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Show Curtains
 Jan 25 2009, 05:19:04 PM
Does Avenue Q have a curtain? And did Spring Awakening? I'm guessing no, because of the onstage seating? I've seen them both, but I'm completely blanking...

I always loved Hairspray's. Then again, there's something to be said for not having a curtain. Walking into Xanadu and just seeing the set certainly got me excited for the show!

re: It's official. Hairspray to close!
 Oct 3 2008, 12:22:16 AM
It the first show I actually saw on Broadway, too. It was a graduation gift from my dad I know there's no possible way I'll get to see it before January, though. But it was always my plan to go back to see it again (many times). I bought my tickets for the tour this week and now it's going to be bitter sweet.
re: It's official. Hairspray to close!
 Oct 3 2008, 12:10:04 AM
While not my first show, Hairspray was definitely my favourite, and it's the show that made me really, truly passionate about Broadway and musical theatre. It's heartbreaking to hear this. I finally got to see it in July of 2007, and it was an absolute dream come true; completely perfect. Can't really believe this.

Put me on the list of "If Avenue Q is next, I'll explode..."

Hilarious Comments...
 Sep 28 2008, 02:01:12 AM
At a touring production of Beauty and the Beast this past winter, there was a young boy (3 or 4, maybe?) in front of us. He was a little restless, and his mom had to explain things every now and then, but she was quiet and he was generally very well behaved. After 'If I Can't Love Her', the whole theatre is silent and he calls out, in a very upset, depressed, voice "Mom, that was SO sad!" It was adorable and cracked the whole theatre up XD
re: MTV remaking Rocky Horror
 Jul 24 2008, 05:33:25 PM
I honestly don't get this. I'm 18, and my friends and I have known about and loved RHPS since we were 14. It's not like RHPS has been lost- the younger generations are still enjoying it.
re: Musical Internet Series Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog with Neil Patrick
 Jul 17 2008, 10:34:35 PM
Man, I'm so obsessed with Dr. Horrible! So witty, fun, and interesting. The songs definitely get stuck in my head!
re: Ave Q @ 7/13
 Jul 13 2008, 08:10:01 PM
Aww! Glad that the show was able to contribute to such a great day for you :)
 Jul 13 2008, 02:38:23 AM
That was actually the first episode I watched (I kept forgetting about it), and I was NOT impressed with her Defying Gravity. It seemed like she talked through most of the challenging parts.

I loved the girl who sang Cabaret. Everyone else was so-so.

re: Broadway Barks
 Jul 9 2008, 02:23:23 AM
I saw Bernadette on R&K today and holy crap, those dogs are adorable. Makes me wish I lived in the city (and didn't already have too many dogs) so I could go check it out.
re: Spring Awakening Movie Thoughts?
 Jul 9 2008, 02:20:10 AM
The only thing that turned me into a fan of the show was seeing it live; I didn't like it very much before, but seeing it up close, intimately, with all that energy changed my mind.

I think a film version would be awful. It would lose that energy and highlight the weak points. Plus, don't shows usually run for years before a movie is even discussed? I mean, sure, there are some rabid SA fans, but I'm guessing it's pretty much unheard of outside the theatre world. It would bomb. There ar

re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 7 2008, 01:16:03 PM
I think the age factor, concerning Lauren, makes a big difference. Margot is not supposed to be as mature as Elle, show as much emotion, or go through any growth. She's comic relief. The role of Elle is much more demanding physically and vocally. So it's much easier to have a young girl play Margot than it is to have her play Elle.

That being said, good for Lauren! I couldn't believe the girl (Celina, maybe?) who complained that no one wanted to be in the chorus. They should be happy fo

re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
 Jul 3 2008, 10:59:17 PM
Speaking of running commentary...

Last summer at Wicked, my dad and I were in front of a party of four (2 couples). They were probably in their 40s, and judging by their conversation it was some sort of business outing (trying to woo your clients at Wicked?).

EVERY TIME an actor said a made up word, the man trying to woo the client would laugh and repeat it. Every. Single. Time.

How 'bout you don't do that.

re: HAIRSPRAY London Recoups!
 Jun 26 2008, 10:18:01 PM
Yay, Hairspray! How exciting :)
re: Most Uncomfortable Theatre Moments with your parents
 Jun 22 2008, 02:32:04 PM
'Loud As The Hell You Want' during Avenue Q was pretty damn awkward with my dad, even if I knew it was coming. But it wasn't a big deal by the end, because my dad ended up loving the show.
re: I finally saw Avenue Q...
 Jun 19 2008, 10:06:29 PM
Glad you enjoyed the show! I was surprised by the Bad Idea Bears, too, when I saw it. In fact, I was surprised by a lot. Even though I already adore the soundtrack, the live show was somehow a million times funnier than I expected!
re: What to wear???
 Jun 19 2008, 01:41:58 AM
I've worn anything from jeans and a T-shirt to a skirt and polo. So long as your clothes aren't ripped, dirty, or, for lack of a better term, skanky, I think you're fine. I don't want to look like a slob, but I don't make a huge effort to dress up. I usually just wear nice jeans and a nice T-shirt or maybe tank top with a sweater over top.

re: Do you keep your Playbills?
 Jun 18 2008, 05:04:37 PM
Weez, you're not alone

Along with the Playbill cover, I put the cast list, understudy slips, tickets, any pamphlets or fliers I happen to find, and the, erm, title page (With the name of the theatre, director, performers, crew, whatnot) in my scrapbook. And for some reason, every show has a different colour in my mind, so the pages have to match.

re: Do you keep your Playbills?
 Jun 18 2008, 04:38:04 PM
The covers of programmes from touring shows I've seen are on my door, and the rest of the actual book is kept in a box on my shelf. For the shows I've seen on Broadway, I've always been with my dad, who gives me his Playbill. So one gets put in the box, and I cut the cover off the other to put in my scrapbook.
re: Anyone going to the [tos] 'ticketganza'?
 Jun 18 2008, 11:05:19 AM
I just got that email this morning, and I've never wished I lived in NYC more than right now!
re: In the Heigh...sing Strange
 Jun 17 2008, 02:57:59 AM
I definitely heard it. I thought it had something to do with the order being reversed. Every other time the nominees were mentioned, I think it was in order of their performances.
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