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Brendan Stryker: The Memorial Service- Page 21

Brendan Stryker: The Memorial Service

#500It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:49am

Do you need an oxygen mask way up there?

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PalJoey Profile Photo
#501It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:01am

The people who are obsessed are not the people who mention it from time to me, as a lark or a laugh.

The people who are obsessed are the ones who sputter and deny and point fingers and shriek, "It's not me! It's not me! It's you who are obsessed! You're obsessed! You're obsessed!" When all around them non-obsessed people are making jokes and making merry,

As Hamlet says:

"I have heard,
That guilty creatures sitting at a play
Have by the very cunning of the scene
Been struck so to the soul that presently
They have proclaimed their malefactions;
For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak
With most miraculous organ."

JohnBoy: Perhaps you speak with most miraculous organ.

#502It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:24am

"but seriously, you crazy stalker, ain't nobody talking to you".

Then, darlin', who are you addressing? And what's with the stalker talk? As if I spend my daily life here like you do. I'm half tempted to start posting porn to get this thread deleted merely to spite you.

No more PMs for you, you attention whore.

It That All There Is?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#503It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:25am

It That All There Is?

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#504It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:28am

If that's what the stairway to heaven looks like, my fat ass is screwed.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

tazber Profile Photo
#505It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:34am

That's a stariway I'll probably never see.

....but the world goes 'round

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#506It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:59am

Damn, I was hoping for an escalator. Well I better make life worth it.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#507It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 9:47am

" As if I spend my daily life here like you do. "

Just curious - how would you know how much time he spends here if you weren't here to see it?



Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#508It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 9:51am

Those are some big f'in stairs. I'm a Jew so, well, obviously I'm going to heaven (chosen and all) so i'd better practice my rock climbing before the day comes I'll have to scale those stairs.

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#509It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 10:38am

The people who are obsessed are not the people who mention it from time to me, as a lark or a laugh.

The people who are obsessed are the ones who sputter and deny and point fingers and shriek, "It's not me! It's not me! It's you who are obsessed! You're obsessed! You're obsessed!" When all around them non-obsessed people are making jokes and making merry,

Except nobody is doing that. So now, your denial of obsession has driven you to make up scenarios that don't exist and post them as fact. Nobody is pointing fingers or shrieking, except you. That's the only fact. Just like you posted as fact that Brendan sent you racy PMs. I never did that.

#510It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 10:56am

JohnBoy is this thread's omniscient third person narrator.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#511It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 11:48am

Oh, Janie, he ALWAYS says that about me ALWAYS being here. It's not neither true nor relevant, but look who we are dealing with. Once again, all someone has to do is look at the thread to see that it is in deed ghostlight2 who has come in trying to antagonize me. I really think there's some sort of deep seated psychological issue there that I can only help is before worked out before someone sort of trained professional.

I kinda of think ghostlight2 must read all the threads in reverse (like hitting "reply to message" and then reading them that way). It would explain his always being in a snit about comments that have yet to be made. And not at him.

Sad. So sad.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#512It That All There Is?
Posted: 11/8/09 at 11:52am

I'm here a lot and I admit it. I have too much time on my hands, but I earned it! It That All There Is?


#513Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 11:54am

"Just curious - how would you know how much time he spends here if you weren't here to see it?"


That's an easy one, Jane. You do realize posts are cumulative? I check in every so often, and when I do I can see that he has posted just about every single day, many times each day, in many, many threads - so much so that it's impossible to miss his posts. Roughly half the time I open a thread, he's posted in it - and I discover this after I've opened the thread. I respond to his and/or your posts once or twice a month (and usually regret doing so). So much for the two of you with your paranoid stalker talk. I wouldn't have bothered to clutter up the board with this response, but you asked me not to PM you, and I respect that - but I did want to give you the courtesy of a response to your question.

I hope that answers your question, because that's all there is, my friend.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#514Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 12:55pm

Someone has a bustle in his hedgerow.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#515Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:49pm

You all said you'd be cool today, so please, for my sake
I can't believe this thread
I can't believe that Brendan
He can't believe a thing cause he died

This thread gave us all a bunch of laughs
I can't believe you'd disagree
I can't believe ghostlight2 is such a crazy prig and cannnot realize that I do not give a crap about him, but have no problem sniping back when snipes at me because if there's anything I love more than my parody lyrics, it's bickering and crazy, and even though your particular brand of bickering and crazy is neither pleasurable nor even interesting enough to be pitiable I will gotta be me.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#516Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 1:49pm

Sorry, I kind of lost the rhyme scheme there at the end. Yep, that's all there is.

#517Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 2:54pm

And, in conclusion, Simon & Simon were not real brothers but merely played them on teleVISion.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#518Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 2:58pm

But Cagney & Lacey were still...y'know, right?

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#519Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 4:33pm

I wish the animosity in my memorial thread would stop. Truly I do. I was always a lover, not a fighter.

#520Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 6:14pm

Can we please stop all this foolish banter and focus on a topic of real importance: Levi Johnston is now in NYC!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#522Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 7:10pm

You've gotten together with him, right DP?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#523Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 7:37pm

I feel sorry for the dude on the second step. Brenden was in such good shape. That's how he got up there so fast.

#524Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 8:49pm

Just to clarify things:

The staircase in Heaven isn't that white thing leading upwards. It's a mauve staircase leading down into the Harmonia Gardens.

Thank you very much.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#525Yep, that's all there is.
Posted: 11/8/09 at 9:03pm

So did Levi shine you on?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
