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Member Name: DTC
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re: WAITING FOR GODOT 2009 Revival (to star Bill Irwin?)
 Jul 11 2008, 03:45:12 PM
According to the casting notice on Equity's website, the role of Vladimir is already cast; I'm assuming that's Bill. I too am looking forward to this one!
 Mar 17 2006, 09:41:45 AM

From the show's description:

"Her mother's dead, and look who shows up! Never has the race to the inheritance been this wacky, nor this hilarious! From director Dan Conrad and playrwright Leon Kaye, here comes a must-see comedy-farce for anyone who has a crazy family, or even thought of killing them."

WHERE THERE'S NO WILL stars Paul White, Kathryn Fucci, Florenciani and Greg Vorob. With Eileen Karlson, Michael Jabin, Roland Uruci and David Thomas Crowe.

WHERE THERE'S NO WILL Opens March 22, 2006 at the MEDICINE SHOW THEATRE, 549 West 52nd Street.

Limited tickets are available online at

or by calling TheaterMania at 212-352-3151.

 Mar 16 2006, 11:42:50 AM

Hi, this is David Thomas Crowe. Catch me in "Where There's No Will" which opens at Medicine Show Theatre this Wednesday, March 22nd. It's a comedy farce in the tradition of "Noises Off" and "Arsenic & Old Lace". You can read more about the show, and obtain tickets by clicking here:

Thanks for your support!

re: Off Off Broadway
 Aug 29 2005, 12:41:11 PM

Near as I understand it, Off-Broadway Equity contracts are for anything that isn't Broadway (duh!) in a NYC theater that seats more than 100. So, anything playing at a theater seating less than 100 is generally Off-Off-Broadway. Although it's not always that simple -- Fringe shows are considered O-O-B, even though some of the theaters they perform in are normally O-B houses.

Doubtless there are other posters on this site who can correct me or add more detail.

Today's the day
 Aug 22 2005, 05:21:01 PM
Wanted to see the show Saturday (which was the only performance available to me on my work schedule), but missed it

Congratulations on your Fringe debut, and please let us all know when your NEXT project opens!

Today's the day
 Aug 16 2005, 02:08:58 PM
Hi there! I've been following this thread without contributing ("lurking", I believe it's called), but thought you'd like to know that had posted a review of your show. Their goal every year (at least since last year) is to review every damn show in the Fringe, and you've made the list today:

And, by the way, I think bwaysinger got a favorable mention for his song (sorry, I don't know your real-life name). Congrats!

 Aug 12 2005, 05:01:23 PM
A resounding YES for David Sabella -- I never really considered myself a singer until I started working with him. True, he is sometimes on standby for "Chicago", but only occasionally.

Now that the summer is coming to a close, his schedule is filling up quickly, so try to get an appointment with him as soon as you can arrange it!

re: good non-dashing leading man type roles
 Jul 29 2005, 11:16:51 AM
"1776" -- an entire cast of men where good looks matter not a whit! Adams should be short-ish, Jefferson should be tall-ish, Franklin should be... well, Franklin-ish. But otherwise, a show in which physical appearance counts for much less than talent.
re: Photo Coverage: John Lithgow Unveiled on Broadway Wall of Fame
 Jun 29 2005, 03:57:54 PM
He *did* do the voice of Lord Farquad in the film. And the planets in the background, a reference to "Third Rock"?
re: Jeff Wayne's musical version of 'The War Of The Worlds'
 Jun 27 2005, 02:14:12 PM
What Cyndy said! "Forever Autumn" is one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs ever recorded. I heard it occasionally on radio in the late 70s (as sung by Justin Hayworth of the Moody Blues). Always brought a tear to my eye.

Haven't thought about that song in a long time; thanks for the reminder!

re: Post your horrible broadway puns
 Jun 20 2005, 08:39:47 PM
How about that new Broadway show, co-produced by Miller and Domino's:

"The Lite and the Pizza"

[ducking away quickly to avoid rotten produce being flung in my direction...]

re: Chorus Line Revival Casting Call
 Jun 14 2005, 05:17:34 PM

Break Legs!

re: Gay presence at the Tonys
 Jun 6 2005, 02:20:13 PM
"I want to thank [...] my partner, Eric Shure, who gives me unconditional love. Harvey and Jerry you have written a story about unconditional love and our country needs to hear it today more than ever. Thank for that. Thank you for this. Thank you, I love Broadway!"

Considering the message of the show that Jerry Mitchell won his Tony for, I believe he can be forgiven for being "political" in his acceptance speech.

re: Philadelphia: 1776 Sing along?
 May 31 2005, 11:30:03 AM
Well, it's not exactly a revival, but... we're doing a production of "1776" at the historic Fraunces Tavern in downtown NYC, opening this Friday: four performances (June 3, 4, 10, 11) with a possible extension. Ordinarly, I'd tell everyone to come see it, but since it's a dinner & show package for $75, I don't think many folks will be able to attend

But if the ticket price isn't too steep for you, you can get more details at

re: job listings
 Apr 21 2005, 11:08:12 AM
Actors Access (which is affiliated with Breakdown Services):

Sign up, post your picture, enter all your resume and contact info and you're good to go. They have casting updates throughout the day, and you can also sign up for email notification if something right for you comes in. Most of their notices are LA-based, but there's a lot of NY stuff too.

The only "catch" is, if you submit yourself for something electronically through them, you get charged $

re: Non-Equity at EPAs?
 Apr 15 2005, 11:46:26 AM
I too am a "future Equity" who sometimes crashes EPAs. I've found that it's like real estate -- location, location, location:

EVERY audition I've attended at Equity HQ, we never got seen at all. Ever. After waiting an hour or two past the call time, they make an announcment to that effect and collect pix/resumes. Granted, these shows I went for were very popular (like I suspect "Lestat" will be), so it could just be sheer numbers of people showing up that does it.

At places lik

re: How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??
 Apr 1 2005, 03:17:12 PM
If the female in question is an adult, "Sing" from "A Chorus Line" would be a perfect fit. If she's too young, then maybe just the first verse
re: Papering Services - Do you belong to one?
 Mar 31 2005, 02:19:46 PM
I'm signed up with Audience Extras. They're mostly all about off- and off-off-, with an occasional B'way ticket thrown in. You check their website FREQUENTLY for shows you might be interested in -- the selections change quickly throughout the day. And if (for instance) something really popular comes in at noon, it might be all snatched up by 12:30. Overall though, for $2 a ticket, it's a good deal if you want to catch non-Broadway shows, cabaret, stand-up and the occasional lecture.
re: Upcoming Musicals - Wedding Singer
 Mar 30 2005, 03:03:11 PM
There's an audition notice today in both and Equity's Casting Call:

"1st Rehearsal: Approximately Mid-December 2005. 1st Performance: Approximately Mid January 2006 out of town, Spring 2006 on Broadway."

Looks like they're looking for one female role, the rest understudies.

re: Something's Afoot
 Mar 23 2005, 03:44:02 PM
I remember seeing a college production where the poor guy singing "I've Got A Dinky Little Dinghy" didn't realize that his fly was down and part of his shirttail hanging out of it... we thought it was an intentional character choice at first...
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