
Brendan Stryker: The Memorial Service- Page 20

Brendan Stryker: The Memorial Service

PalJoey Profile Photo
#475It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 11:08am

The truth really is that Fyodor, ConvinceMe and Brendan (and other screen names) were sock puppets shared by Dollypop and Jose.

They each had the passwords and would log on at different times.

Whose idea was it to stage the death of Brendan over the holidays and upset the kids on the board?

Yours or Jose's, Dollypop?

#476It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 2:28pm

The one who was most upset was, of course, poor dear Beergoggles from the UK, the kid who put such effort into using several examples of then-current Brit slang in each and every bloody, buggery post, Sweetie.

I think it would make a good short film about what happens when gullible, vulnerable people are manipulated on the net by phony deaths of non-existent online "friends" and the psychology of the people behind the hoaxes.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#477It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 3:09pm

Wait. You're saying that Dollypop and Jose' were in cahoots??? My head is about to explode.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#479It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 5:11pm

I never had any personal relationship with Brendan, so it's hard for me to get too worked up over it.

Oh Beergoggles, the poor sod. Whenever SongandDanceMan, his aliases and his cohorts make their "Americans are mean!" threads, he's always in there commiserating.

#480It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 5:18pm

God, that "I'll Cover You Parody" at the beginning was fab.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#481It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 5:19pm

Thanks. I reread it last night and thought, "Damn, that WAS pretty good." Probably one of my best parodies ever.

#482It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 5:29pm

Wait, you were Kringas? Learn something new every day!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#483It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 6:24pm

Jesus, Namo! Even I knew that. God, you guys are bored. Guess you had to be there.

#484It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 6:30pm

I was being sarcastical.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#485It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 7:26pm

Hey now. No sniping! This thread is sacred!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#486It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 7:40pm

So who are the pictures of then? Tis a mystery. And what decade from whence they came? Creepy to think some guy is out there probably oblivious a bunch of fans of Jerry Herman were once drooling over him.

#487It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 9:54pm

I swear on a stack of Bibles that I was never behind the sock puppetry of Fyodor, ConvinceMe2 or Brendan Stryker. Honestly, I don't have enough computer savvy to have more than one password. Jose and I may have PM'd each other once in a while but I really didn't (and don't) have a personal relationship with him.

I know there are some of you who will believe what you want, but I'm telling you the truth here.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#488It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/7/09 at 10:04pm

I really don't believe anything on here that I haven't seen myself firsthand. I've heard Brendan was so many different people.

What I really can't believe is that this was almost four years ago.

#489It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:03am

And yet you're still responding to it, after being involved in an internet non-event, and for some reason using another screen name yourself.

blaxx Profile Photo
#490It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:05am

*Gasp* The plot thickens.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#491It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:14am

Ghostlight2, once again sniping at me for no reason other than he is a crazy old schoolmarm. Seriously, lady, you need a pie in the face or something. You'll no doubt turn this into another phantasmic example of your being victimized, but seriously, you crazy stalker, ain't nobody talking to you. Go knit or something. Jeeeeeeeeesus!
Updated On: 11/8/09 at 12:14 AM

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#492It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:29am

Hysterical that Dolly feels it's necessary to defend himself against nothing. Not quite so hysterical, Namo and PalJoey still belittling someone for being duped by this non-entity. Meanwhile, they continue to be thoroughly obsessed, continuing to post about him, years after he's left the boards. What's the psychology of that?! I don't know why everyone has forgotten that I am Feodor, Brendan and Jose. PalJoey said so, repeatedly, when I first joined. So, it must be true, right? Continue being obsessed!

blaxx Profile Photo
#493It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:35am

I'm obsessed. I still deserve to know if JohnBoy2's physique is better than Nick Adam's.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#494It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:36am

To be fair, I do remember when it was confirmed that JohnBoy2 was all those people, too. At various times I also heard it was robbo as well.

Ps, I am not talking to you, Ghostlight2

tazber Profile Photo
#495It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:36am

Phyllis' screen name change is well known and not the least bit mysterious. It has no scandal associated with it other than the mod's lack of concern for the technical malfunctions of the site.

....but the world goes 'round

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#496It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:37am

Voluntarily dedacted. I don't want this thread to get deleted. Updated On: 11/8/09 at 12:37 AM

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#497It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:41am

Yes, but was it confirmed that it was robbo?

#498It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:45am

Oh, JohnBoy, you're surprisingly so above it all.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#499It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:48am

No, not above it all. You're missing the point, entirely. I AM it all.

#500It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:49am

Do you need an oxygen mask way up there?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
