
More anger towards Word of Mouth

More anger towards Word of Mouth

beyondblessed Profile Photo
#1More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:26am

I know there are other threads of this but I needed to start a new one to hold all of my rage. A brief disclaimer: I’m not a bad person, I love everyone and everything associated with theatre. But when you disrespect the art, you disrespect me and I needed to let others how I feel.

I just watched the latest reviews from the Word of Mouth crew. And I just need to vent. I truly respect what broadway.com is doing by providing this great opportunity for the Word of Mouth Crew and those that are able to watch it. At times it is helpful. However there is one panelist that pisses me off.

MIKE should be killed.

He is overly critical of the performers, to the point of true disrespect. He's rude, and it's quite evident in his reviews that he doesn't want to be there and that he doesn't appreciate this opportunity that other people would love to have. I cannot stand it when people who aren't in the business try to tell those that are how they should do their jobs. Okay Mike?! You didn’t direct the show, you don’t work for any NYC casting agency, you don't know the Method, you don't know who Stanislavski is, you can’t do a Time Step, You can’t identify a tritone, so sit back and shut up!

How’d you like it if I came to your job and said, “Hey Mike, that manner in which you placed that tongue depressant in that patient's mouth was not with adequate form”. Yeah you don’t like it and who cares.

There I said it.

Sorry BWW, I usually don’t talk like this, but this guy should be viciously maimed.

Anywho, BWW how was your day? Whats new?

Going to a musical late in its run is like going to a prostitute late in her shift.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#2re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:34am

"MIKE should be killed"

Mike who?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#2re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:35am

wow. for someone who doesnt like other people being critical using words like kill and maime. not sure thats venting as much as threatening

beyondblessed Profile Photo
#3re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:36am

Mike's Profile and Reviews

Going to a musical late in its run is like going to a prostitute late in her shift.

beyondblessed Profile Photo
#4re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:38am

You're right I probably got a little extra. I've breathed out and let it go now. Mike, im not going to kill you.

Going to a musical late in its run is like going to a prostitute late in her shift.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#5re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:46am

Mike should start posting on BroadwayWorld.com! He would fit right in!

dented146 Profile Photo
#6re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:57am

bb,you need to have a bit of a thick skin when you're in the arts. Your life's work is the creative process. Mike won't face the same kind of personal assessment on a routine bases even though he may, at times, have a lot on the line.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#7re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 12:02pm

I missed the other threads trashing Word Of Mouth...this unbelievably idiotic "feature" of broadway.com should be stopped. They used to have pretty decent reviewers, why get rid of them? It is, however, a blunt club to the head of all those people who think professional critics are useless.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Mr. Peanut Man
#8re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/12/07 at 1:07pm

They got rid of their reviewers because they were a cost that the website didn't think was necessary. the site gets comped tickets that they hand out to random people and then ask them to do a short review. It's alot less cheaper but the quality has fallen way below what it should be.

caitlinette Profile Photo
#9re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/19/07 at 2:56am


YES! I was watching some Word of Mouth reviews today and couldn't stand his attitude. I don't mind if he doesn't like a show, but you're right, he acts like he just dislikes being a reviewer and has no appreciation for it.

#10re: More anger towards Word of Mouth
Posted: 4/19/07 at 3:26am

It's just the continuing amateurization of America and the rest of the world.
