Terror in Paris

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/18/15 at 4:43pm


I couldn't say for certain, but I don't believe that to be true. There was a brutal rape and murder very close to where we live just a few months ago. This guy was from one of the former USSR countries. There is more crime in the biggest cities to the south, especially in the immigrant heavy areas. It's usually one culture against another.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/18/15 at 4:46pm

I should add that my fear for my family is because I am the only American here I know. I have always been afraid I would be targeted if some but ended up in the area. It has nothing to do with refugees in general.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

PalJoey Profile Photo
Posted: 11/18/15 at 5:24pm

Is there any truth to claims from some on the right here in the US that Sweden's experienced a major up tick in reported sexual assaults since opening up to scores of male immigrants from Northern Africa going back a few decades?


Don't believe everything you read on "Infowars."


As a matter of fact, don't believe ANY-thing you read on "Infowars."



Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/15 at 3:41pm

Congress just passed a veto-proof bill with a tighter screening program. Hopefully it will pass in the Senate.


hork Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/15 at 7:06pm

People are protesting the housing of Syrian refugees near where I live. They called my friend a terrorist. The funny thing is that he's not even Muslim. In fact, he's not even Arab, he's Portuguese.


It's getting ugly out there.

Posted: 11/19/15 at 10:23pm

He sounds hot.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 11/20/15 at 10:25am

And made-up!

PalJoey Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 12:37pm


There are Portuguese refugees?


tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 12:58pm


....but the world goes 'round

hork Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 1:01pm

No, he's not a refugee. He's an American of Portuguese ethnicity who was walking by the protesters, and one of them called him a terrorist because he's dark-skinned and looks Arab-ish.

Posted: 11/20/15 at 1:08pm

So I was right when I guess he was hot!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 1:58pm


Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Petralicious Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 1:59pm

hork said: "People are protesting the housing of Syrian refugees near where I live. They called my friend a terrorist. The funny thing is that he's not even Muslim. In fact, he's not even Arab, he's Portuguese.

It's getting ugly out there.


"American of Portuguese descent...you mean Brazilian?


When They Go Low, I Go High

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 2:01pm

Petralicious said: "hork said: "People are protesting the housing of Syrian refugees near where I live. They called my friend a terrorist. The funny thing is that he's not even Muslim. In fact, he's not even Arab, he's Portuguese.


It's getting ugly out there.




"American of Portuguese descent...you mean Brazilian?





Do you not know that Portugal and Brazil are two different countries?

....but the world goes 'round

Petralicious Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 2:05pm

tazber said: "Petralicious said: "hork said: "People are protesting the housing of Syrian refugees near where I live. They called my friend a terrorist. The funny thing is that he's not even Muslim. In fact, he's not even Arab, he's Portuguese.




It's getting ugly out there.








"American of Portuguese descent...you mean Brazilian?










Do you not know that Portugal and Brazil are two different countries?


Umm yeah, it was a joke, didnt know i needed to spell that out. 




When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 11/20/15 at 02:05 PM

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 2:12pm

What's the joke?


....but the world goes 'round

Petralicious Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 2:17pm

tazber said: "What's the joke?




" To Europeans, America means all of the Western Hemisphere, Brazilians speak Portuguese. 



When They Go Low, I Go High

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 2:19pm




....but the world goes 'round

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 2:50pm

That was no joke.


hork Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/15 at 7:08pm

FindingNamo said: "So I was right when I guess he was hot!


He is pretty hot, yeah.

Posted: 11/19/18 at 8:11am

They guys just want to know to kill innocent peoples they even don't know that what they are doing and why they are doing, and the main target of them is Syrian peoples we have to do something for them and we also discussed about to how to help the refugee children because they also need shelter. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 11/20/18 at 6:16pm


"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
