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Profile for dreamer32811

Member Name: dreamer32811
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re: Little Mermaid
 Dec 30 2004, 12:20:42 PM
I would have never pictured a male as Ursula, but at the mention of Nathan and Harvey, I think that would be great (and I'm a Little Mermaid purist. When it first came out, I was 8 and saw it ten times in the theatre. I lost track of how many times I watched it after 143. Yes, I'm a total loser :)).

I love the idea of Kerry as Ariel. If you look at some of her pictures, she has some of Ariel's features (specificlly her jaw). You add a red wig, and she would be almost identical.

good point
 Dec 22 2004, 08:19:26 PM
I just saw it today. I've been really looking forward to it and have been planning on seeing it opening day for quite some time.

First, let me say, I've never been much of a Phantom fan. I've seen it 4 or 5 times (which is nothing for me, most shows I've see 12-15 times). I could never stand Christine's voice, I could barely understand the lyrics, and while I knew (and understand most of) the plot, I didn't see what people "got it" or equated any real emoition with it.

This mov

Forbidden Christmas? Am I Crazy
 Dec 16 2004, 03:00:41 AM
Somehow, I seem to remeber the troup from Forbidden Broadway coming out with Forbidden Christmas. It's been quite some time, around the time they did Forbidden Hollywood. I have tickets this weekend for "Forbidden Christmas", but unable to find any info about other than a depressing play by the same way, I was wondering if my mind is playing tricks on me or does that musical actually exsist?
 Aug 7 2004, 12:32:42 AM
Sorry for all your troubles, Jim.

If you need to stay clear of posting, would you at least be able to say when the locations for the next year will become public?

re: The BEST costumes youve ever seen?
 Aug 7 2004, 12:25:57 AM
AS simple as it is, I love the little yellow dress in Contact. Once again, the genius of William Ivey Long.
re: Performers you 'don't get'
 Aug 6 2004, 11:57:08 PM
Linda Eder (honestly, her voice totally bugs me)
Carolee Carmello
Ruthie Henshall
Marissa Janet Winokur
Patti LuPone

re: Evita Revival?
 Jul 24 2004, 12:43:55 AM
Lauren has history with the role too. She's done it regionally. I have a friend who saaw her and thought she was incredible. Me, personally, I liked Natalie Toro a lot, but I would like to see Lauren or someone else new.
Avenue Q- What's it about?
 Jul 24 2004, 12:41:29 AM
Ok, I saw the Tony's clip (not horribly impressed, but I love stupid stuff and the premise looked kinda cute) but I have no idea what this show's about. Can someone give me a run down? Also, I know it's very... edgy (to put it politely). Is it's posable offensive-ness in subject matter of lanuage? I can me a prude about some things and don't want to be offended, but I'd like to hear more from the show. Is it "artsy" like Rent or more "raw" like Will and Grace (I'm sorry, but I can not stand that
re: Evita Revival?
 Jul 24 2004, 12:28:26 AM
I saw Raul Esparza as Che 5 times. I think it was one of his first major shows, and it showed. He always seemed nervous, and his voice didn't always hold through. His charater was great, but I wasn't too found of him. But after hearing him in TTB.. Wow! His voice majorly improved from the times I've saw him live til that show. I think he's great great now.
re: Cast recordings...
 Jul 24 2004, 12:11:26 AM
I just drove from Orlando to Detroit and listened to cast recording 90% of the way. Wicked and the new Little Shop of Horrors were may favorites (I listened to both of them more than once), but I also played Jekyll & Hyde, Ragtime, Aida, Children of Eden, Big, Les Miz, and a couple of others.
re: 'you' the musical
 Jul 22 2004, 12:26:11 AM
No One Knows Who I Am- Jekyll & Hyde
A New Life- Jekyll & Hyde
For Good- Wicked
Thank You for the Music- Mamma Mia
Forget About the Boy- TMM
I Dreamed a Dream- Les Miz
I'd Give My Life For You- Miss Saigon
A Change in Me- BatB
Written in the Stars- Aida
Disneyland- Smile
Much More- The Fantasticks

re: christy carlson romano
 Jul 21 2004, 11:40:12 PM
Broadwayguy, where did you find the press clips of her? I REALLY want to hear her! It's almost hard to believe she's as bad as everyone says
re: Suprisingly Good Cast Recordings
 Jul 21 2004, 11:38:49 PM
Ok, no one hit me, but I really loved Big. The recording is cute- it was my favorite show when I was younger and it makes me feel young at heart. Crista Moore sounds fab and who doesn't love Patrick Levis :)?
re: Sarah Uriarte Berry
 Jul 15 2004, 08:39:29 PM
I wasn't a fan of her Eponine- can't remember why (it's been 7 years), but I remember it really irked me. She was a very good Belle, though. One of the prettiest, by far, and her voice matched the role perfectly.
re: A New Role game
 Jul 14 2004, 10:08:32 PM
Hairspray- Tracy
Rent- Mark's Mom
Little Shop of Horrors- vocally Audrey, but I'd be typed out in a second
Children of Eden- Yonah or Eve
Wicked- Nessa
Thoroughly Modern Millie- I can sing Mille, but I can't dance it
Fiddler on the Roof- Chava
Beauty and the Beast- Realistically, ensemble, but if I were a guy, I'd LOVE to play the Beast- it's one of my favorite roles in theatre. Dunno why, just is
Into the Woods- I've played Jack's Mom twice, but I've always wante

re: Who're your Top 3 favourite male & female musical idol?
 Jul 14 2004, 09:41:35 PM
Sutton, Natalie Toro (is there anyone else out there who knows who she is), Emily Skinner

Stephen Buntrock, Will Chase, Randal Keith

re: irritating voices
 Jul 14 2004, 09:28:28 PM
I have a feeling I'm gonna get shot for this, but is there anyone out there like me who does NOT like Linda Eder's voice? I've never been a fan of hers- I also can't stand Sarah Brightman. I think it's how she pronounces her "o"s. I always cringe.
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