Anyone watch Hannibal?

tazber Profile Photo
#1Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 8:36am

I just finished season 1 and it was really good. Gonna dig into season 2 tonight.

Some great theater guest stars too.

Raul Esparza
Dan Fogler
Eddie Izzard
Gillian Anderson

Any other fans?

....but the world goes 'round

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#2Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 8:46am

I think there's a thread floating somewhere around here about this show...

I wasn't a big fan of season one- way too much case of the week for me- and the pacing could often be sluggish and the plot muddled. (Not to mention that NBC decided to remove an episode from airing because they deemed it too violent after a similar incident was reported in the news.)

Then something magical happened and season two was a near masterpiece. All the pieces fell into place, plotlines surged forward and Hugh Dancy's performance deepened into something very special.

Raul's role was greatly expanded and he is PERFECT in every scene.

The season finale is a thriller, set up by a media res start in the premiere.

Mads is freaky as SH*T and is much more terrifying that Hopkins was.

Enjoy season two!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

tazber Profile Photo
#2Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 9:00am


The BD specified which episode wasn't shown on TV and I was wondering why. Molly Shanon was in that episode and she was great. It's a shame it wasn't aired because it has a lot of Hannibal and Abagail which really moves the main story arc forward.

Completely agree about the "case of the week" thing, but they all ended up tying together in the end.

Anyway, I'm hooked!

....but the world goes 'round

broadway86 Profile Photo
#3Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 9:41am

Season one was a spectacularly assured start, but season two is just masterful in every sense. It's really flourished into being one of the most creative, fascinating, and affecting shows on television, not to mention disturbing.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#4Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 9:46am

I am a Fannibal, for sure.

All you mentioned make appearances in season two, taz, apart from Fogler. Raul's Dr. Chilton especially is a highlight of the season.

Season two suffers a little close to the end, but it picks back up at a feverish level.

tazber Profile Photo
#5Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 10:37am

Oh I almost forgot to mention:

Did you guys catch Ellen Greene's surreal cameo?

Please tell me she comes back in season 2.

....but the world goes 'round

Wynbish Profile Photo
#6Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 11:03am

I would tell you, but it would not be truthful.

What are your feelings on Michael Pitt?

javero Profile Photo
#7Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 11:27am

Huge fan here.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

tazber Profile Photo
#8Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 11:49am

I've only seen him in a few movies but I like him. He has a very intense presence.

I know he plays Mason Verger in season 2 and I think that's great casting.

....but the world goes 'round

The Josh Profile Photo
The Josh
#9Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 12:48pm

Hannibal, I think, is the best show on network TV today. Hoping to see more Chilton in season 3.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#10Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 12:52pm

I don't always love Michael Pitt, but he's terrific as Verger. I know they had to be quite creative with the lighting in a few of his scenes to get stuff past the censors.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Kad Profile Photo
#11Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/2/14 at 1:32pm

Honestly, I'm surprised it's on network television at all.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

tazber Profile Photo
#12Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 6:40am

I am so damn addicted to this show that I watched 5 freaking episodes last night.

You guys were right, the second season is sooooooo much better.

I'm not sure if this is a thread where spoilers are a concern, but I'll be vague just in case:

I'm so happy Hannibal becomes more, well Hannibal-esque. He wasn't even the most interesting character in season 1, but wow! did they change that up.
"Freaky" is a good word (thanks Whizzer!). Finally there is a sense of menace whenever he's on screen. Mads has got this character down.

I love Raul hamming it up. Steals every scene he's in.

I have to mention Laurence Fishburne who has been excellent in both seasons. He's not a flashy character, but he's compelling.

SPOILER - I don't know how the season ends yet, but the first scene in episode 1 has Hannibal (possibly) killing him before flashing back to 12 weeks earlier.- END SPOILER

Finally - Omg that lobotomy by Patricia Arquette. (confession - I literally covered my eyes and watched that scene through my fingers). I can not believe they showed that.

I'm definitely finishing the season this weekend.

....but the world goes 'round

Wynbish Profile Photo
#13Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 9:55am

The lobotomy is in the episode with the bees, right? My second-favorite part of this season's gag reel came from that episode. Taz, did you see the first season gag reel? "Motive! I'm out!"

tazber Profile Photo
#14Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 9:58am

Yes, it's the bees episode.

I didn't watch the gag reel from season 1, but now I will. Anyone watch Hannibal?

....but the world goes 'round

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#15Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 10:09am

I'm glad you're loving season two!!

Isn't Freddie amazing too? I near hated her in season one and then LOVED her in season two.

Raul is the best ever and if you're only 5 episodes in you haven't seen anything yet.

Laurence Fishburne adds so much to the series. Have you been watching Black-ish? It's not great, but Fishburne is easily the best part.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

tazber Profile Photo
#16Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 10:19am

I'm glad you mentioned Freddie. I love that character. And the show is lacking in good female roles so she is definitely an asset.

I saw Gillian Anderson signed on as a series regular starting with season 3. Did they ever really address who her attacker was and what happened to him/her?

They keep mentioning it and I feel like I might have missed something.

I haven't seen Black-ish, but it's on my "to see" list.

....but the world goes 'round

Wynbish Profile Photo
#18Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 11:07am

I thought the lobotomy was by Amanda Plummer??

tazber Profile Photo
#19Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/3/14 at 11:21am

Oh you're right wonkit.

It was Amanda Plummer.

....but the world goes 'round

#20Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/4/14 at 12:42pm

taz - I wouldn't have remembered but she is so funny in the gag reel!

tazber Profile Photo
#21Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 10/6/14 at 6:09am

I finished the season and that finale was insane!!!!

First off, let me mention that there was a post end credits scene on the finale. Did everyone catch it? I'll describe it (spoiler?):

We see a plane flying. The camera zooms inside the cabin where a stewardess is offering drinks. While we don't know the destination*, she is speaking French. She passes Hannibal who politely accepts a flute of champagne. The camera pans to the seat next to him, and sitting there looking at Hannibal with eyes full of admiration (and maybe more) is Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier (!!!).

*Chances are they will be heading to Italy, which would tie in with Lecter's story from Hannibal (the novel).

End Spoiler................

Since we have learned from both Freddie and Abagail that no one dies on this show unless you actually see them expire, I'm going to assume that all four of the characters whom Dr. Lecter "killed" will be saved by the arriving MTs. Except maybe Fishburne since he's now on Black-ish.

Michael Pitt was perfect as Mason. He was crazy and eccentric.

The most interesting scenes in the second half for me were the ones where Will is either going insane or is deep undercover. For those 3 or 4 episodes (before we learn his true intentions) the dynamic between Hannibal and Will was mesmerizing. That was some brilliant TV.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 10/6/14 at 06:09 AM

The Josh Profile Photo
The Josh
MrSweetNAwful Profile Photo
#23Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 1/20/15 at 10:42pm

3rd season was recently pushed back to the summer. That makes me a sad Fannibal. But I just got the Second Season blu-ray! I'm not ready to watch it again though.

Am I the only one who experiences crazy visceral feelings when watching this show? I don't mean squirming at the gore and getting tense at the drama. I mean a deep, sickly feeling that washes over you. For instance, the opening titles. The music combined with the visuals (plus knowing that I'm about to see some crazy sh!t) makes me nauseous, my face droops, my eyes go in and out of focus. It's like "the drugs are kicking in". I remember when I introduced the show to my gf, by the time we got to the end of Season One I started to feel resentment towards the show for making me watch what happened to Will and Abby all over again. Then with the second season I noticed each week when I went to watch on demand just scrolling through the menu to get to the next episode made me anxious and slowed my movements.
How can such an over the top piece of fiction give me such REAL FEELS!?! How do you do it Bryan Fuller?

You're reminding me of people you hear at the movies asking questions every ten seconds, "Who is that? Why is that guy walking down the street? Who's that lady coming up to him? Uh-oh, why did that car go by? Why is it so dark in this theater?" - FindingNamo on strummergirl

"If artists were machines, then I'm just a different kind of machine...I'd probably be a toaster. Actually, I'd be a toaster oven because they're more versatile. And I like making grilled cheese" -Regina Spektor

"That's, like, twelve shows! ...Or seven." -Crazy SA Fangirl

"They say that just being relaxed is the most important thing [in acting]. I take that to another level, I think kinda like yawning being partially asleep onstage is also good, but whatever." - Sherie Rene Scott

tazber Profile Photo
#24Anyone watch Hannibal?
Posted: 4/30/15 at 6:13am

Anyone watch Hannibal?Anyone watch Hannibal?Anyone watch Hannibal?


In that first episode all about Bedelia and Hannibal, there's just a hint of "Wouldn't this be better if it were me and Will Graham?" in terms of Hannibal thinking that, and what he misses. Because Bedelia will always be Hannibal's psychiatrist, she'll never be necessarily as intimate and passionate in her relationship with Hannibal as Will and Hannibal are.

....but the world goes 'round
