I voted today!

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#25I voted today!
Posted: 10/16/20 at 12:19am

ArtMan said: "carnzee said: "What a hero yankeefan is to hide behind a screen name and say he isn't a democrat."

Where in his post does he state this? I read the majority of his posts and I don't think he has stated either way. But if he is.....who cares? The majority on here who post nasty comments "hide behind a screen name". Most would NEVER have the guts to say it in person to someone's face.

I assume they were referring to this part of the post: "There are a bunch of other reasons but I will let you and other Democrats make the case."

Seems to imply through the wording that he is not a Democrat. At least that's how I interpreted it, like, he's saying that he will let a Democrat make the case. But he could also just mean other Democrats besides himself. IDK. It's open for interpretation.

Anyway on to the topic of this thread, I got my ballot in the mail today and filled it out, will deliver it off personally in the morning. I voted blue. I look better in it anyway, red makes me look fat. Lolzz


Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 10/16/20 at 12:19 AM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#26I voted today!
Posted: 10/21/20 at 3:34pm

" You were talking about how much "guts" it takes to admit you aren't a democrat on here, and I just found that ridiculous because it doesn't take "guts" to say anything behind a false name."

If you noticed I put "guts" in quotation marks and did not mean that anybody was some type of hero for not being a Democrat on this board. Perhaps I should have worded it that it is easier to post things on here when you are a Democrat since you are basically assured you will get positive response.

I was just irritated because I thought you injected negativity and snark into this thread with your post at no 2. There's enough negativity nowadays without adding more. I'm sorry I responded the way I did. Going forward, I will do my part and not respond with anything negative to any of your future posts.  "

Without a doubt, I was a bit snarky/sarcastic and that happens all the time on this board and usually at something people who do not agree politically with the majority on this board.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#27I voted today!
Posted: 10/21/20 at 3:43pm

My wife and I voted this morning (also got my flu shot after voting -lol) in person. We both made a point of it to thank the volunteers that worked at the polling place for their service especially with COVID19 issue. There were markings outside/inside where to stand so you could be socially distant. Everyone was wearing a mask and the people at the desk had glass in front of them to separate themselves from voters. It took about 20 minutes and I think it showed it can be done safely.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#28I voted today!
Posted: 10/21/20 at 4:07pm

Thanks for voting Blue as you usually do!

Updated On: 10/21/20 at 04:07 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#29I voted today!
Posted: 10/21/20 at 6:06pm

My mail-in ballots arrived on September 28th and I sent it in on September 29th. It was received.

Just give the world Love.

#30I voted today!
Posted: 10/21/20 at 7:39pm

NOWHERE did the original poster make any claims for bravery. So this "guts" comparison is all in yank's head. It doesn't take guts to tell a group that has a lot of queer people in it that you voted for the party that consistently makes an effort to derail the rights of Americans to have sovereignty over our own bodies, and, Tiffany's pandering notwithstanding, pals around with people who want gay people dead, for example, radical "Christian" evangelicals and proud boys. What it takes is a hell of a lot of nerve.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#31I voted today!
Posted: 10/22/20 at 9:23am

"NOWHERE did the original poster make any claims for bravery. So this "guts" comparison is all in yank's head."

Lets go over these posts again. I admitted I made snarky/sarcastic remark to the OP regarding their initial post. It was just "shocking" to me that somebody on BWW would create a post saying they voted for Biden and the Democrats. I joked about it because this is not exactly something new and different since this board is probably 99% Democrat. BTW - I also said I was glad the OP did his/her civic duty and voted. I guess you missed that part of the post. You and others took the "guts" statement too literal and I explained that perhaps I should have worded it another way which I said to the another poster in a post yesterday. I guess you missed that post also. Seriously, you don't think people who do not express liberal views don't get attacked on this board, ok . Just take a look at any Mr. Roxy post - lol.

Updated On: 10/22/20 at 09:23 AM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#32I voted today!
Posted: 10/23/20 at 5:57am

I received, filled out, and mailed back my ballot last week. It was been received and counted! I voted blue all the way down the ballot.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#33I voted today!
Posted: 10/24/20 at 3:43am

Yank. I didn't say anything about right wingers being attacked or not on this board. I asked you to imagine how it came to pass that the central thesis of your a-hole post, that it isn't shocking to say you support Biden and Harris on Broadwayworld, is true? The  best, the very best thing you could come up with, was that it must be because Democrats want government arts funding.  

That's utterly facile, but it's a dumb answer that sets it up so that  "brave and gutsy" Republicans like yourself and Mr Roxy never have to account for the damage your political choices inflict on others. You can't here an ounce of honest feedback from real people who feel the impact without labelling it hate and calling yourself the victims of attacks. But, stick to your shallow observations. You bring them up just like clockwork.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#34I voted today!
Posted: 11/1/20 at 10:53am

"Yank. I didn't say anything about right wingers being attacked or not on this board. I asked you to imagine how it came to pass that the central thesis of your a-hole post, that it isn't shocking to say you support Biden and Harris on Broadwayworld, is true? The best, the very best thing you could come up with, was that it must be because Democrats want government arts funding. That's utterly facile, but it's a dumb answer that sets it up so that "brave and gutsy" Republicans like yourself and Mr Roxy never have to account for the damage your political choices inflict on others. You can't here an ounce of honest feedback from real people who feel the impact without labelling it hate and calling yourself the victims of attacks. But, stick to your shallow observations. You bring them up just like clockwork."

My goodness, you really are a piece of work. Once again, I admit that I made a joke about OP making a post saying they voted for Biden because that is not exactly something different. Was I wrong saying 99% of this board that posts stuff is liberal? The reason I mentioned the funding of the arts as an example is because this is a "Arts" board -lol. I think everyone is quite aware of the Democratic platform so I did not feel the need to go any further into why people on here support Biden/Harris. Once again, you did not read other post I made on 10/21 which clarified the "guts" statement. Finally, as usual you have to resort to ridicule an opinion (a-hole post, shallow observation). Have a good day,

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#35I voted today!
Posted: 11/1/20 at 11:54am

Sutton - Please read PM's I sent you.
