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Waitress Stagedoor

#1Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 11:18am

I know Sara and Gavin go to sign but I havent seen them take any selfies with anyone. Are you allowed to ask them for selfies?

#2Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 12:14pm

I went last Thursday; Sara and Gavin came out to sign at the same time. Didn't seem like Sara does pictures, and to keep the line moving (and to be fair to everyone), Gavin wasn't doing pictures that night either. They're both very gracious though, signed for everyone and both made plenty of conversation as they went down the line!

haterobics Profile Photo
#3Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 12:41pm

Izzyx12 said: "I know Sara and Gavin go to sign but I havent seen them take any selfies with anyone. Are you allowed to ask them for selfies?"

Usually the security person will say what the people will or won't do as far as selfies, etc., so if they say no selfies, then don't ask. If they don't say, then fair game.

hmaybway Profile Photo
#4Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 12:57pm

Izzyx12 said: "I know Sara and Gavin go to sign but I havent seen them take any selfies with anyone. Are you allowed to ask them for selfies?"

Saw the evening show on 1/13 (the day of the awful audience member during She Used to Be Mine), Sara didn't come out. Gavin did and was super sweet with everyone, but like mentioned above, he said he wasn't taking pictures that night.

measure your life in love | make up your mind that you're strong enough | #youwillbefound

#5Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 1:42pm

I’m not sure being told a star wont be doing selfies stops people asking. When I saw Waitress with Katharine McPhee the security guy said she was in a rush that night so would be able to quickly sign but not take any selfies, but then she still took selfies with everyone who asked her. So maybe there’s no harm in asking lol! 

I’ve heard Sara rarely takes selfies (I guess more so she can sign for everyone without being outside too long). She didn’t stagedoor the night I went, but she does tend to let people know in advance on twitter/insta if she’s not able to, which is cool.


haterobics Profile Photo
#6Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 1:55pm

WestEndGal said: "I’mnot sure being told a star wont be doing selfies stops people asking.When I saw Waitress with Katharine McPhee the security guy said she was in a rush that night so would be able to quicklysign but nottake any selfies, but then she still took selfies with everyone who asked her. So maybe there’s no harm in asking lol!"

One imagines the security guard isn't making that up, but reflecting her actual wishes... but why let what she wants get in the way if she'll concede when confronted?!

#7Waitress Stagedoor
Posted: 1/22/19 at 4:25pm

haterobics said: "WestEndGal said: "I’mnot sure being told a star wont be doing selfies stops people asking.When I saw Waitress with Katharine McPhee the security guy said she was in a rush that night so would be able to quicklysign but nottake any selfies, but then she still took selfies with everyone who asked her. So maybe there’s no harm in asking lol!"

One imagines the security guard isn't making that up, but reflecting her actual wishes... but why let what she wantsget in the way if she'll concede when confronted?!

I don’t see the issue with people asking her, or chancing it! If she didn’t want to I’m sure she would have or could have said no. And the Waitress crowds are always pretty polite and nice from all the times I’ve been, and certainly not confrontational! The security dude clearly said it because she was in a rush to leave and so was tempering people’s expectations, but as it happened she seemed more than happy to take selfies. NBD


Updated On: 1/22/19 at 04:25 PM
