and I'm def dragging all my friends to see it this summer! CANT WAIT
Ok, so after losing the In the Heights lotto my friend and I went and got the last two rush tickets for tonight's (Thursday) performance. Second row center orchestra!!!
I don't even know what to say except I love this show. It was my third time and I loved every minute of it. From those first few moments I was rocking out. And "Keys" was great tonight! I also loved how Stew came out saying he was talking with the band trying to figure out whether it was Thursday or Friday... priceless.
Anyways, my friend loved the show too (and it was his first Broadway show which was really cool). And Sara Ramirez was sitting a few rows in back of me and I saw Audra McDonald as we were walking out. Someone also said Harry Belafonte was in attendance.
I stage doored afterwards and every one was so nice. Even my friend was struck by how great they all were. Rebbecca actually remembered me from the last time I saw the show and Coleman came and gave me a kiss on the cheek after I told him it was my third time! Stew also recognized us cuz he said we looked like we were laughing and having a ball the whole time.
What an amazing night!
To celebrate, the PASSING STRANGE cast, crew and creative team will throw a listening party, which will be free and open to the public, at Saju Bistro (120 West 44th Street, directly across from the Belasco Theater) on Tuesday, May 27 at 9:30pm (directly following the 7:00pm performance of PASSING STRANGE).
For everyone going to the show Sunday AFTERNOON - it's the 100th show.
Happy 'unofficial" start of summer!
You guys also know that the 8 pm show is on TDF for ORCHESTRA seats! yay!
See ya guys this Sunday!
j*, I think for your money's sake you're better off rushing ORCH seats.
I'm still deciding on the afternoon or night show. Is anyone going to either one?
If I'm able to come on Sunday, I might consider going to the evening show.
Tuesday night listening party!
Posted On: 5/23/08 at 11:30 AM
To celebrate, the PASSING STRANGE cast, crew and creative team will throw a listening party, which will be free and open to the public, at Saju Bistro (120 West 44th Street, directly across from the Belasco Theater) on Tuesday, May 27 at 9:30pm (directly following the 7:00pm performance of PASSING STRANGE).
Just got the T-Shirts! Yay! They're nice...Black and White lettering.
I want my t-shirt!
Someone has probably posted this already. It's been a while since Stew and Heidi appeared on Theater Talk, and I felt like watching it again so I went to and found a link. I love watching these two. On the site it lists Stew as Stew Rodewald haha. Oh and I found out (Wikipedia) that Stew's birth name is Mark Stewart. Who knew
Stew & Heidi on Theater Talk
Stew's in WIKI? Who knew? VERYC, the T-shirts are here. See the other thread.
Yeah I know, Tiny. I just wanted to say that I want it! I'm gonna try to make it on Sunday. I'll let you know by tomorrow night.
Great WIKI link, CUIROUS. I found Stew's Blog for the first time....
Updated On: 5/24/08 at 02:27 AM
Anyone going to the 100th performance tomorrow?
Yes, I have decided to see the matinee tomorrow afternoon.
Hope you don't mind that I reposted your post on our PS LOVE THREAD, Yankee...
Posted On: 5/25/08 at 12:03 AM
God, what an incredible show.
And in all my years of attending theater, I've never seen the Belasco so packed. Glad to see it's finding an audience - the mix was very eclectic - young and old, black and white. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it.
My qualms are still there - the performance art sequence can benefit from cutting; Act I should end after "Everything's Alright," but those are just minor things.
Performances are still first rate - cast is fantastic. Karen Pittman did a good job as Mother this evening. Coleman Domingo and Rebecca Jones are still the two most underrated members of the troupe. Can't help but wonder how Stew manages to keep his voice intact.
I can see Stew winning Best Actor if they want to show a lot of love to IN THE HEIGHTS. But I do feel PASSING STRANGE is the superior product in every sense.
I agree with everything Yankeefan wrote, except maybe about Act 1. While "Amsterdam" and "Keys" pretty much showed what Amsterdam is all about, "We Just Had Sex" added to that..and how can we do without the "How you gonna leave? Right when it started to feel real" at the end of the Act?
The performance art part did go on a little too long for me. Sorry to say, guys.
Coleman Domingo was great when I saw the show two weeks ago.
True, True, we pretty much ALL think that, except in the grand scheme of things,who cares?
BTW, curious, I finally got to read Stew's entire blog - 5 yrs. worth, I think, from that great link you posted yesterday. I have to admit it gave me artistic thrills galore! The journey of this piece (PS) was truly awe inspiring. I LOVE Stew's confidence, NOT arrogance, as some have suggested) in his material and himself. And quite a travelogue.