
Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie- Page 2

Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie

JP2 Profile Photo
#25Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 11:39am

"Constantine doesn't exactly look his age."

He certainly doesn't look like a young aspiring rock... or anywhere between the age of 18-25. . .

Again, this is like saying that Marissa Jaret Winokur deserved to play a 16 year old Tracy Turnblad because she MADE the role. Or, I can work in reverse. I love the Priscilla movie and thought Guy Pearce was amazing! How dare they cast this 'Nick Adams' fellow as Felicia when Guy Pearce made the role! What an outrage.
Updated On: 4/2/11 at 11:39 AM

#26Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:50pm

"Yeah, sorry this whole "Constantine MAKES the show. It is nothing without him. He is the reason it is successful" thing is utter bull ****. "

When you compare the productions with Constantine to the ones without him, it seems to me the productions with him have had more success. I've only seen Constantine as Drew, so I can't comment on how others play the role or what the show is like without him. But just looking at the history so far, didn't Toronto close earlier than planned, and a few months after he left the BW production, it went dark for a few months and is now in a theater half the size of the BAT?

Jersey Girl2 Profile Photo
Jersey Girl2
#27Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:05pm

JP I never said he should be Drew in the movie, sure I would like him to & I would go see it if he was Drew but I didn't bring that up.
Constantine will go on to star in other shows. I'm ready to see what ne does next.
& eatlasagna what I said it was that with him the show is SO much better.

"Forget regret or life is yours to miss."

JP2 Profile Photo
#28Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:21pm

Ah, yes. My apologizes. I suppose I got a little riled up after reading some of the tweets Constantine's fans send to Shankman.

Jersey Girl2 Profile Photo
Jersey Girl2
#29Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 3:03pm

I think Shankman likes the drama. He tweeted they will be rehearsing soon but still hasn't chosen one of the lead parts??
I think he know but is enjoying the attention.

"Forget regret or life is yours to miss."

JP2 Profile Photo
#30Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 3:09pm

Well, I wouldn't call tweets from the same 6 people over and over again attention... at least night major high profile attention.

I noticed the deadline to submit online auditions on http://rockofagesmoviecasting.com has been extended from March 31st, to April 5th. So, I'm going to assume they really haven't settled on anyone yet. The weight of the film is carried on whoever they cast as Drew, I'm sure they want to make sure they pick the right kid.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#31Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 8:54pm

A reliable source in casting told me no decision has been made as to who will play Drew.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#32Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/2/11 at 9:29pm

The timing is wrong but the perfect Drew is that James kid on IDOL this season.

JP2 Profile Photo
#33Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 3:38pm

It's official!

"It comes down to being able to identity the 'it' factor, and Jen and I have been lucky enough to do it several times. He has it and is every inch a movie star."

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#34Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 3:55pm

Awesome! This is actually shaping up to be a fun ride.

JP2 Profile Photo
#35Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 6:43pm

Tweet from Shankman:
I can now officially confirm that Diego Boneta will in fact be playing Drew in #rockofagesmovie. He is the perfect movie Drew. He's going to blow your minds.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#36Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 6:47pm

And the Constantine fangirls weep.

Barney Stinson
#37Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 8:38pm

Constantine was great in the Bway show. But in the movie? Not a chance. On film, he would look every bit of 36. Dude is old. Old to be an early 20's rocker that is.

And no one should feel bad for him, I'm sure he's made a ton of money playing the role for the last 2+ years.

The question is: Will the bway show even last until the movie comes out? The grosses this past week were really bad.

JP2 Profile Photo
#38Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 8:53pm

"And the Constantine fangirls weep. "

Do a search for @adammshankman on twitter and read the tweets they're sending him. It's pretty sad.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#39Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 9:02pm

Oh lawd. Do these twats even know he's not the original Drew?

JP2 Profile Photo
#40Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 4/4/11 at 9:26pm

Brilliant interview with Shankman regarding Constantine. Sure to drive those ladies even more nuts.

"Constantine was perfection as Drew in the play," Shankman told 24 Frames. "But the truth of the matter is that I cast at age, and I wanted someone who doesn't have to act 20 or 23 but actually is 20 or 23 [Maroulis is 35]. The authenticity of someone actually being that age is important."

He also talks about how the movie would never have gotten the green light without the likes of Tom Cruise or Alec Baldwin.

JP2 Profile Photo
LALALand Profile Photo
#42Diego González Boneta is Drew in Rock of Ages movie
Posted: 2/20/12 at 10:32am

Keep an eye out for screenings...studio is now showing first cut to audiences.
