
Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun- Page 1

Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 2:22pm

Listening to some of the possible new entrants the last few days has me excited for the laughs. Romney/Trump/Palin/Rubio/Cruz, and the two most likely to succeed Jeb and Rand, there's others and if they all give it a go it will be great.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#2Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 6:15pm

Just saw today Mike Huckabee, it gets better every day.


haterobics Profile Photo
#3Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 6:23pm

I will never understand how this party does nothing but obstruct Obama and talk about getting back in power for eight years, and then they seem to put no effort into a viable candidate every time it is time again...

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#4Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 6:47pm

No, they learned, it's gonna be Jeb or Rand. The primaries being comedic is all we can hope for. Huckabee? Palin? Santorum? I so want to see them on the stage diminishing their party every second they're in the public eye.


haterobics Profile Photo
#5Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 6:51pm

"it's gonna be Jeb or Rand"

That's what counts as viable?! OK... Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#6Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 6:55pm

Palin is now saying she's interested in running, something she's said she didn't want to do in the past. That makes me happier than I can even put into words.

haterobics Profile Photo
#7Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 6:56pm

"That makes me happier than I can even put into words."

That goes double for her.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#8Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 7:14pm

I'm afraid of Jeb he has a brain, can debate, and speaks fluent Spanish.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 7:15pm

As far as Republicans go, you could do a lot worse than Jeb.

haterobics Profile Photo
#10Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 7:18pm

Watching Mitt lose again would kind of be amusing, though. He wants it SO BAD.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 7:23pm

That's really all I want, too.

No, I want a Romney/Palin ticket. That would be amazing.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#12Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 7:23pm

He can win, and I wouldn't mind, Rand Paul scary. I think Hillary will lose if a good Dem goes against her, I guess Bernie Sanders is a no way as a national candidate. He could serve a useful purpose to her campaign as a you want this guy thing. Bush vs. Clinton seems on a collision course, kinda sucks.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#13Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 7:26pm

The SC appointments are so important. I'm really hoping some of these old folk resign soon.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#14Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 10:52pm

It's going to be a bloodbath. And no matter who they end up with, there isn't a single one of them capable of beating Hillary.

But don't rule out Rand Paul doing something similar to Obama in 2008 and pulling the nomination from the caucuses and primaries with an unexpected "youth vote." Rand Paul's young people will be poor souls who think that, as a libertarian, he will give them legal marijuana.

And don't rule out Scott Walker, portraying himself as the only possible bridge between the tea partiers and the corporate-establishment Republicans. There are forces within the GOP already grooming him to be that guy. The question is: Can he pull that off?

haterobics Profile Photo
#15Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 11:14pm

Just because they want to be first in line to suckle at all the rich teats doesn't mean I want to think about any of these horrific options this early, so I'm going to have to back out of this thread until next January... have fun.

javero Profile Photo
#16Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 11:29pm

"And don't rule out Scott Walker, portraying himself as the only possible bridge between the tea partiers and the corporate-establishment Republicans."

We can always count on you PJ to read the tea leaves with the best of them. I'm not fond of him [Walker] one bit but he'd make one helluva running mate for Bush III. There is a link between Walker and the RNC Chairman. The current chairman knows how to build the a war chest. I don't see Walker at the top of the ticket but I've been wrong a bunch of times.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#17Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/25/15 at 11:34pm

"you could do a lot worse than Jeb."

That's the whole point of the rest of them running, isn't it? Especially Mittens.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#18Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:02am

And they'll all lose by double-digits to Hillary.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#19Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:08pm

Don't think so Pal Joey, it's gonna be close, nobody is gonna win by double digits not in 2016. If I had to predict a match up now it would be Bush/Clinton, and Bush can win that one.


Kad Profile Photo
#20Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:17pm

CAN Bush win that one? The GOP was stuck with the "least worst option" strategy in 2012. And that is undoubtedly what Jeb is this round.

The GOP has to coalesce around one viable candidate quickly and come up with a coherent strategy. They cannot afford another "favorite of the week" primary.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#21Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:19pm

It would be fun the cast of characters could be so amusing. I think you're right Kad, they won't allow it to become a farcical show like last time.


Kad Profile Photo
#22Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:29pm

I think they'll try desperately to prevent that, but it's been shown time and time again that GOP establishment has little control over the fringe elements in their party.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#23Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:30pm

Praying for 10 men on a stage.


Kad Profile Photo
#24Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:32pm

We'll almost certainly see Palin or Ernst, who with along with Jindal and Cruz are the Republican's sole hope to appeal to people that aren't white men.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#25Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:36pm

You don't think Jeb can make a dent in the Latino vote, with his wife and his Spanish?

