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SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Jul 21 2024, 11:09:57 PM

MatthewS1 said: "I wonder if Caroline Bowman is the second Norma cover. I still think it's plausible that she's somehow involved in this production"

The standby?  Both performers will need one.

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 11 2024, 03:59:42 AM

TotallyEffed said: "blaxx said: "TotallyEffed said: "I haven’t read a single comment in this thread so forgive me if I’m repeating anything anyone has already said. Looking forward to going back and reading all your comments.

I feel certain this will come to Broadway, hopefully Circle in the Square. The show finally…. makes….sense? What an absolutely inspired, entertaining, moving night of theatre. And this is coming

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 11 2024, 01:49:20 AM

TotallyEffed said: "I haven’t read a single comment in this thread so forgive me if I’m repeating anything anyone has already said. Looking forward to going back and reading all your comments.

I feel certain this will come to Broadway, hopefully Circle in the Square. The show finally…. makes….sense? What an absolutely inspired, entertaining, moving night of theatre. And this is coming from someone who really disliked Cats and thought t

Life and Trust (from the Sleep No More producers)
 Jul 5 2024, 10:29:02 PM

ColorTheHours048 said: "A cheap - though clearly very expensively produced - imitation of Sleep No More in nearly every way: from the dimly lit, pseudo maze of an entry; to the clunkyVenetian masks; to the horrendous audience behavior. I didn’t stay until the finale, so I can’t give my take on the show as a whole, but I was bored enough and had been bodychecked enough that I decided it wasn’t worth the further disappointment.

My biggest complaint is that

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 5 2024, 10:27:05 PM

WldKingdomHM said: "Has anyone been to the stage door yet ? Any of the cast comes out and where is it located ?"

They come out through the main lobby.

Horror On Broadway?
 Jul 4 2024, 02:48:22 PM

Jarethan said: "MichelleCraig said: "WAIT UNTIL DARK was originally on Broadway with Lee Remick in 1966. It was revived in 1998 with Marisa Tomei and Quentin Tarantino.

I'monly familiar with the film adaptation starring Audrey Hepburn. Does anyone here have knowledge or opinions on the stage version(s)? Do you think it could work on Broadway today?

This is probably semantics, but I think of Wait Until Dark as a thriller, not horror. I saw

Did Jessie Mueller deserve the Tony?
 Jul 4 2024, 01:35:50 AM

RippedMan said: "I didn’t see her but I agree with your point. I think a lot of people are blinded by the “they look and sound just like them” so it sort of stuns them. Much like Frost winning for MJ."

Yes, the Tony went to them just because they were the best look-alikes. 🙄

Life and Trust (from the Sleep No More producers)
 Jul 1 2024, 03:37:41 PM

Yes,it's incredibly derivative, if not a carbon copy of Punchdrunk works. And it's impressive!

Beside the unintentionally laughable and over-the-top prologue, the level of detail throughout the six floors is mind blowing.

The finale is worth the price of admission alone.

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 1 2024, 03:16:44 PM

This is the best show playing in NYC right now, imho.

How fitting for Michelle Visage to be the "judge" this past Saturday.

I don't wish the scrutiny of Broadway upon it, however. Wish it could find a permanent place Off Broadway to run forever without the heavy financial pressure, tourist indifference or overall cynism.

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 24 2024, 02:09:53 AM

BroadwayNYC2 said: "Have whatever opinion of the show you want, I don’t care. But nothing drives me up a wall more than “bUt iT DOesNt HaVE a PlOT.”

We know, it never really claimed to. Use your vocabularyto formulate an argument, then let’s have the discussion.

^This, consider poetry doesn't have plots. They may have used a thin narrative thread to follow along in Cats; yet the show it's thematical, not story dr

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 22 2024, 09:36:39 PM

chrishuyen said: "It is kind of annoying how much the "Cats is bad" discourse has grown in the past few yearsfor the general public who may have not even seen Cats(though of course it wasn't helped by the movie), but if anything I find it more impressive that those who hated Cats to begin with were able to enjoy the show so much. As for musical theater snobs, I feel like that's practically in the job description of being a critic ;)"

The "I hat

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 22 2024, 01:56:22 AM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "I just want to shout out Shereen Pimentel who has never been bad in anything I've seen her in and has such impeccable control of her vocal instrument as both a legit soprano and a belter AND can dance!

Feels inevitable that someday she will playAudra's daughter or mini-me (but she's probably not a Louise).

She's amazing and I do think she'd be a great Louise!

Life and Trust (from the Sleep No More producers)
 Jun 21 2024, 10:19:54 PM

chrishuyen said: "blaxx said: "chrishuyen said: "Someone I know mentioned they felt like they fixed some of the problems with Sleep No More, namely having wider hallways/stairs and that the space is huge. From online chatter it seems like the story may be a lot more loosely involved, and at least one person complained about being in dead zones too much with not being able to figure out where things were happening. I think they're doing a "preview" peri

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 21 2024, 10:19:01 PM

JSquared2 said: "KevinKlawitter said: "blaxx said: "BoringBoredBoard40 said: "Wagner Johnson are enhancing with an eye towards Circle In The Square in the Spring"

Best revival of a musical? Yaaaas queen!

Given how hit or mess London transfers have been with critics as of late, I'd say that this would be tied neck-and-neck withGypsyas frontrunners for Best Musical Revival. Maybe even ah

Life and Trust (from the Sleep No More producers)
 Jun 21 2024, 07:51:40 PM

chrishuyen said: "Someone I know mentioned they felt like they fixed some of the problems with Sleep No More, namely having wider hallways/stairs and that the space is huge. From online chatter it seems like the story may be a lot more loosely involved, and at least one person complained about being in dead zones too much with not being able to figure out where things were happening. I think they're doing a "preview" period, so this might be something that gets fixed ov

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 20 2024, 11:29:11 PM

BoringBoredBoard40 said: "Wagner Johnson are enhancing with an eye towards Circle In The Square in the Spring"

Best revival of a musical?  Yaaaas queen! 

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 17 2024, 12:54:45 AM

Mr. Wormwood said: "blaxx said: "Did Outsiders win Musical with no acting wins?

Was Memphis the last time this happened?

A Strange Loop and Gentlemen's Guide since Memphis


2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 16 2024, 11:51:34 PM

HenryTDobson said: "Super sad for Kelli. Poor woman has had to sit through this crap EIGHT times and lost 7 of those times...."

Susan Lucci for TV, Glenn Close for film, and Kelli for theater.  

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 16 2024, 11:48:57 PM

Did Outsiders win Musical with no acting wins?

Was Memphis the last time this happened?

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 16 2024, 11:14:59 PM

ElephantLoveMedley said: "I was rooting forIllinoise, but given the other options in the mix, I couldn't be more thrilled forThe Outsiders. What a great outcome for the most competitive season in years for Best Musical."

Most competitive  =  slim pickings.

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