Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
MY computers name changes everyday.
I'm feeling creative today so it's name is Marcello. and i just wanna huggle it!
*huggles Marcello!*
Leading Actor Joined: 12/31/69
ohhh cool name very creative i wish i could think of one any ideas??
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I seriously don't know. I kinda sorta hate the guitar. Well, that's not true. I hate learning how to play the guitar because I suck. My fingers don't move to those positions normally, you stupid music note book!
I found some great pictures from the adam-pascal.com gallery. Thanks Emcee.
My computer doesn't have a name...but I lovingly call it Compy sometimes. Yeah, I copied Strong Bad's computer name...
I couldn't find the review thread that I was looking for, so I guess I'll post here: I picked up WITHOUT YOU at Strand Books tonight, started reading it while in line waiting to check out, can not wait to finish it. Rapp's got a great 'storytelling voice' with his writing style, if that makes any sense? Like he's sitting right next to me telling me all about Rent and his family and such- I m loving this book!
Yay for Anthony. I've only read a passage, but I preordered it on Amazon. I thought it wasn't out yet? Yes, I love the way he writes as well. Did you know much about him before you started reading it?
I couldn't find the review thread that I was looking for, so I guess I'll post here: I picked up WITHOUT YOU at Strand Books tonight, started reading it while in line waiting to check out, can not wait to finish it. Rapp's got a great 'storytelling voice' with his writing style, if that makes any sense? Like he's sitting right next to me telling me all about Rent and his family and such- I m loving this book!
It's not out yet, how did you pick it up in a store?
And, where is this store?
"Marcus! That's...intresting. Maybe my speakers can be named Marcus and...Rudolph. Because I've grown attatched to the name Gary."
No one's a Taboo fan? Or a Cary Shields fan at least?
hold on. How did you get the book? Where did you get it? It doesnt come out for 18 more days....
It's not out yet, how did you pick it up in a store?
And, where is this store?
Strand Books is on Broadway, south of Union Square- I think it's Broadway and 12th? (I never remember what the cross street is). They sell review copies of books, too, (besides selling new/used books), which was what I was trying to get a copy of when I put my name down on the request form a few weeks back. But the one that I got tonight looks like the 'real' book (it doesn't say 'advance reader copy' across the front of it or anything, it's hardback not paperback, etc.).
Strand Books is pretty much my second home, I highly recommend it. :)
Did you know much about him before you started reading it?
I knew of him, but not too much about him, if that makes any sense? Besides knowing some Rent stuff, Adventures in Babysitting is pretty much the best. movie. evah!
I am enjoying his personal life info, but I am loving the Rent info too, the workshop stuff and such- I don't own the Rent bible, so I don't know how much of this is 'known' info or not, but it's new to me.
Updated On: 1/19/06 at 10:58 PM
that is awesome! I wish I lived near there
Rob just PM'ed me and told me that this thread is past the size limit that the server can handle. He asked that I start part two.
For the sake of keeping people content and not having any change-induced freakouts, we're going to keep the title and keep it on the Main Board.
I'm going to start the second thread right now; post there from now on, as Rob is going to lock this thread within the next couple of minutes, and you will no longer be able to post on it.