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Budget for a National Tour
 Dec 7 2017, 10:54:01 PM

Anyone have access to a budget for a national tour that they can send me? Play or musical is fine. Strictly for educational purposes. Won't be shared. Thank you!!!

Phillipa Soo to Lead AMELIE on Broadway
 Nov 17 2016, 05:17:41 PM

I saw this in early stages at Berkeley Rep. I think they still have a lot of overall story/structural work to do before it's ready for Broadway. Hopefully, a lot of it gets worked out in L.A.

Movies turned into musicals. What's next?
 Oct 21 2011, 12:59:50 AM
Um who on earth would have thought "The Color Purple" would be a good musical? And, unfortunately re: "Schindler's List: The Musical" I happen to know of a project currently looking for financing that's unfortunately not that far off....
Sample Broadway Budget?
 Oct 21 2011, 12:45:35 AM
Tha's an incredible link. Thank you!
Sample Broadway Budget?
 Oct 20 2011, 05:42:08 PM
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean an actual budget, as in the physical pages of the document someone drew up with line items and pre-production costs laid out.


Sample Broadway Budget?
 Oct 20 2011, 04:34:37 PM
Anyone have an example of a Broadway budget they'd be willing to share? Its strictly for educational purposes.


Book of Mormon Set to Recoup by October
 Aug 24 2011, 09:02:25 PM
The article mentioned that they didn't calculate royalties when looking at weekly running costs. Does that mean its possible to pay royalties out of your weekly PROFIT vs. GROSS? Also, do royalties have to be calculated weekly?

Sorry, questions I've always had. All the GMs out there, feel free to fill me in!

Musical Formatting
 Mar 26 2011, 07:27:52 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm trying to help out some screenwriters who are interested in writing a stage musical--they'd like to have some sort of template for what formatting for a modern book musical looks like. Does anyone have a template or actual musical script/parts of a script that they'd feel comfortable sharing with me so I could give it to them to look at for formatting?

Thank you!

re: Top 10 Broadway Producers/Prod. Companies
 Nov 2 2009, 08:53:49 PM
Information is only for my own personal knowledge. As far as criteria--I'd say some kind of mix between biggest budget, most prolific, and best known.

Top 10 Broadway Producers/Prod. Companies
 Nov 2 2009, 07:40:42 PM
I have failed to come across any sort of compilation list on the internet. Anyone want to take a shot? Would really appreciate it.
like you've never had voice problems after swallowing
 Dec 18 2007, 04:55:16 PM
I don't think that LBB CANNOT hit the note. As has already been discussed, she consistently hits higher notes in the score. I think there is some kind of feedback issue going on where she either can't hear herself or she loses track of the pitch. I was watching a performance of her singing the song and she hit it and then immediately "corrected" herself and went very very flat. I suggest that the orchestra "give" her the note in some form, but it sounds as if the composers are not inclined to h
re: Sorority Girls in UCLA- Legally Blonde Question
 Jul 7 2007, 04:35:15 AM
I'll agree with SC prob. didn't want to be associated with the airhead image. They have been working like crazy in the past couple years to try to undo the whole "University of Spoiled Children" stereotype and this would just be counterprouctive. I also have to add to the whole "Parents bought their way in" totally fits both schools so its not so hard to imagine Elle at either one.

re: LaBute Article on Color-Blind Casting
 May 6 2007, 02:41:48 PM
How can someone who writes for a living express themselves so inarticulately through text? Seriously, was he drunk when he wrote that?
Suggestion about grosses...
 Apr 12 2007, 07:15:35 PM
So, I love reading the weekly show grosses on this site, but I find myself wondering a couple things as I read and I am wondering if these statistics might also be added.
1. What was the initial investment in each show?
2. Weekly running costs?
These are more obscure and I have no idea if BWW would be able to obtain this info. But I also wonder:
1. Number of Producers?
2. How the profits are shared/what percent of weekly gross goes to whom/what?

I feel like these sta

re: World Premiere Musical, 'Sleeping Beauty Wakes' (LA)
 Apr 3 2007, 09:06:07 PM
Funny, someone was just raving to me about this production today. I was on the fence, but now I'm definitely gonna go. Excited.
re: Any Pure Motives in Sweeney Todd?
 Feb 19 2007, 02:46:02 PM
Revenge is Justice. That's a semantical issue much like "fair" and "equal." Also, I want to agree with Tazber--everyone's motives are pure, with the exception of the Judge ( bc really its hard to justify lusting after your adoptive daughter), what is "impure" is the method they employ to act on these motivations..
'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
 Feb 18 2007, 05:31:31 PM
I predict:
Grey Gardens
Spring Awakening
The Pirate Queen

Words that go clunk in the night...
 Feb 16 2007, 02:50:31 AM
I have no attachment to the performers or creative team of the show and yet I really want it to succeed. I think the story sounds fascinating and with B&S music it can only be epic. If anything, hats off to the producers and creative team for attempting something new. This is the show I have been most looking forward to in 2007. So bring on the Pirate Queen. I'm ready.
re: The absolute cheapest tickets
 Jan 22 2007, 11:21:14 PM
I wanted to see:
Grey Gardens
Spring Awakening
The Color Purple
A Chorus Line

The absolute cheapest tickets
 Jan 22 2007, 10:25:38 PM
I am very shortly taking a week off from school and heading to NY. As a victim of private college tuition, I am broke. Well,basically. Anyway, I am aware of the policy for student rush but am wondering if there is perhpas any way even cheaper to buy tickets to a show. There are about 5 shows I would love to see and definitely can't afford all of them. So, anyone have any ingenious ideas or insider tips about how to buy "the aboslutely cheapest tickets possible?" Help a poor theatre lover out!!
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