Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
That sucks, Stater, sorry I'm scared of Ebay. I ordered a Popple (old 80s toy that probably no one knows of) off there for my gf last Christmas and got a cracked Chia Pet instead. When I complained to the seller, she acted like it was my fault. Craziness. Anyway, yeah, Ebay's kinda scary.
Agreed...I'm done with Ebay for awhile..BTW, I remember Popples! I am an 80's child:) I used to have a yellow one, I think...
I PM'ed Anthony a few days ago, maybe a week, i dont remember, cause I was really upset about the blog closing and that the movie was being taken out of my theaters. And I wrote to him about how greatful I was for this year. And how much i loved the movie. He never wrote back . I don't hate him for not writing back at all, but people always tell me that he writes back to them. i dont get why he doesnt write back to me.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
I have something I'd really like to ask him about, but I don't think I could ever actually PM him about it. I think I'd be shattered if he didn't respond, lol.
God, I sound like a girl. I'm not, by the way. I just...yeah. Ahem.
(Not that there's anything wrong with sounding like a girl. I love girls. Rock on.)
XM3L24X--maybe he just hasn't been on much this week? When he wrote back to me, it was when he was on ALOT, and posting almost everyday. You never know, maybe he'll still get back to you.
Just a thought--maybe try again in January when the holidays are over and things calm down. His inbox probably won't be as clogged:)
Unrelated note--I am so addicted to BWW tonight..this is what happens when you have your own apartment and your fiance lives an hour away!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear your question. So, yeah, I like Cherry Coke, it's really good. Sprite's okay, too, but sometimes you just need that caffeine boost, you know?
...yes, I'm avoiding your question
LOL, it's don't have to answer, i was just curious. I'm very nice if you ever want to share .
i'm addicted to bww tonight too, but my AIM isnt working so i have an excuse, hehe.
Updated On: 12/22/05 at 10:23 PM
Oh, c'mon. Tell.
Emcee pressure! heheheh.
yes, do tell...we are all very nice:)
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
I'll keep that in mind And I probably (DEFINITELY!) will want to share someday, just not quite now. And probably not quite so publicly, since it's something that I've never discussed with anyone besides the little green ladybug that lives in my thoughts.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
Dang, y'all post fast. It takes me five minutes to type out a sentence. Especially when I feel the need to spell stuff right. It takes me forever to do that!
i'm quite talented.... and extremely bored tonight, ugh stupid aim wont let me on
oh, something deep. You don't have to share.
You'll get quicker at typing, promise!:)
I've got my theory too, and I think you should PM Anthony..he is always very, very nice:)
Ok, I'll stop...this is so none of my business:) Sorry for the peer pressure, Taco!
*changes subject*
so yea...anthonys cool :)
btw--i think tacos are great too!
Updated On: 12/22/05 at 10:34 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
AIM is something I should look into. Maybe it'll help my typing skills. Or make them worse, lowering my confidence when it comes to even typing out an email.
I'm bored, too, if you can't tell by my babbling.
And I probably missed two pages worth of conversation by trying to remember how to spell 'confidence'
hahahhaa i like you :)
ahh i just pulled out a clump of hair..damn big knot.
well not really a clump..more like three pieces, but still.
Updated On: 12/22/05 at 10:35 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
(**had to edit**)
And I doubt I'll be PMing anyone about it anytime soon, but we'll see.
((Yeah, edited that first bit out...)