
L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks- Page 2

L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks

javero Profile Photo
#25L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/4/17 at 5:18pm

As a black man working in the nation's capital I experience this idiocy on a daily basis.  Black man outside CVS when I exit with a white openly gay colleague/friend "yo bruh...can you help a brutha out?"  Me: "Ain't got today it bruh".  Him: "See, that's how you bourgie ass niggas get once you start hanging round dem white f*ggots".  Colleague: "Jay, just ignore him".  Him: "Dat's right Jay...listen to your bitch nigga".

Folks who live in the streets develop a very tough exterior.  Bravado and the ability to defend themselves from the predators among them is a very basic skill.  They also learn to read strangers in an instant.  After being rebuffed, they know exactly what type of insult is most likely to get under our skin, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed or sexual orientation.  The streets are full of bitter people of all stripes with chips on their shoulders who can't buy a friggin' break. Not making excuses for misanthropes who begrudge the success and happiness of others though.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#26L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/4/17 at 5:22pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "As a white male living in NYC I experience this idiocy on a daily basis. Black man outside the liquor store "Can I get a dollar?" Me: "No" Him: "F*CK you you KKK looking mother****er." Oh okay great, thanks.

You don't sound like the victim in this scenario, sorry.

Yet, he is. A victim of blatant racism. But this is not about who looks like a victim or not. This is about unreasonable behaviour that maintains racism. And in this scenario, the black man is doing exactly that.

And don't worry, you won't step on a landmine. I am a reasonable human being and always open for discussion. It's just that discussions are difficult when you stick your head in the sand with the landmine.

Updated On: 9/4/17 at 05:22 PM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#27L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/4/17 at 6:30pm

I am a reasonable human being and always open for discussion.

Actually, the record shows that you are an obsessive who spouts the same garbage ad nauseum without ever acknowledging anybody's counter-argument. You want to erase history and strip us of our shared heritage - just pretend the past never happened and we'll all be dandy. Sorry, but that's never gonna happen.

Better people than me have made these same points to you over and over again, so I think I'll stop typing now.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#28L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/4/17 at 7:13pm

Where on earth did  you get the delusion that "putting the focus only on race in every situation that has nothing to do with it" is the same as "acknowledging history"? You make the classic mistake of confusing these 2 things. Can you explain how "not mentioning it every minute" is the same as "stripping you of your heritage"?

"It's a beautiful day, let's buy an ice cream. What taste do you like? I want a dark tone ice cream because it matches my skin tone better" is NOT acknowledging history. It's dumb, unnecessary and puts the focus in the wrong place. It's actually hurting your heritage. Because it keeps the focus on color, instead of human. What is your goal? When is the separation big enough?

Forcing people to think only in race is not the solution.

By doing this, you are not only hurting your heritage, you are also preventing yourself from living and building a human heritage yourself.


Updated On: 9/4/17 at 07:13 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#29L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/4/17 at 8:32pm

"It's a beautiful day, let's buy an ice cream. What taste do you like? I want a dark tone ice cream because it matches my skin tone better" 

Literally nobody does this, you are strawmaning the **** out of this.

javero Profile Photo
#30L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/4/17 at 10:59pm

"Literally nobody does this, you are strawmaning the **** out of this."

Yes, he is.  And by virtue of his opening sentence below, Dave28282 is the one who first placed emphasis on some arguably misguided transgender's COLOR.  He didn't opt for a more generic line like ..L'Oreal has fired a transgender model, after she made racist remarks.  His post was a rallying cry for the priesthood to join him in his latest crusade.  If only we darker-hued POC would just become Model Citizens and some variant of Magic Negroes, there'd never be any calculus for which Donald Trump could become POTUS.  We get it Dave..aberrant POC are the root cause of all societal ills...white is right, all else is blight.

L'Oreal has fired a POC model, who was also transgender, after she made racist remarks about white people.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 9/4/17 at 10:59 PM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#31L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 5:34am

Actually, black people are strawmanning the **** out of this.

Set your stopwatch. This generally happens within the minute in any conversation.

Saying no to a black man in the street for not giving him a dollar and he screams "racist!", talkshowhost Trevor Noah has never talked for more than a minute without making a remark about black or white, even if it's about buying an ice cream, a certain broadway leading lady can't post a picture on twitter without saying "black power", accept the firing of a person witout bringing color in, or refrain herself from attacking an innocent 16 year old girl without screaming "race and black!", my black friends can not spend 5 minutes without saying "nigga" or anything about white people (white ass) in general. Even in the most inappropriate situations. Not being chosen for a job interview? Racist. Not getting your way? Racist. Situation that is not about race at all? Random race remark. New flavour coffee at starbucks, ginger bread latte? My god, that's such a white sorority girl drink.....White girl singing a Whitney Houston song on youtube? 17352 racist comments. 

Let's go skiing, no, us blacks don't do that. I'm hungry, my black ass needs chicken (yes, your color is very important when saying you are hungry). Black girl on top model "I can't do a shoot in a zoo like the other contestants, I'm not a forest negro (literally happened). Once again, I picked my jaw up from the floor.

And then wondering why others start to focus on race? Your ancestors would be so disappointed. It's this race focus that is the core of the problem. You are not just a color. You are a person. Now get the hell into that forest for the photoshoot just like the other girls. She actually had the best picture too, but that was forgotten by the race focused brouhaha she insisted on. Pity. 

"Dave28282 is the one who first placed emphasis on some arguably misguided transgender's COLOR" 

No, she put the emphasis on that and I put emphasis on the whole situation. I mention every other aspect too. Her remarks, her position, her gender, her job, her racism.

"We get it Dave..aberrant POC are the root cause of all societal ills.."

Any human being who thinks only in race is the root of societal ills.  It's a choice.

So what do you choose?

Updated On: 9/5/17 at 05:34 AM

javero Profile Photo
#32L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 7:25am

Speaking of choices, perhaps you could be more selective in your choice of friends, Dave, especially the ones who are POC.  I also think that you tend to generalize.  My family members, friends, and colleagues who like me self-identify as black don't exactly fit the profiles that you lay out above.  But, then again, we're an older set who all lived through the civil rights battles of the 60s and 70s here in the States.

If you're that bothered by the blacks in your circle, then it seems to me that you have two obvious choices: (1) cut them loose, or (2) establish some ground rules for engagement which could include eliminating the use of the "n" word in your presence as well as banning any mention of racial descriptors.  Let us know how things work out. 

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#33L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 8:00am

That's interesting. It could be that it's the way people who self-identify as black from your generation raised their kids, the new generation (people from, let's say 0 to 35 now). Maybe that new generation grew up thinking too much that their color is all there is to their identity, but they miss the actual part of living through these times which would actually have given them character? And that in later stages of life, (school etc) they depended too much on that (bringing color into every situation or reasoning) which prevented the forming of an evolved mind and ability to reason? It's shocking how much color is brought up in the most far fetched situations. Maybe the parents did this without realizing the results.

It's one thing to teach your children to shout "racism" in each and every situation, but it's an entirely different thing to teach them to say "hold on a minute. I am a person, so can we get to the point please? What is your problem", when arguing with kids in your class at primary school, because that's how it goes. And that's where it starts.

Now that you mention it, older people, like Morgan Freeman (and many older people I personally know) seem to fully agree with me on this subject. At least they seem to know there is more than color and understand the consequences of this behaviour. The consequence is separation.

In any case, I'm not cutting friendships loose because of race. We are all human. But I will also not stop asking them why they bring race into everything and why they can't think or reason clearly about any other subject. They are still my friends and they still call me to meet, so they must know somewhere there is a good basis. I'm also not the type of person to make a list of words that can not be used in my presence or anything. I am the type of person you can say anything to, I will never block anyone. Blocking is a lack of character. But I also like a good discussion and make people think. I know I make my friends think.

Updated On: 9/5/17 at 08:00 AM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#34L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 12:59pm

" I know I make my friends think."

Think you're a *ickhead.


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#35L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 1:10pm

That was one long word salad. 

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#36L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 3:51pm

Yep, and a very tasty one if you ask me. With lots of healthy stuff.

FrankieSay Profile Photo
#37L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/5/17 at 5:20pm

28282, given the times we live in with the current head of US state, your racism is PC. Jews will never replace you.

Oh, segne deine Herzen

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#38L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 9:06am

Dave28282 said: "Yep, and a very tasty one if you ask me. With lots of healthy stuff."

Only if you consider ignorance and racism mixed with poor command of the English language tasty.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#39L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 12:57pm

ErikJ972 said: "Dave28282 said: "Yep, and a very tasty one if you ask me. With lots of healthy stuff."

Only if you consider ignorance and racism mixed with poor command of the English language tasty.

Are you talking about the racism of the model and some of the posters here who support her? My remark was actually about my own last post because that's what you referred to with "word salad".

If you mistakenly mean me when mentioning racism you haven't read or understood anything.

About the English language remark, I also noticed that people like Theatrefan4 made some grammar mistakes but I did not feel the need to mention it. I just write the word correctly when I use it in my reply. Also, you don't know how many languages they might speak. I'm also not sure if you mentioned these posters or me in this case, since your first remark about racism was about others too, but English is my 4th language, so if I ever make a grammar mistake, feel free to correct me! 

Updated On: 9/6/17 at 12:57 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#40L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 1:34pm

Yes. I read it. And you're the most vile type of racist. The kind that blames racism on people of color that point it out while touting your own "colorblindness".

No thanks.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#41L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 1:45pm

That's where are you are wrong. I blame racism on people who think only in race. No matter what color they are.

Pointing that out does not make me racist.

Double standards are the root of inequality.

Updated On: 9/6/17 at 01:45 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#42L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 1:55pm

"I blame racism on people who think only in race."


Do some reading.

A History of Race and Racism in America, in 24 Chapters


I suggest you start with 'The New Jim Crow' and then come back and explain how institutionalized racism in the United States can be explained by "people who think only in race."

Updated On: 9/6/17 at 01:55 PM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#43L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 2:02pm

I have already read that. And much more than that. Because I'm interested in it.

It does not justify the fact that some people nowadays think only in race and not in human.

These articles and books taught me the opposite.

Updated On: 9/6/17 at 02:02 PM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#44L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 2:04pm

ErikJ972 said: "and explain how institutionalized racism in the United States can be explained by "people who think only in race.""

It is actually maintained by people who think only in race.

Because how does that work out for you? For example (to stay on topic) this model, displaying an unhealthy race focus in an inappropriate situation. Is that bringing people closer together? Or is it putting the focus on separation again. 

It's as simple as that. It's a choice. In each and every situation in daily life.


Updated On: 9/6/17 at 02:04 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#45L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 2:17pm



Dave28282 Profile Photo
#46L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 2:18pm

Bye ostrich

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#47L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 5:58pm

You say Morgan Freeman gets your nostrum.  I watched Morgan Freeman, his life experience is not that of a black person who says aks instead of ask.  He even has freckles.  If I were black I would laugh at this elitist.


kdogg36 Profile Photo
#48L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/6/17 at 8:49pm

Dave28282 said: "Bye ostrich"

As far as I can tell, your musings on racism are focused exclusively on people of color crying wolf - something which happens now and then, and always attracts inordinate attention. You don't express any concern at all for white racism against people of color. If you think the former problem is anywhere near as big as the latter, you're the one with your head in the sand.

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#49L'Oreal fires model after racist remarks
Posted: 9/7/17 at 8:44am

You know about the cases you mention because they made the news, and things make the news because they are exceptional. Everyday events don't make the news; highly unusual ones do. 

The everyday reality of not getting a job interview because of one's name, or attending schools that are sub-par because of years of neglect, or being judged negatively because one's native dialect is non-standard - these kinds of things are not news precisely because they happen all day, every day.
