
Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

#0Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:09pm

Someone mentioned that I'll Cover You has been done in a way that dimimishes the notion of male-male love. On another board, someone also mentioned that a touching death scene dialogue between Angel and Collins has been edited out. All this points to what I feared: that Sony and the director Columbus have panicked and removed or reduced the gay male content.

#1re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:13pm


DANG IT!!! This irks me!!!!! Poopy fart bubble with a terd on top!

What else can I say? I can say that these are not the cool gassy beans I normally have!

#2re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:14pm

::bangs head on keyboard::

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#3re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:14pm

Didn't you start a post about this topic a while back?
Just wondering. But i think Chris kept it the way Jonathan wanted it to be. I'm not worried.

Shawk Profile Photo
#4re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:16pm

::weeps with joy::

art2, I knew we hadn't seen the last of you on this topic!

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

#5re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:18pm

we'll find out if that's true soon enough.

If that's the case, I won't see the movie.

#6re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:18pm

yeah...even in the previews they downplayed a lot of the same sex relationships

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:22pm

I think most of the people replying to this misssed round one.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#8re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:22pm

Wondered when you'd show up again.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#9re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:22pm

Damn, I thought you were banned. Oh well, there's always the block user function.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#10re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:23pm

Not worth the effort.

See the movie for yourself Art. Then comment.

#11re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:24pm

>> Someone mentioned that I'll Cover You has been done in a way that dimimishes the notion of male-male love.

Isn't that a good thing? I think what that person meant was that the way I'll Cover You makes the Angel/Collins relationship a beautiful, human relationship that doesn't need to be categorized; that same-sex love is treated like any other kind of relationship, without being made a big deal off. I would think that would be a good thing.

I got blood on my cello! - Lauren Molina

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#12re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:24pm

Um. PLease seek professional help.

That's all.

sanda Profile Photo
#13re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:25pm

Welcome back, Art, for your gay right parade. :)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#14re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:25pm

He means that they're hiding it out of shame, Moon. Don't even bother.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 11/2/05 at 08:25 PM

Popular Profile Photo
#15re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:25pm

Ah the good old days of the last art2 thread...
hey Patronus, isn't that where I became your hero? :)

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#16re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:26pm

dood, the anti-gay shredder is such an amazing invention! It TOTALLY knows whats gay or not, because it was made by Sony since they HAAAATE gay people!! I was walking in the Village this afternoon and I saw some Sony execs walk up to a GORGEOUS drag queen, and they pointed and said, "your handbag matches your shoes! you are SOOOO gay!" Then they ripped off the drag queens wig and stole her high heels, and the poor thing started crying so instead of chasing after the homophobic execs, I comforted the sweet drag queen. It was so sad!!

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#17re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:27pm

I must thank Art2 in many ways - I think I broke my cherry on this board responding to one of his posts.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#18re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:28pm

Duplicate - damn computer.

Updated On: 11/2/05 at 08:28 PM

#19re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:28pm

Hey em,
I just wanted to say I love your newest picture.

re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder Sorry about Chitty.

sanda Profile Photo
#20re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:29pm

Oh yes, those old good days...
the memory is still fresh like an apple...

Atrias Profile Photo
#21re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:30pm

*headdesk* Why, oh why? Have you nothing better to do, art2?

#22re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:30pm


I got blood on my cello! - Lauren Molina

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#23re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:30pm

kor -- thank you, and it's okay. re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder To... well, I don't think I can accurately say "bigger," but... to better things. re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#24re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/2/05 at 8:32pm

I hope this one goes better for Raul, haha.

Fourth time's the charm, eh?
