or drunk on that day?

#2Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/15/17 at 6:05pm

I've always referred to that video as Drunk Terrence. No idea if he actually was or not, and I should certainly hope he wasn't, but I don't believe he always performed that way. I'd also be very interested to hear from someone that saw him live to compare that video (which I believe is at least partially on youtube) to how he normally was.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#3Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/15/17 at 6:21pm

I saw him during his return to the Broadway company shortly before the original production closed. I found it to be an odd performance and it seemed like he was playing Javert as a drunk. 

I never saw him back in the 80's so I have no idea if this is how he always played the role, but I found it be rather strange. 

AC126748 Profile Photo
#4Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/15/17 at 7:06pm

Having seen Mann in a number of shows over the years, I've come to the conclusion that he gets bored over the course of a long run and starts phoning it in. I saw him in PIPPIN about a month after it opened and he was sensational. I was sure he would win the Tony. I went back to the show after it had been open for 4 months and he was giving a completely different performance--flat, lifeless, and very forced. I've heard similar comments from others. 

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
Updated On: 7/15/17 at 07:06 PM

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#5Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/15/17 at 7:58pm

Here's a video of him performing 'Stars' at a concert in Indianapolis several years ago...

ItsJavert Profile Photo
#6Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/16/17 at 2:42am

AC126748 said: "Having seen Mann in a number of shows over the years, I've come to the conclusion that he gets bored over the course of a long run and starts phoning it in. I saw him in PIPPIN about a month after it opened and he was sensational. I was sure he would win the Tony. I went back to the show after it had been open for 4 months and he was giving a completely different performance--flat, lifeless, and very forced. I've heard similar comments from others. 



That's quite convincing. I always feel he is a man of personalities. 

ItsJavert Profile Photo
#7Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/16/17 at 2:44am

Jeffrey Karasarides said: "Here's a video of him performing 'Stars' at a concert in Indianapolis several years ago...



Thanks for the link!

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#8Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/16/17 at 3:31am

Similarly, when Jeff McCarthy left Urinetown and then came back later in the run, he allegedly completely changed his performance and even had a new hairstyle for the role. 


EDIT: Just watched Mann's rendition of "Stars" in the '03 Broadway revival. My diagnosis is he was bored out of his mind and trying something totally outside the box. The result was a very interesting, if completely bonkers experiment that hopefully didn't go on for too long. I mean Jesus, he even took a ridiculous amount of liberties with the music. Love his voice though.

Updated On: 7/16/17 at 03:31 AM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#9Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/16/17 at 4:50am

Has he ever commented on this video in an interview?

#10Terrence Mann as Inspector Javert
Posted: 7/16/17 at 10:24pm

I was fortunate to see the OBC of Les Miz and he was outstanding (as was the entire cast).  It was an incredible moment in theatre.

Personally, I would be very hesitant to judge any performer from a bootleg or any video. Even professionally produced videos lack the actual magic. I've seen performers on video that I saw live and there was no comparison. 
