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Member Name: Caitlin
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re: dead man's cell phone standby...
 Mar 18 2008, 08:59:10 PM
I had a HORRIBLE experience waiting for over two hours this past weekend haha which ended in a heated conversation about Playwright's interest in money over supporting the new generation of theater artists. And we would have gotten in if we weren't students. IF you want a student ticket, no one's gotten in for weeks they said. However, if you're willing to pay full price, you've got a shot.
re: Churchill's TOP GIRLS - Burning Questions
 Mar 18 2008, 08:56:05 PM
Okay, not to be a bitch but :

Can you please read the play? It's a great work of theater and I'm a little surprised you'd go through all this effort to figure out what it's about when you could just as easily READ this masterpiece to see for yourself. It TRULY upsets me that people don't read anymore. Maybe you're not that interested in the theater, maybe it's just a hobby, but still, it is worth the read. And then you can form your own opinion, see if the story-telling 'devices' work

re: The Orchestra Appreciation Thread
 Jan 23 2007, 09:28:23 PM
I just wanted to say I am so glad this thread exists. I hate how no one ever seems to really notice the orchestra.

I want to send a special cheer of approval and appreciation out to all the Broadway bassoonists! Playing bassoon for Sweeny and West Side were two of the scariest events of my life and I am an actor.

Atlantic vs Adler
 May 11 2006, 08:08:01 PM
As far as technique goes, which studio tends to be better for a straight actor?
Sarah Lawrence
 Mar 27 2006, 07:03:56 PM
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone attends Sarah Lawrence or if anyone could tell me anything about their theater department. I tried searching on the subject, but nothing came up. Thanks ahead of time!

Sorry this was supposed to go on the student board...I don't know how that didn't work out!

re: Laura Linney
 Jan 9 2006, 09:32:05 PM
Tales of the City is like the best, truly a must see! Although, yes, the books are even better, but Laura Linney is spectacular in that. I wish I could get to see her in some theater!
re: Rent attendance anecdotes
 Nov 23 2005, 03:46:02 PM
Just got home from seeing Rent. I live in a very small town called Barkhamsted(in CT...but even many CTers haven't heard of it). I went to the first showing and there were only two other people in the theater with me besides my friend which was actually kidn of nice just because it was private and there were no distractions. I know that a lot of highschools are going to be filling up the theater for the next showing. There are a good fifteen of them that are going from my school and for a movie
re: Carol Channing Contact
 Nov 7 2005, 09:08:27 PM
I know this is acouple months after this was posted, but I'd REALLY like to know if anyone else has any idea how to contact her! Thanks.
re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
 Oct 28 2005, 08:46:36 PM
Just bought the whole collection at BJs, don't know if they sell them everywhere, but it was pretty cheap. Personally, I love the puss and boots episode with Ben Vereen!
re: 'The First 80 Years Are The Hardest'
 Oct 19 2005, 07:53:47 PM
haha sorry that's just my word for ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND AWESOME...pretty much just used so I don't have to use the caps. But like, what did you talk about? I'm so interested. I would give so much to meet Carol.
re: 'The First 80 Years Are The Hardest'
 Oct 19 2005, 07:42:18 PM
I'm SO glad the show is as amazing as one would think it would be. I'm going to tommorrow night as a birthday present. And hey, WithoutATrace, I'm a HUGE Carol Channing fan and I'm only sixteen...not a lot of my friends get it haha. BUT UGH she just embodies the spirit of a amazing. I can not tell you how excited I am for tommorrow. Oh and Dollypop, how'd you get to meet Carol?? Thats absolutely elephantastic!
re: The First 80 Years Are The Hardest
 Oct 11 2005, 07:41:24 PM
Good luck Carol! I might get to see the show if there are still tickets...I hope there are still tickets. Carol's the best! Absolutely elephantastic.
Carol Channing
 Sep 25 2005, 05:41:47 PM
Are there any major Carol Channing fans here? I think she's amazing, but you don't hear much about her around here.
re: Pillowman 8/28
 Aug 29 2005, 12:24:43 AM
Just wanted to say that I saw the show this weekend and it was amazing. The acting was great and the material was interesting. Plus, at the stage door all of the four leads stayed and took pictures until everyone left and they were all up to have a conversation. They were just so genuinely nice. It was just a great experience in all ways. But I do understand why it's closing. I asked Billy after the show if he was said that it was closing and he said that he was just really tired and wanted slee
Stage Door
 Aug 24 2005, 11:39:21 AM
Ok this sounds dumb, but I was wondering where the stage doors for Virgina Woolf and DRS were. I'd really love to meet Bill Irwin if he does the stage door thing because I think he's amazing. Thanks.
re: AIDA cast recording
 Jul 25 2005, 03:21:09 PM
re: book- 'Making it on Broadway'
 Jul 20 2005, 05:33:43 PM
OMG! This is one of my absolute favorite books ever. I definetely agree that it made me more determined! I wish they'd make a "sequel" just because I love hearing actors experiences and I wish more actors wanted to share that.
re: Are you an Anthony Rapp fan?
 Jun 13 2005, 02:54:53 PM
Oy Oy...just wanted to put in my two oys.
 Jun 2 2005, 06:45:21 PM
Is there anyway someone can pm it to me? I've been looking forward to it and now I MISSED IT! But I'm glad it looks so good according to you who saw it!
re: We Still Love You, Lucy
 Apr 26 2005, 09:18:47 PM
Just had to say that I love Lucy.
What a great televison title because it is so true.

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