New Poll: What Would You Like to See Next from GLEE? Aug 1
2011, 09:32:47 AM
What would I like to see next? Cancellation. This show has become unwatchable. Maybe try hiring some likeable characters who can actually sing, perhaps? The guys are aweful!
Happy Birthday, Dollypop! Aug 16
2010, 11:27:23 AM
Happy Birthday Dollypop! Hope your day was a great one!
So I'm in a production of Once Upon A Mattress right now... Aug 16
2010, 11:23:30 AM
I'm dressing up like a mattress when I come to see it! That's OK, right?
What would you say to a Hello Dolly revival?? Aug 9
2010, 04:51:15 PM
"What would I say to a Hello Dolly revival??" GOODBYE.
does having your tonsils removed affect your singing voice? Jul 30
2010, 10:28:50 AM
I agree with the previous posters 100%. In addition, take in to account that the reason one has their tonsils removed in the first place (as was for certain in my case) is that they are probably experiencing frequent sore throats or vocal discomfort and swelling, which all affects the sounds one can produce. After the operation these uncomfortable feelings will be lessened or gone completely Just the fact that I felt much better physically (without constant throat pain
All female 1776 Jul 22
2010, 11:07:02 PM
Nobody has mentioned it in the midst of terms like "vision" and "bold concept", but if this keeps up its really a slap in the face to male actors. Is it "Vision" or "Discrimination"?? I don't particularly feel that way, but some may. Just sayin... From the local news tonight:
All female 1776 Jul 21
2010, 04:54:58 PM
New revenue stream for the Edwards family. They must be thrilled! Being staged as a "concert" production only leads to the obvious question -- could they get away with an all female cast any other way???
Photo Flash: SHREK National Tour - First Look! Jul 21
2010, 04:40:37 PM
WOOHOO! Lookin' good! I realize it's not a popular opinion among those who frequent these boards, but I know a busload (literally!) of Upstate New Yorkers who LOVED the original and can't wait to catch the Ogres on tour! I'm off to catch this in Chicago so I don't have to wait till it comes to Buffalo later on. I found it to be a fun show all around!
Full 'Spamalot' Tour Cast Announced Jul 21
2010, 02:46:34 PM
Why Has MY FAIR LADY Never had A Successful Revival? Jul 20
2010, 10:16:12 PM
Why Has MY FAIR LADY Never had A Successful Revival? That's easy. Because it's an overly long book with dated material and references that absolutely drags from song to song and is quite boring to watch. Touring productions are unbearable and high schools murder both the dialog and music all over the country every year, turning people off to it over and over again. There's no one left willing to sit through it again -- unless drastic production improvements are mad
Smiths say NO to Broadway! Jul 18
2010, 06:11:57 PM
HA! Mildred, that was exactly my first thought too! Guess that shows how far down my list of favorite humans Will Smith and his wife are! HAHA!
Stephen Lynch Jul 14
2010, 11:46:20 AM
Had to add this after seeing another post on the boards... Stephen Lynch's next role should be Vernon in "THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG".
They're Playing Out Song In Concert With Foster And Rudetsky Jul 14
2010, 11:43:35 AM
Really??? Those two? In those roles? Well, at least its only for one night -- and a concert version! How much harm could they do? But, UGH!
Stephen Lynch Jul 14
2010, 11:34:53 AM
I have to partially agree with both NEWINTOWN'S and TARYN'S posts above. Follwing Sandler in the role he created was truly thankless and not likely to live up to the edited antics of a film shoot. However, TWS was a fun show led by Lynch, who was totally just talented and likeable enough to make it work. I wish it had played longer and that they didn't make so many bad choices (changes) on the tour.
Richard Seffs reviews THE ADDAMS FAMILY Jul 14
2010, 11:30:22 AM
How did a book this lame and music this lack-luster make it through initial try-outs?
Catch Me If You Can is looking like a hit! Jul 14
2010, 10:35:14 AM
I hate IN THE HEIGHTS and want it to close.
ADDAMS clothes Jul 8
2010, 11:20:10 PM
Bummer....once again I was hoping this was going to be about NICK Adams' clothes!!!
'I want to smell you, Nick!!' Jul 8
2010, 11:14:47 PM
Yeah....I was hoping it was about Nick Adams too! I want to smell you Nick!!!! :)
Lea Michele- diva reputation? Jul 5
2010, 07:24:13 PM
It's funny how people around here think Lea Michele is "mega famous"! HAHA I'm pretty sure 98%+ of Americans couldn't pick her out of a shin-kicking line up. Is 2% all it takes to be "mega" something or other these days???
Badly Titled Shows Jul 5
2010, 02:37:38 PM
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. I often wondered how many people avoided it because they assumed it was performed in French? Even most people who like the show cannot promounce the title properly.