
None of my real life friends is cool :(- Page 2

None of my real life friends is cool :(

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#25re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/4/09 at 3:35pm

with the "They, Them, Their" issue, I was taught to always make a choice. Just choose "him" or "her" and don't bother with trying to be politically correct. I was taught it was unacceptable to write "him / her" is this still true?

JP2 Profile Photo
#26re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/4/09 at 4:17pm

This thread is made of win and love!

#27re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/4/09 at 4:47pm

LuPonatic: the gender neutral pronoun thing is a real sticky one, for obvious reasons. even prescriptive linguists (i.e., those who think it is the job of linguistics to describe how (a) language should work) acknolwedge the overt sexism of the lack of an acceptable gender-neutral third person singular pronoun in modern english.

there is some precedent for "they" as a third-person singular pronoun (with usages going back 420 years), but it is not a generally accepted approach. few newspaper editors (intentionally) permit it at present.

in response to a question about using the cumbersome "he or she" as a way to solve the problem, the Chicago Manual of Style advises:

To avoid sexist language, many writers use this alternative phrasing (in place of the generic he). Use it sparingly?preferably after exhausting all less obtrusive methods of achieving gender neutrality. But he or she is preferable to he/she, s/he, (s)he, and the like.

the challenge is that said less obtrusive methods are few and far between. the best list of suggestions i've seen includes:

(a) use "one" when it's not awkward or pretentious
(b) re-order the sentence to avoid the need for a pronoun
(c) repeat the antecedent to avoid the use of a gender-specific pronoun

still far from perfect ... as any good *descriptive* linguist would tell you: language is a work-in-progress; check beack in 20 years!

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

emo_geek Profile Photo
#28re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/5/09 at 1:53am

Isn't it against the rules to take pictures in a museum?

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

blaxx Profile Photo
#29re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/5/09 at 1:59am

What rules?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Miss Elphaba Profile Photo
Miss Elphaba
#30re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/5/09 at 6:34am

I love the photo TonyVincent it's so cool:)!

I don't know what rules are in this gallery but in either the Tate Modern or the National Gallery in London (i forget which) you're not even allowed to POINT at the artwork..

"I trained as a classical actor at Juilliard. I jump at the opportunity to do classical text...But I never in a million years guessed I'd get to play Juliet!"- Michael Arden

TonyVincent Profile Photo
#31re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/5/09 at 8:28am

emo - heavily depends on the museum. I doubt any of them allow you to take pictures with flash, but as far as pictures without flash, my experience has been about 50/50.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#32re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/5/09 at 1:45pm

Whoever that guy is, he looks sexy from that angle, and the pic is indeed wonderful.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#33re: None of my real life friends are cool :(
Posted: 7/5/09 at 5:06pm

You look kinda hot from behind.

