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Profile for Rachel2789

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Member Name: Rachel2789
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re: So, who is going to Daniel Reichard's concert at the Met Room on 12/17?
 Nov 30 2007, 04:36:25 PM
I would SO be there if I didn't have finals all that week. Hopefully he'll schedule a few more concerts during his time off between January and April. They're always so much fun. :)
re: DANIEL REICHARD..Joe's Pub..Sept.8th
 Aug 24 2007, 02:09:46 PM
Just wanted to add that this show only has a $15 cover! Not that $25 for the last one was outrageous by any means...but $15 is amazing for the shows Daniel puts on! Definetely check it out if you can!!

Wish I could go again, but I'm in the same boat as Up In Lost, unfortunately...classes start that day. :o(

re: DANIEL REICHARD in SUMMER MIX TAPE at Joe's Pub 8/12---2 Shows
 Aug 14 2007, 03:00:30 PM
Huh, I know I posted here last night but it looks like it disappeared...

Anyway, I was at the 9:30 show, and just to reiterate what's already been said, it was amazing! My favorite part was probably Daniel singing "Just A Friend", which was hilarious. He's just so charismatic and full of energy, the audience loved it, and it was just a wonderful night. I asked him afterwards if he has any more shows planned and he said that they were working on two for the fall.

fishergirl--yep, that was me! And it was the same thing here...I saw someone who looked very familiar, but couldn't figure out where I knew her from. It was really frustrating, haha. I even considered saying hello but felt embarassed since I couldn't think of a name, and it would've just been awkward, ha. I'm sure when you tell me your name I'll remember and feel dumb though. :-p

re: DANIEL REICHARD in SUMMER MIX TAPE at Joe's Pub 8/12---2 Shows
 Aug 8 2007, 02:14:33 PM

Only a few more days till the concerts! Which fellow BWWers will be there Sunday? It's going to be awesome.

DANIEL REICHARD in SUMMER MIX TAPE at Joe's Pub 8/12---2 Shows
 Jul 26 2007, 01:13:29 PM
Daniel Reichard will now be performing TWO shows at Joe's Pub on Sunday, August 12 at 7:30 PM and 9:30 PM. The 7:30 show was just added this week due to popular demand.

The concert, "SUMMER MIX TAPE", "is a mini-tribute to the making of mix tapes which truly climaxed in America in the late 1980s. The songs are classic rock. The stories are nostalgic, humiliating reminiscences of a childhood spent being the 8th of 9 children. Accompanied by a fabulous rock band, Daniel will sing some cla

re: Jersey Boys SRO?
 Jul 20 2007, 01:57:43 PM

I'll be trying for SRO this weekend...anyone tried for it in the past couple of weeks? Any info would be great, thanks. :o)

 Jul 13 2007, 01:09:58 PM
Me too, claudia? I'd appreciate it.
re: Congratulations Altar Boyz!
 Jul 12 2007, 03:59:50 PM
Wow, I can't believe they're at 1000 already. I remember seeing it for the first time right after they opened in April '05. I'm so happy they've had so much success, it such a wonderful show! And it's also cool that Gary Adler will be conducting the performance.
re: Your favorite Musical with under 6 people???
 Jul 11 2007, 06:24:45 PM
Altar Boyz, The Last Five Years, Tick, Tick...Boom!, [title of show] are a few favorites.
re: I just got the soundtrack to HAIRSPRAY from ITUNES!
 Jul 11 2007, 06:22:15 PM
I agree about Zac...I was so skeptical about him at first, but he actually sounds pretty good. So excited for the movie!
re: Jersey Boys SRO?
 Jul 9 2007, 01:04:37 AM
Thanks for the info, obsessed. Did you happen to notice what time the last people to get tickets got in line?

re: Jersey Boys SRO?
 Jul 8 2007, 12:38:01 PM

Yep, 12 pm for the Saturday matinee. Anyone else tried recently?

re: Broadway star sightings!
 Jul 5 2007, 02:22:21 AM
A couple of years ago when The Pillowman was still open, I saw Jeff Goldblum walking toward the theater, smiling, with an umbrella...on a perfectly sunny day.

At first I thought it was a little odd, but then remembered that it was Jeff Goldblum, haha. Such a nice guy though, even if he is a little out there.

re: Favorite off-broadway musicals?
 Jul 3 2007, 01:47:56 PM
Altar Boyz is fantastic. Haven't seen it since the original cast was still there, but its such a fun show.
re: Spring Awakening SRO
 Jul 2 2007, 11:43:23 PM
I went the Saturday right after the Tonys, got there at 11:55, and picked up the last SRO tickets. I was with one other person and we were able to get the last 5 spots that they had, so I guess there's not a limit on the amount that you can get.

Also, I'm 5'2" and didn't have an issue seeing...but then again, I was at the very end of the row so I had some room to shift. It was amazing though.

re: Jersey Boys SRO?
 Jun 30 2007, 01:01:00 PM
So are you saying only 4 people total showed up before the tickets went on sale? Wow, I thought it'd be more for an evening show during the summer. Thanks for the update, and glad you liked the show!

Jersey Boys SRO?
 Jun 25 2007, 02:50:57 PM
Just wondering if people have been lining up earlier for the SRO spots since the suspension of student rush. I know that some people just don't want to stand, and it'd be harder for the scalpers to make as much money off of these spots, but I can imagine there'd be at least a slight change.

I know this isn't applicable just yet, especially since there isn't even a performance today, but as the days/weeks etc. go on, it'd be great if people that go could keep us updated. I'll be in the c

John Lloyd Young Love Thread
 Jun 21 2007, 09:35:14 PM
Thanks everyone! It really was an amazing trip. :) The SA cast is incredibly sweet, especially Johnny Gallagher (my favorite), and the Boys were as amazing as usual. After we came home this week and I told my dad about the trip, he said that the two of us can maybe go into the city for the day next month when he has his vacation from work, so hopefully that'll work out. He's been wanting to see Jersey Boys for a while now, so it'd be great if we could get the SRO tickets. It really is a shame that they're stopping student rush after this week though.
re: Rate the Rushes!
 Jun 19 2007, 01:57:19 AM
Visited the city this weekend. We arrived on Saturday at around 11:30 and I decided I'd take a chance and check to see if Spring Awakening had any SRO tickets left. My hopes were incredibly small, but we ended up getting the last 5 standing room tickets for the matinee (and the only 5 tickets they had left for the day in general). So yeah, that was around 11:50ish or so. Hope this helps!

Oh, and just thought I'd mention that I rushed Jersey Boys on there at 6 am to be

re: recent jersey boys rush...
 Jun 13 2007, 11:24:15 PM
Anyone rushed/planning on rushing this week? Let us know how it goes. :)
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