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Member Name: Spider Woman
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re: Oh Dear
 Oct 31 2009, 08:44:56 AM
I hope that when she's 30, someone whips this out and shows it ( equivalent to bringing out the baby pictures).

It's bad when you set yourself up like she has.

She certainly has the confidence and natural presence of a future Elphaba.

Popsicle should have bought her the larger pants.

re: Anyone want to discuss how amazing Will Chase is?
 Sep 20 2009, 07:10:10 PM
Will was mesmerizing in Kiss of the Spider Woman and with the dark hair...Hell, I'd have his baby.
re: Why The Phantom Of The Opera Just Doesn't Work As A Piece Of Theatre
 Jun 16 2009, 07:35:27 PM
I love Phantom, but Christine annoys me to no end.... such a ninny. I feel the same way about Cosette - ninny.
re: Hunter Foster ?=? Broadway
 May 17 2009, 09:42:02 AM
Hunter is a busy boy... not only has he been acting his butt off, but has also been working on the book for a production of Sleepy Hollow with Matt Connor.
re: James Earl Jones, Adrian Lester, Phylicia Rashad to Star in West End Ca
 May 7 2009, 07:25:26 PM
To all my Brit friends.... run. Do not walk; simply run....away, that is.
This is the show that blew my James Earl Jones fantasy and had me searching for a way to draw blood so that I had a legitimate reason to leave the theatre.

re: Painfully loud laughing at the theater
 May 7 2009, 07:21:49 PM
I am a loud laugher.I know it. There are way worse things. When something really strikes me as funny, I sorta scream, then laugh. It just comes out. I don't do it on purpose. I didn't wake up one morning and say, "Damn, I am gonna be a loud laugher just so I can annoy the piss out of someone".
I will be sewing the scarlet L on all of my clothing so that I can be identified. You have been warned :)

re: [Title of Show] Returns [Sort of]
 Mar 19 2009, 06:52:54 PM
So, you aren't thrilled by the new season's offerings,( can't please everyone) but are "now renewing" your subscription??? Seems contradictory.
re: ROOMS Reviews
 Mar 16 2009, 04:59:54 PM
fingers crossed as I love this show. Natascia was good in the role, but, gotta say, I could never understand 3/4 of the words to Bring the Future Faster when she sang them.
re: Mandy Patinkin and Patty Lupone
 Mar 12 2009, 07:11:07 AM
but, the Patti colonoscopy commercials on cbs are the best
re: My Thoughts on ROOMS
 Mar 3 2009, 06:10:47 PM
I could watch/ listen to Doug's transformation in Clean, sing the lines about 15 quid and the Friday Night dress over and over. And I agree... just sit back and let the story happen.
re: ROOMS - coming off-Broadway! Newsletter...
 Feb 18 2009, 06:57:08 PM
I saw Rooms 3 times in Washington. I gotta say that this is really good. It is fun, it has energy and an emotional element as well. People I know who also saw the show find the songs getting stuck in their heads. When I went, I knew nothing about it; let the story unfold in front of me and found it to be a great story suited for off-broadway.

So many times a new show comes and people bash without cause. For whatever reason, they try their best to bad mouth shows as if their sole purpos

re: Live Streaming Broadcast of Pasek and Paul Concert at Kennedy Center at 6pm Today
 Feb 3 2009, 08:54:48 PM
was cool
Stephanie J Block tomorrow

You can watch the interview/performance show with Stepehn Schwartz, Jeanine Tessori, Scott Frankel, Brian Stokes Mitchell, etc that they did on Saturday, too...amazing

re: Norm Lewis - Live in HD! (video links)
 Feb 2 2009, 06:23:10 PM
I love norm and Borrowed TIme is my favorite of his songs. He sounds amazing, but looking at him, he doesn't "get into" it very much... just makes me wonder how much more amazing it could be if he poured himself into it.
re: what hotel would u recomend?
 Jan 28 2009, 12:42:21 PM
Marriott Courtyard Times Square South - 2 blocks from Port Authority, 2 Blocks from Times Square and THE most comfortable bed I have EVER slept in. Staff incredibly nice and helpful, too.
re: Leslie Kritzer and Doug Kreeger to Star in 'ROOMS, a rock romance' at N
 Jan 25 2009, 05:06:28 PM
Three Cheers for Doug and Paul Scott Goodman. I am so excited to see this again. Fingers crossed for Leslie... hope she has enough diva in her to pull it off. I think I am gonna go squee now.
re: Best bus NYC to DC?
 Jan 11 2009, 07:26:03 PM
We have always taken non-stop from the station down the street from Union Station (First Street)to Port Authority. I take that back, once we made one stop in New Carrolton.
re: Best bus NYC to DC?
 Jan 11 2009, 07:47:09 AM
My experience with Greyhound is a bit different than what I have read here. We have made the trip several times and have found the drivers to be courteous and professional. We have arrived early ( the day before Thanksgiving, we arrived 45 minutes ahead of schedule - and no, he wasn't driving like a bat out of hell). The buses themselves have been clean. I love the flexibility in that as long as I have a ticket, I can get on any bus going to my destination. I am not locked into a time. Using the
re: Did ROOMS: A Rock Romance open?
 Jan 3 2009, 10:09:24 PM
The last I heard, Doug Kreeger was going to continue in the role of Ian ( and he is fabulous, btw), but they were looking for a new Monica. I have my fingers crossed that Rooms will still run. It's a great show. The kind where the music gets stuck in your head for a long time.
Off topic, mostly
 Jan 3 2009, 10:06:11 PM
I teach 6th graders....aka the age where boys discover Axe Body Spray and girls discover fruity smelling mists. Since they bathe in it,it's bad. but I consider it better than their awakening body odor and the stench they pick up from parents who smoke. They don't realize that it permeates everything...coats, bookbags, hair... everything. Theatre patrons are no different. They don't know that they stink of smoke of perfume/cologne. Maybe the invention of the smell-o-meter is they way to go ( I en
re: Anyone see Les Miz at Signature Theatre?
 Dec 17 2008, 07:40:49 PM
Peter Marks liked it... more than liked it, actually... I wanna see the list of people who slept with him to get that review... I have my suspicions as to I who is on it, but I want confirmation.

Uber-excited for Signature -Brava!!!

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