aww hahaha, thats funny-- i'm getting my mark scarf soon someone agreed to bump me in line for the scarf if I agreed to get her book signed on the 21st. I agreed, naturally :)
Understudy Joined: 12/19/05
Wow i just freaked out because I could not find the board. I searched and eventually found. But where one the list did it go?
Understudy Joined: 12/19/05
If we talk about anthony a lot, will we gte moved back?
Gainesville actually. I'm going to hear him give a speech at University of Florida.
Anyway, back to original reason for posting. I know it was about 15 posts ago (you guys move really fast), but I felt I need to address something:
I am always exaggerating things to try and get a laugh out of people. I like making my friends (online or no) smile. The bit I posted about freaking out and chasing Anthony around was one of those jokes. I'm sorry if I offended any one of you (especially if I offended Anthony himself) with the joke. Some of my friends thought it was funny and I hoped you all would too. Obviously, that was not the case and I'll be more careful about my antics here.
As for Anthony himself, he hero. And I have nothing but love and respect for him and his work. And I apologize to him more than anyone if anything I've done or said (typed) has been taken too seriously. Never take me too seriously.
So I'm sorry, Anthony.
Hey, Anthonys on now!
Grr, in hopes of convincing Barnes and Noble to host an Anthony book signing event (unlikely, I know, but I'm young and idealistic) I called Kelly, the communications manager at the Barnes and Noble in the Mall of America... stupid kelly, said she it was too late to contact Anthony's manager about a book signing because his tour was planned monthes ago. *sobs* now I have to go to Chicago, and thats like twelve hours away.
Oh sorry, that was a major subject change.
What are we saying about styrofoam now?
aww we moved!
ha ha anthony on a bus I would ride that bus till I saw anthony lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/14/05
Holy Off-Topic Board, Batman! But I must say, it makes sense. There were several times when we were still a part one that I thought we were going to be moved.
On another note, are there any RENT fans here who are doing something special to remember Jonanthan Larson today (EDIT: err . . . tomorrow)?
Updated On: 1/24/06 at 08:09 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
man, I started looking through several pages on the broadway board and kept thinking "surely, SOMEONE (if not a lot of people) has posted recently...
Thank God for the search feature...
It probably is a good thing that we're on off-topic now, because lately most of the posts have been more about grammar than Anthony or Broadway.
Yay... I'm getting David Searching from Netflix! I'm excited because I haven't seen it before.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Seeing David Searching is like the on thing I need to do before I die.
kinda off topic...I don't think I was refused for age. Trust me, I am VEEEEEEERY fermiliar with smut stories and NC-17 fics. I read them, I write them and I RP them. I just think they don't like me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
I have been ignoring the Anthony thread again.
*begs forgiveness with cute pictures*
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Wow, these are great, I wish the quality were better though!
EDIT: Hey, isn't that his brother, Adam?
Updated On: 1/26/06 at 07:25 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
This is a picture of Adam Rapp. I'm not positive that in the clip it is him. Anthony thanked him for being there and called him Adam and I assume since his brother has made an independant film that he might be at the Sundance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Well, I think they look alike. I have five siblings and we all look alike in different ways, you can just see it around the jaw and eyes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
i got a little alert in my email someone here was talking about adam rapp lol
here's a bigger picture of the pic in my avatar
that headshot that was posted is also pretty old
there's some cool pics of him in the "less is more" link in my sig
What's the name of this movie? And which Deschanel is in it, Zooey or the other one that's in the one show wtih David Boreanz?
Double post...
She was in Elf? I know her from Eulogy, which was hilarious.
Sorry, sorry, David BOREANAZ.
Winter Passing is opening in February, you say?
According to IMDB it came out last year.
Oh wait, the Winter Passing website says February 17th.
Further proof of how much we should just not trust IMDB.
Midterms are officially OVER! I'm so happy that I finally have time to spend on BWW!
Did I miss anything interesting?
Yay! My library actually has three of his books. Go Ramsey county libraries.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Yay for spreading the Rapp love. I've never read any of Adam's stuff, but it sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out.