Gavin Creel 'Quiet' EP NOW on iTunes US! Jun 22
2010, 08:39:08 PM
I can think of a very good reason why "Holding" is not included, though I do love the song. "Holding" is a bit angry, and the vibe of the EP is dreamy and wistful. It doesn't really fit with everything else. "Lonesome" is my favorite Gavin song ever, so I'm thrilled that it's on there, and I'm in love with "Small Words," which I'd never heard before. I can't wait to force everyone I know to listen to it. :)
ALNM rush as of late? May 8
2010, 01:07:20 PM
I rushed on Wednesday. Got there at about 2:45 in the afternoon, and got SR11. I think you should be fine.
Gavin looooooove Jan 9
2010, 06:42:28 PM
I sent him the 6 songs I want for the EP: Anything at All / Hallelujah Holding Lonesome Fine Hot Ohio Love Fell Down Six of my favorite songs right now. :)
re: Seating for Hair Dec 22
2009, 04:47:27 PM
I had rear mezzanine tickets last Wednesday night and got to move up to the front of the mezzanine right before the show started because it wasn't full at all. I thought the same thing about audience interaction in the mezzanine, but I actually got more interaction there than I ever got sitting in the orchestra. Just move to an aisle seat, and you'll be fine.
re: Love's Labours Lost Dec 12
2009, 12:55:00 AM
I go to Pace, as well. I was at the opening night performance on Thursday and LOVED it. It's absolutely hysterical, and the end is breathtaking. Please, please go if you can! Judas, I was at that reception in the multi-purpose room, and it was SO cool. That whole night single-handedly made the 2 and a half years I've spent at this school so far worth it. :)
re: After Miss Julie Sep 20
2009, 01:56:53 AM
I saw the matinee today (well, now yesterday) and I very much enjoyed it. I agree with's wasn't life changing, but I still had a great afternoon at the theatre. I've always thought that Sienna Miller is an extremely underrated actress (watch Interview--she's wonderful opposite Steve Buscemi), and I'm glad that she might actually get the credit she deserves for a very strong Broadway debut. I absolutely loved her performance.
re: refusing to cuss in a show Aug 12
2009, 03:33:03 AM
In high school, I was in a production of Oklahoma, and during tech week, our professional pianist told our director that he would get up and walk out of the performance if the actors said any of the curse words written in the script. So, because we could find anyone else on such short notice, "damned" turned into "durned" and we went on with the show. It was ridiculous.
Creel v. Jackson, Esparza v. Broderick May 2
2009, 01:30:02 PM
Raul Esparza - 37 Matthew Broderick - 2 Gavin Creel - 21 Cheyenne Jackson - 20
re: New Interview with Kelli O'Hara Aug 1
2008, 09:58:52 PM
This is such a wonderful interview. Thank you!
re: Rufus Sewell Arrives at Tony Season... Jun 7
2008, 05:24:27 AM
I would assume Sewell means in his category, but the writer of the article should have been clearer.
re: Natalie Weiss Feb 13
2008, 02:24:47 AM
There is also a recording of her singing Not Enough from the demo of Street Lights on their myspace page. She sang it live at Broadway for Barack Monday night and sounded incredible as always.
re: Andrew Keenan-Bolger May 2
2007, 09:51:55 PM
I am obsessed with these UMich videos. Especially the "Sister Act 2 in 15 minutes" one. Hysterical.
re: Mary Poppins U/S this Weekend Jan 27
2007, 05:40:07 PM
Yup, she's Julie, and her "If I Loved You" is gorgeous. She's sick, like almost everyone else in the cast, but she still sounds incredible.
re: Mary Poppins U/S this Weekend Jan 27
2007, 05:32:08 PM
Haha, you liar! Soapy's coming to see the show tonight, so he can be the one to tell everyone about it, cause I'm definitely biased.
re: Mary Poppins U/S this Weekend Jan 27
2007, 05:25:56 PM
Thanks! We opened last night, and it went wonderfully. And I realize that you weren't worried, I was just saying that for people who might be. :)
re: Mary Poppins U/S this Weekend Jan 27
2007, 05:04:05 PM
Rebecca is out because she has been doing a concert verison of Carousel that I am in. She is just the sweetest, most wonderful woman to work with, and she says that Kristin Carbone is fabulous, so no worries for anyone not getting to see Rebecca.
re: My Spring Awakening Review *Spoilers* Nov 30
2006, 12:29:01 PM
I couldn't disagree more. I thought Jon Wright was one of the best parts, if not THE highlight of the show for me. His comic timing was dead on and he had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand. I mean, he could just look at the audience and we would die laughing. And I thought his voice was fine. I highly doubt just anyone could do that role and be as funny as he was. And I also totally disagree that dead pan, dry humor is easy. I think that unless you have tremendous timing
re: Kelli O'Hara to Play Recurring Role on 'All My Children' Nov 27
2006, 05:53:53 PM
Jeffrey Carlson and Kelli O'Hara on the same show? Now I will DEFINITELY have to watch All My Children, even if Kelli's only going to be on for 3 episodes.
re: Spring Awakening...just got home...NOW, A REVIEW Nov 17
2006, 09:56:34 AM
Thanks for the review! I'm so excited to be seeing this next week!
re: O'Hara is Dot Nov 8
2006, 03:23:12 PM
Oh my God!! Too bad I will never be able to see it. Here's to hoping she's cast in the Broadway transfer, because there is no doubt in my mind that she will be absolutely brilliant.