re: RENT Rocks Buffalo - Tour Review 1/13 Jan 15
2009, 11:41:04 PM
Sorry, AudrasBoi. You're weren't harping. And I didn't mean to imply that you were...I was just anticipating others doing so. You're right...they should keep it together up there. I will admit I do find some of the flubs funny...but at the same time always feel bad for others who paid a lot to see the show or maybe haven't seen it before and are, therefore, missing part of the experience (and maybe part of the show!) b/c of the flub. But...they're human and that's life. Ya know
re: RENT Rocks Buffalo - Tour Review 1/13 Jan 15
2009, 01:49:52 PM
I don't know Lexi and have yet to see her as Mimi but as far as "her level of un professionalism"...just remember that she's human. Not making excuses for her or trying to defend her...but I'm sure we've all done things at work that we shouldn't have or that wouldn't be considered professional. We're human, it happens. Would it have been nice if she had been able to get it together? Sure. But hopefully it doesn't happen again and it was just one of those moments. Not really worth harping o
re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up? Jan 15
2009, 01:42:41 PM
I had always heard that if it's a driveable distance then the cast gets bussed. If not they fly. Not sure about the Blonde tour specifically...but thats what I've been told of other tours.
re: Guys and Dolls or West Side Story RUSH/LOTTERY?? Jan 15
2009, 01:36:35 PM
Last I heard WSS is planning to have a lotto. It sounded like G&D was undecided.
re: Gavin Creel at The Zipper Factory with Shayna Steele Thurs. Nov 6th at Nov 5
2008, 07:28:17 AM
I'm sure some of it will end up on youtube. :)
re: Gavin Creel at The Zipper Factory with Shayna Steele Thurs. Nov 6th at Nov 4
2008, 08:56:11 PM
I love the card...gorgeous really is a great word for it. Shayna said Monday that the show was nearly sold out. Hurry hurry...go buy tickets. You won't regret it!
re: Gavin Creel at The Zipper Factory with Shayna Steele Thurs. Nov 6th at Nov 4
2008, 09:20:29 AM
I'll be there. Very excited for it. I confess when I decided to go I had no idea who Gavin Creel was. I just love Shayna. Have since done some research and am excited to see him perform. you have a picture of the other side of that promo card? Or did you get it off his website? I love how on one said it says "Shayna Steele, also featuring Gavin Creel" and it says the opposite on the reverse side. Great way to share the spotlight.
re: final rent performance lottery Sep 1
2008, 02:49:25 PM
As of this moment no one seems to know for sure what lotto is going to be like on the 7th. The lotto crew says everything is subject to change. As far as standing room goes, probably will be lottoed off. Lining up at the crack of dawn makes no sense. And the timing of lotto is still unknown. If it's going to be before normal lotto time (as more than two hours before curtain) there will be some form of formal announcemnt. Right now they're still kicking ideas around. At least that'
re: Nikki Snelson no longer attached to The CW's VALENTINE Jul 24
2008, 02:36:20 PM
"When there's a feasible solution that doesn't harm either party. There was no such solution here. As often as it works out, it doesn't work out." That's true...I'm sure as often as it does work, it doesn't. But it doesn't seem like there was any effort made to make it work. It sounds like Nikki was willing to do whatever to make it work. Extend her "contract", continue working while filming (which, I'll admit, sounds dicey), etc. I'm not saying I can't see it from the pro
re: Nikki Snelson no longer attached to The CW's VALENTINE Jul 24
2008, 02:20:41 PM
Anyone who knows Nikki, even in passing, knows that she tells it like it is and is not one to lie. If she says the contract isn't signed then my bet is that it's not. As for the whole thing with the to any actor. They are always auditioning for new roles regardless of whether or not they're currently working on a show. Even when there is no "out" in their contract they find a way to make it work. I'm not in the business and even I know that, I see it happen all the time.
re: legally blonde stage door May 1
2008, 10:39:18 PM
Most of them do not appreciate being stopped on their way in unless it has been prearranged (as in if you are in touch with them some other way and they say "oh, meet me before the show"). If they're going out an alternate exit (of which there are at least two that I know of) it's because they do not want to stop for autographs. Trying to wait for them at one of those other doors (again, unless it's prearranged) just isn't nice or fair. Remember that stagedooring isn't a requirement
re: ENCHANTED - references to classic disney animated musicals Nov 26
2007, 09:26:11 AM
I didn't see this one listed so maybe it's just me but toward the end of "Happy Working Song" when Giselle rescues the three bugs (cockroaches?) from inside the vacume cleaner they sit on her finger and then fly off...reminded me of the robin sitting on Mary Popins's finger in "Whistle While You Work".
let's hope it does! Nov 24
2007, 10:51:23 AM
*fingers crossed*
re: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Nov 22
2007, 11:18:30 AM
Damn...I somehow missed it. Must have left the room a minute too long at some point.
re: Celebrity Bartending Night Nov 20
2007, 11:10:33 PM
Did anyone go? Rodney Hicks (Rent) was one of the "celebrity bartenders". He said that they wouldn't actually be tending bar but standing beside the actual bartenders...I'm kind of wondering how it turned out. It sounded like it was going to be an interesting night.
re: Talks Resume, but Strike Continues NY Times Sunday newspaper Nov 18
2007, 11:01:44 PM
"NJRae, are you sure? That's not what I heard from people...but I'm not in New York, so perhaps you have a better source. That's nice that they gave them the break, but I was under the impression they no longer had to isign in at all." Well...unless the actor I spoke to was sorely mistaken I'm sure. If he's wrong he's going to be the only one there tomorrow.
re: Talks Resume, but Strike Continues NY Times Sunday newspaper Nov 18
2007, 10:34:01 PM
"Actors no longer have to sign in at half hour, which is good, but also presents a slightly defeated air to they are settling in for a long haul?" They were officially off last night and all day today. Tomorrow they go back to signing in at the half hour (at least those who have--or would have--Monday shows). I think they were just trying to give the actors a break.
re: Broadway performers that (currently) reside in New Jersey... Apr 2
2007, 12:50:27 PM
Antonique was the only one I knew of . . . and yes, she does live in Jersey with her family and commutes to the city every day. I agree with Motor Tink . . . gonna have to pay closer attention to those who live around me!
re: Who will be the next Mimi? Mar 31
2007, 07:08:04 AM
Really? No one else has ever really scared me on the stairs . . . although Jaime did make me a little nervous on the bars. But when Karmine is a few stairs down from the top and flings her whole body in the air with both feet off of the ground . . . yeah, scares the crap out of me every time.
re: Who will be the next Mimi? Mar 30
2007, 10:05:35 PM
I've seen her a few times. She is always awesome. Scares the crap out of me up on those stairs every single time.