Big Brother

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#75Big Brother
Posted: 7/26/12 at 11:05am

I like Ashley too. And I think the editing is definitely making her seem "dumber" than she is. I think when she was talking about the kind of guy she's looking for it came off as very sweet. When Dan told her, "That sounds realistic," I think he was being honest. I would be scared to take someone like Ashley to the final two because she could easily get some votes. I think she has more strategy than she's letting on. Remember her comment about getting Kara out because she "wanted to play that role?"

The coaches are hurting this season. Janelle's team is boring and they're only surviving because she's guiding them along. I know next season is All-Stars again, but after that I hope they give us a regular season. 16 new houseguests just out to play the game.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#76Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 7:53am

JoJO is gone. She was a HOT MESS, but real. Glad to see DR. Will again, his charisma and snarkiness is truly missed IMO. He showed what BB14 is lacking. The show, people are boring.
So Happy SHANE won HOH ! Hope he goes after Janelle's tribe.

Luscious Profile Photo
#77Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 9:26am

Dr. Will freaked me out. Looks like he's had a little too much work done. -- Glad Jojo was sent back to Staten Island. -- Not crazy about Shane winning HOH (mostly because it keeps Britney comfy and cozy for another week - she's completely useless), but it will put a huge target on his back week after next. Having won two POVs and HOH, he'll be perceived as a major threat. Regardless of who wins HOH next (unless it's Janelle), they're going to want him gone. -- Really don't like the idea of giving America the choice to decide whether the coaches can enter the game as houseguests. Of course, America will vote Yes. Just don't think it's fair to the other players. Actually, don't really care all that much. None of the houseguests have clicked with me this season. At this point, I really don't care who wins. As long as it's not Boogie.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#78Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 10:14am

Wasn’t sad to see Jojo leave and wasn’t surprised to see Shane win HOH. But it was fun to see Frank looking quite anxious when Shane won. Perhaps Frank shouldn’t have brushed him off so easily. Britney may not be very influential with her team, but it’s not like she’s given them bad advice. Willie wouldn’t listen to her and he self-destructed. Jojo wouldn’t listen to her and she was sent home. I’d like to have the coaches in the game just to keep Britney around because she and Ian are the only sources of entertainment this season. And I’d love to see everyone vote out Mike as quickly as possible. Though Frank will probably continue to do anything Mike says.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 7/27/12 at 10:14 AM

#79Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:47pm

I agree about how Dr. Will's looks, but then again he always looked "Scary" to me...very Wax Figure like! Ugh!
Shane needs to try to get Frank out, but doubt it would work, he is too well liked and somehow NOT perceived as a Threat.
As I said earlier, putting the COACHS back into the game is so UNFAIR to the other players. They had their chances and some have won!
I think IAN is BIZARRE and pure entertainment and could fool everyone and take this game.
But, it's been soo boring and I am really not connecting with anyone thise season, so I don't care at this point what happens.
Not a good BB so far.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
#80Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:50pm

Britney cracks me up. And I forgot how much it annoys me that Dan yells everything he says in the diary room. The coaches need to become players or this is going to be a short season!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#81Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:53pm

I really hope they vote to keep the coaches non competitive. IF they do, however, the best thing the house needs to do is vote their asses OFF -- starting with Boogie.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#82Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 1:00pm

The first time I saw one of these shows introduce past players into another season to compete again, I balked as well. But now, all the shows have been doing it for years, so I can't really consider it "unfair" any more since it has become a regular part of the format. Anyone playing these games who has ever watched these shows in the last five years or so should pretty much expect it by now. And they all guessed this may happen within the first week.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 7/27/12 at 01:00 PM

#83Big Brother
Posted: 7/27/12 at 1:17pm

Fine,then I agree w/ Dramamama611: Boot their asses off asap, starting with BOOGER. Brit & Janelle should stay to compete, they haven't won in the past. IMO

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#84Big Brother
Posted: 7/29/12 at 10:00pm

Tonight was pure brilliance. The entire episode was perfect and I was clapping, cheering and squealing along the entire time.

Loved the coaches competition, loved the outfits, loved that Janelle won, couldn't stop laughing watching them on those machines. It was so great. Ian tearing up when Boogie gave him the money (though when Boogie did his, "let me think about this for a minute- I'll take the $6,000," I wanted to barf). Ashley explaining the dream board. Shane agonizing about who to nominate.

I assume Joe will be going home if he doesn't win POV. Shane will not be winning this competition. Frank and Boogie will play and betray him now that he has shown to be so loyal and honest. The trustworthy people are always the ones who get played in this game.

It was interesting last week that Dr. Will thought Ian was going to win. I think he will make it far, but he doesn't seem to do that well in the competitions.

I feel like America is going to vote the coaches into the competition. There are two benefits to having the coaches play: 1. Boogie can be evicted immediately and 2. Janelle can finally win the game.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#85Big Brother
Posted: 7/30/12 at 6:29pm

I was sort of bored. Not sure why Shane still wants to partner with Frank considering a) Frank is his biggest competition; b) Frank hasn't shown Shane any loyalty (neither Frank nor Mike have given Shane any reason to trust them); and c) betraying Frank wouldn't do much harm if Frank is evicted and not on the jury. I can only assume Shane is desperate for an alliance with anyone who comes along. If he backdoors Frank, then I might give him some props, but I thought the nominations didn't really serve him well.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

jasonf Profile Photo
#86Big Brother
Posted: 7/30/12 at 10:26pm

I know what happens with POV - want spoilers?

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

phan24 Profile Photo
#87Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 1:26am

Shane is literally winning everything! WINK WINK.

I would appreciate him more if he weren't such a proud womanizer.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#88Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 12:44pm

I like how Jasonf act's like he has some scoop. You can read everything that happens on Jackies Blog.

jasonf Profile Photo
#89Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 1:04pm

No scoop - I just know what happens.
Not everyone checks for spoilers.
I'm not going to ruin it for people who want to see it on the show.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
#90Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 1:32pm

I like checking for spoilers but when I watch the show it's so behind the live feed updates that it kind of ruins it for me. Remember our previous BB threads when we would PM each other with the spoilers so as not to blow it for others?
Speaking of previous BB threads, where is Boy From Ohio?

The show is a little slow this year and not nearly as hilarious. I'm hoping for something big to happen and shake things up.

jasonf Profile Photo
#91Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 2:33pm

I worry the coaches coming into the game will just be the next four evictions. I don't see how the remaining newbies won't just gang up on them and take them out one at a time. At the very least, Ian, Shane, and Jen seem to have enough brains to realize that's a necessity...

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#92Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 3:04pm

With the newbies already divided into mini-alliances, the coaches could work together by adding a couple of newbies to dominate the votes. I don't see Frank uniting with the newbies to vote out his boyfriend, Mike.

Speaking of hilarious, on After Dark a few days ago, there was a fantastic conversation regarding hemorrhoids. Britney's questions regarding her curiosity and anxiety on the subject had me in tears. Wil's birthday celebration was beyond annoying and obnoxious, however.

I did overhear an interesting strategy conversation coming from Britney and Janelle, though...

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#93Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 3:16pm

I highly doubt the coaches will be the first four evictions. There are huge suballiances among the newbies and big perceived threats. Wil, Shane, Frank, and Ian are all big targets that a lot of people seem to want out. Plus, let's not forget that Boogie, Janelle, and Dan (when he's not throwing it) can dominate in competitions.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

Luscious Profile Photo
#94Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 3:23pm

Who knows whether Shane used the POV?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#95Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 3:24pm

I'm still wondering why Wil is such a huge target. Seems like it should be Danielle if she's getting into a showmance with Shane. But if they all think Wil is such a huge threat, then CBS certainly hasn't shown any of the reasons behind this logic in any episodes.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Luscious Profile Photo
#96Big Brother
Posted: 7/31/12 at 4:10pm

Still don't think that it's fair for the coaches to get to play as houseguests, but, of course, America is going to vote that way. For this to happen, there should at least be certain conditions that have to be agreed to. Like their having to be Have-Nots for the next 3 weeks. Or even better, for the rest of the summer.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#97Big Brother
Posted: 8/2/12 at 11:53pm

Tonight was a good episode. Britney is just so darn funny to me. She'd be my friend.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#98Big Brother
Posted: 8/3/12 at 12:54am

Liked the way they handled the twist, even if we all saw it coming. I feel like the game finally just started. Enough of this team crap- let them all go after each other.

Janelle with the fake crying made my night. She's so awesome. I want her and Britney to be the final two.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#99Big Brother
Posted: 8/3/12 at 1:07am

Same here.
