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Member Name: pdjennings
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Majestic Theatre Renovation!
 Jan 3 2025, 12:54:11 AM

Question for anyone who’s been to Gypsy so far. I’m guessing not based on the details provided above — but have the actual seats been upgraded? (As in, are they still TypicalBroadwaySeats™️ for extremely tiny people … or did they think about actual-sized humans?)


GYPSY Previews - most important question
 Nov 26 2024, 12:34:25 AM

Can anyone who’s been let me know what the actual first row of the center orchestra is? It’s showing as B on Telecharge, but there are never seats showing up there for any performance. I’m wondering if C is the actual front row due to the built out proscenium. Thanks!

Nick Jonas and Adrienne Warren to star in THE LAST FIVE YEARS Broadway Revival
 Jul 22 2024, 11:10:49 AM

Jordan Catalano said: "$100 for last row of the balcony and the front half of the orchestra is $350 - $450. Insane."

If you can even find any front orchestra. There seems to be almost nothing for the entire run. Do they not release everything during a presale?

Would love to see a Sound of Music Revival
 Jul 14 2024, 06:41:34 PM

Don’t know much about it beyond this Kennedy Center announcement, but there’s a new tour starting next year being directed by Jack O’Brien.

BIG RIVER Film Adaptation
 Jan 16 2024, 02:13:19 PM

Hopefully they'll cast an actual child in the child role.

COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
 May 22 2023, 05:56:16 PM

It always amazes me the lengths that trailers for musicals will go to in order to hide the fact that it’s a musical. You saw ONE fragment of singing. That said, looks wonderful — cannot wait!!! 

Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway - Reviews & News Thread
 Mar 26 2023, 12:44:41 AM

I was in the 3rd row of the orchestra, so I can’t speak to any audio issues that might be evident elsewhere — as it sounded absolutely pristine to me. Definitely no microphone issues I could hear. Every single thing about this revival was a complete home run for me. I seriously cannot agree with any of the recurring criticisms in the preceding pages. And it certainly didn’t sound like the audience shared those criticisms either, as this was probably the most roaringly enthus

SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
 Mar 25 2023, 03:47:47 PM

Once again - I continue to utterly baffled by this message board and the awful responses about (well, almost everything) this show. It’s intermission now (Sat 2pm performance) and THIS SHOW IS F**KING ASTOUNDINGLY PERFECT. I am in complete awe. 

Lunt-Fontanne Seating Advice
 Feb 15 2023, 10:31:23 AM

Does anyone know if Orch row A & B are actually going to be used for Sweeney Todd? I only ask because I've looked through multiple dates (even when first went on sale) -- and C is the first that EVER had any seats for sale.  Could A&B be removed for a possible larger orchestra pit -- or perhaps they're just being held for lottery or something?

Guys and Dolls - Kennedy Center
 Oct 12 2022, 07:58:15 PM

Here tonight! Dunno what the use will be, if anything, but there’s a multi-camera crew here set up to film. 

Anything new on the rumored Groban-lead Sweeney?
 Sep 6 2022, 10:47:04 AM

Orch A & B are oddly placed on the TM seat map — do we think that there going to be removed for the pit… & perhaps C is going to wind up being the front row? 

Ok - A & B look normal now on the map. I guess they’re going to be there. I was excited that I might have unknowingly scored first row. 

Music Man recording?
 May 17 2022, 01:21:14 PM

They B-Roll the entire show, with fully composed, multi-angle shots of seemingly every scene? Hmmm.

Music Man recording?
 May 17 2022, 12:05:03 PM

Is it me -- or does all the footage (seen in the new trailer and the recent "In The Wings" episode) certainly make it seems that they pro-shot the entire show?  Something tells me this might wind up on Disney+ or something at some point in the future.

FUNNY GIRL on Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Apr 3 2022, 11:00:46 AM

I have to say that I completely don’t understand ANY of the negativity about Beanie. We saw this yesterday and thought she was amazing. Absolutely perfect comic timing and her voice seemed wonderful to us. The 2pm audience certainly seemed to adore her — they were applauding and cheering like crazy after her every solo. 

WEST SIDE STORY reviews: opens Feb 20 2020
 Mar 7 2020, 09:06:15 AM
Finally saw this last night. Count me among those who found it excellent. I didn’t find the video distracting in the slightest. I loved it.

Yes, a handful of protesters were still there. I don’t know if this been anyone else’s experience, but I actually found them rather rude and aggressive. We had to walk right by them to get into the entrance line, and whenever someone refused to take the flyers they offered, it seemed like they kinda started low-key taunting folks. They were behind

Isaac Powell-West Side Story
 Mar 4 2020, 11:57:45 AM

Couldn't he just be, you know, sick?

Rachel Bay Jones to Lead NEXT TO NORMAL at the Kennedy Center
 Jan 31 2020, 02:06:26 PM

Rachel Bay Jones to Lead NEXT TO NORMAL at the Kennedy Center
 Jan 29 2020, 11:44:27 PM
This is part of that “semi-staged/concerty” series — but other than having the band visible on stage and a sparse scaffolding set, it's basically fully staged. No notebooks, etc.
The second half was astounding. You’re in for a tear-drenched treat!

Rachel Bay Jones to Lead NEXT TO NORMAL at the Kennedy Center
 Jan 29 2020, 09:14:32 PM
At intermission of the first performance. This cast is FANTASTIC. This could totally transfer, as-is, for an outstanding revival.

Hugh Jackman in The Music Man
 Jan 9 2020, 12:01:53 PM

Hi all -

I hadn't checked tix for this until now -- but I'm looking at Oct/Nov/Dec.  Am I seeing right that there are no "Premium" tickets for this?  I don't even see that as an option -- and there are zero blue seats showing up.  The only orchestra seats I see are random singles and some back corner blocks later on.  Is this THAT sold out, or are things not fully "released" yet?

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