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Profile for elphiesmagic

Member Name: elphiesmagic
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Gender: Female
Location: Northeast USA

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re: Have you ever seen a Broadway performer on the Subway?
 Oct 6 2008, 11:53:15 PM
LOL jeremiah!

A few weeks ago I was on the train with Cherry Jones. She seemed to have a very pleasant demeanor and exited at Lincoln Center.

re: Bernadette Peters on Grey's Anatomy!!!
 Sep 25 2008, 10:27:57 PM
I just turned it on after seeing this thread, when she and her "friend" were in the husband's room. Still watching, of course. She is so talented, why in the world doesn't she do more tv/film?
 Sep 18 2008, 11:51:14 PM
It's going to depend on what kind of advance they have (and someone here may have that info) and if there are producers who have deep pockets and want to keep the thing going for a while. As one of the many MANY producers on this project is named Santoriello, it's possible there is an element of vanity production.
re: This is one stunt-casting move I'm happy isn't on Broadway... good luck
 Sep 18 2008, 11:48:16 PM
"Singing wasn't a requirement for the role and several actresses who were trained singers had keys raised or lowered in order to 'ruin' their singing (Susan Egan stated this in many interviews)."

Apparently they forgot to do that with Joely Fisher, because she sounded more first-rate than third-.

re: Bette's vocals in 'Gypsy'
 Sep 15 2008, 11:32:58 PM
You people are relentless, yet selective. There is a thread now stating that someone heard "from a reliable source", nothing more, that Nikki Snelson is leaving ACL tour, and no one is asking what THEIR source is.

I can't believe I'm defending this, but I did not RUN TO the board to post this, it's not like it just happened yesterday and I started a thread. I was responding to a thread about the subject. And if you read my post you will see that I was not there. But people I'm clo

re: Bette's vocals in 'Gypsy'
 Sep 15 2008, 11:25:33 PM
Not that I know of, Miss Pennywise. The operative words being "that I know of". That's what makes me nervous about naming names in the first place, but now I've learned another lesson, which is not to say anything at all of what I might know. People don't want to know what they don't want to know.

And Ghost of Kringas, I'm sorry if I do. I'm a very sarcastic person, and the anonymity of the internet (which I like to keep anonymous, thanks!) makes it tempting to be even bitchy at t

re: Bette's vocals in 'Gypsy'
 Sep 15 2008, 11:14:20 PM
Oh for chrissake. Seriously? I guess we can only say beautiful things about Miss Midler around here, or we're nasty liars.

Sorry to burst all your bubbles. We'll pretend it never happened and she was an angel on the set. The best Rose ever, too!

re: Bette's vocals in 'Gypsy'
 Sep 15 2008, 09:40:58 PM
Sorry, I don't mention names on a public message board. Like I said, believe me or don't. Doesn't matter to me. But my loyalty is to my friends, not to someone on the internet whom I've never met, and certainly not to a message board full of Lord only knows who.

Am I honestly the first person to give information around here without citing a source by name?

re: Bette's vocals in 'Gypsy'
 Sep 15 2008, 01:57:26 PM
What, you want me to name names? Would you, in the same situation? Believe me or not, it's what happened.
re: Bette's vocals in 'Gypsy'
 Sep 15 2008, 12:33:16 PM
"The director Emile Ardolino (DIRTY DANCING) was very ill during filming and without a strong hand, Bette did what she would."

There were other creatives there who had been involved in a few Broadway productions of GYPSY who did their best with her, but she steamrolled over everyone. She was an unruly tyrant on that set. It wouldn't have mattered who the director was.

re: The 2009 Tony Awards Host Will Be...
 Sep 14 2008, 11:00:57 PM
Re: Chenoweth's TVQ - Debra Monk has an Emmy and about a million more TV and film credits than KC. She has a recurring role on a current very popular TV series.

But we'd never consider her because she's not well-known enough outside of the theater. Same for Chenoweth. Do people outside of theater fans know her name? Really? I don't know of any.

re: The 2009 Tony Awards Host Will Be...
 Sep 14 2008, 09:27:01 PM
I think we all know that people are going to watch the Tonys because they're the Tonys. No one who wasn't going to watch them anyway is going to watch just because of who the host is.

That said, I think Julie White would be brilliant. And she is known to film and tv audiences, more than some people here seem to realize. Look at IMDB.

re: show stoppers (the wrong kind)
 Sep 12 2008, 06:51:17 PM
All I Need Is The Girl serves a huge purpose - Louise believes Tulsa is talking about her being the partner. It's character development for both of them. Having seen that number should play into how you feel for Louise when she brings Rose the note that June has written.

Yazbeck is not a good Tulsa, imo, and that's probably why so many people here are having trouble "getting" the number. Robert Lambert played it with much more truth, energy, and excitement.

Little Lamb is

re: When did Stagedooring become a necessity?
 Sep 8 2008, 01:33:17 PM
For that matter, when did "case in point" become "case and point"?
re: The Clinton's at HAIR tonight
 Sep 8 2008, 12:26:09 AM

re: Children's theater
 Aug 30 2008, 07:42:06 PM
"Mrs Darling was a twenty-something actress with more than her share of baby fat and wore a low-cut dress with spaghetti straps."

I hope you don't pass on your feelings about women who aren't "perfect" to your granddaughter. Imagine if someday she grows up to be less than perfect and someone uses it as an irrelevant dig against her as you did against this actress - also someone's beloved granddaughter.

re: Suggestions From People Related To AMDA...
 Aug 29 2008, 12:11:20 AM
I don't know anything about AMDA except the put-downs I've read here. But the fact is, a large percentage of their alumni WORK. That becomes obvious the more shows you go to, the more bios you read - regionally and in NYC.

A well-respected MT agent told me that the reason for that is that the AMDA students have a fantastic work ethic and really focus on auditioning above everything else once they graduate. Whatever the reason, the proof is in the numbers.

re: Show's you went into just to see what the hype was about then wound up
 Aug 25 2008, 09:53:38 PM
Please, stop the apostrophe abuse!
re: Bette Midler On Vegas, The Possibility Of Returning To Broadway, And Th
 Aug 18 2008, 11:22:12 PM
"Gotta love Bette!"

I like to make my own decisions, thanks.

re: Your thoughts on something Patti said at the stage door...?
 Aug 18 2008, 10:59:24 PM
"She was being honest, yes, and knowing LuPone, she probably meant it lightly and it came off harder."

I think it's pretty clear from this thread that you DON'T know her. I find it a little creepy how an actor's throwaway words can engender so much fervent discussion. I know it happens all the time here, that only makes it creepier.

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