
will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?- Page 2

will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#25will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:24am

Saying NEWSIES is a comeback for Disney isn't saying all that much. It's not very hard to have a more entertaining or "better" show than TARZAN and LITTLE MERMAID. Not exactly a major feat...

#26will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:26am

I think Tarzan needed a bigger theatre than the Rodgers but there wasn't one available. The production in Hamburg and Scheveningen was expanded and was much better received.

There was a bit backlash as Disney opened three shows on Broadway in the space of 18 months, Mermaid and Tarzan got bad reviews and Poppins got mixed to positive.

#27will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:28am

They overloaded. 4 shows was a little much to have on Broadway at one time. Both TARZAN and MERMAID should have spent a little more time in development. But yeah, I agree one of TARZAN's biggest problems was the theatre.

Updated On: 6/4/12 at 12:28 AM

bdn223 Profile Photo
#28will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:31am

Theaterkid2 that's besides outside NYC, or the theater community those awards are worth about as much as the air you breath. Honestly when you advertise you got 20+ noms people will think that there is an award for everything. Thats why shows with that many nominations advertise themselves as the MOST nominated show of the season, instead of saying hey we got 30+ noms from 29 award shows....so saying we got 8 Tony noms sounds better than we got x noms from y shows...

#29will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:31am

I think they should spaced out the openings, maybe one every two years, the fact that Disney have a new show on Broadway until this year probably helped Newsies. I'm sure they've got one or two new shows in the pipeline but I imagine they'll close Poppins first before they do.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#30will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:38am

The backlash wasnt from them opening so many shows...a producer usually does at least a show a season, its that they thought they were above Broadway and the reviews creating critic proof shows...its like how the community treats Spiderman or Mamma Mia because we all think it sux and want it to close, so it becomes the but of all our jokes and ridicule. Honestly though most actors would kill to get into a Dosney show because its a steady job for at least a year, and it gets your foot in the door of a major studio.

Updated On: 6/4/12 at 12:38 AM

#31will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:39am

bdn223 You have a great point. And I agree Jonwo, spacing them out would have been a great idea. I remember how shocked I was to find out how close TARZAN and POPPINS were opening from one another.

And you can bet they have tons of stuff in development. As condescending as it sounds, I do think POPPINS will be the next to go.

That's another great point by bdn223. AKB is like Disney's golden boy, and he has put himself in a great position to work with them for a while. Updated On: 6/4/12 at 12:39 AM

#32will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:43am

Poppins has been chugging along for the last few years because Disney don't have anything to replace it at the New Amsterdam, its numbers aren't great compared to The Lion King and Newsies. I expect it'll be around for another year or two.

#33will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:47am

Yeah, I agree. From what I've heard of their in-development titles, I'm not all that excited yet. But we will wait and see. If the rumors about a Beauty revival are true, i would be all for that!

*on a side note, if ALADDIN comes to Broadway (which I don't think it will, honestly), I'd bet it will go in the New Amsterdam. Updated On: 6/4/12 at 12:47 AM

#34will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 12:53am

I think Disney will concentrate on Newsies for the moment with the National tour and overseas markets before their next project, Alice in Wonderland seems likely although it would needed to overhauled storywise if it is to work as a stage musical, for a show to replace Poppins at the New Amsterdam, it needs to be big.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#35will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:00am

It has nothing to do with having too many productions. They just had too many BAD ones. TARZAN and MERMAID were horrendous, in nearly every way. I don't think you can blame it on being "overloaded." They just weren't good.

And this is coming from someone who enjoyed BEAUTY and LION KING (both a hell of a lot more than NEWSIES, for what it's worth).

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#36will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:05am

It has nothing to do with having too many productions. They just had too many BAD ones. TARZAN and MERMAID were horrendous, in nearly every way. I don't think you can blame it on being "overloaded." They just weren't good.

And this is coming from someone who enjoyed BEAUTY and LION KING (both a hell of a lot more than NEWSIES, for what it's worth).

Same here. I liked those two and Mary Poppins. Tarzan and Little Mermaid were atrocious. Little Mermaid had so much potential too, but that book and the changes they made were just godawful. Also, both shows were hideous to look at.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

bdn223 Profile Photo
#37will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:18am

Honestly if I had to bet if Disney ever truly revives a show (we all know they will do a holiday run of Beast eventually), the first will be Mermaid because it has one of the most beautiful scores ever....and the book wasn't that bad, the finale was just a let down, along with most of the effects outsider of Urusulas costume and her giant tentacles that came out of the procieneum. Honestly all that show needs is a good production, in the same way that the revival of Chicago turned a show many considered mediocre into a classic...(I am in no way saying Mermaid is of the caliber of Chicago, just a flop with a hit revival)

#38will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:18am

^ I do agree they completely butchered the store with that whole contest part. That was just stupid.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#39will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:24am

I would kill for MERMAID revival with a cirque du soleil like production concept for the physical production and technical elements and a new book that includes Ursula turning into a human.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

bdn223 Profile Photo
#40will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:36am

Do you think Disney will call Miss Taymor for a "circus" revival...part of the issue was that it was Zambello's first Broadway production, a smaller house and stage (The Mer is 3x lager than a bway house). Honeslty Mermaid screamed to be put in the Gershwin...it was a show that screamed for the Spiderman treatment...lets throw everything at the wall, which is kind of what Disney has been doing with its new productions of Mermaid.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#41will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:45am

As impressive as the oversea production of MERMAID looks, I feel it has as much chance as CARRIE did to be a hit on Broadwa as a revival.

Maybe Vegas.

#42will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:54am

Mermaid had the makings of a great musical, but it was just poorly executed, especially in the design and the book. I have a feeling that a future revival fixing these problems will be incredibly successful. The score truly is beautiful.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#43will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 1:57am

Everything about Carrie was panned and what most people thought would be its saving grace was its score, which turned out to be its Achilles heal, since it was much weaker than everyone thought+ tonal problems are you a comedy or a drama+everyone wanted to see the blood an instead they got a stripped production
Mermaid's score is praised, it won the Oscar and Grammy. No one will ever do a stripped Disney show with the possible exception of Starcatcher, because we all know they aren't strong enough. With Disney shows you want spectacle whether it's costumes (lion king), magic (Poppins), dancing (Newsies), or a combination of the 3 (Beauty and the Beast).

#44will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 2:07am

I'll echo what other said in that MERMAID can be brilliant. There is a great way to do this production, but no one has found it yet. Though, from all the tries for the swimming effects I have seen so far, the heelys look the best.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#45will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 2:10am

I'd rather sit through the last revival of CARRIE twenty-five times than suffer through THE LITTLE MERMAID a second time.

Obviously MERMAID has a stronger score, but the changes to the book were horrendous, it was one of the ugliest eye-sores I've ever seen, it was poorly conceived on almost every level, and it was a lumbering bore.

It has nothing to do with it being a Disney show. I hold the Disney shows to the same standard I do everything else I see on Broadway, no higher and no lower. TARZAN and MERMAID were D- shows. NEWSIES is a C show. I really don't think there is a stigma or handicap surrounding Disney shows in the theater community. If they pull off a theatrical coup (see LION KING), they will get accolades and awards. Just like any other show. It's not as if Disney had produced THE BOOK OF MORMON, it would have been panned. The Disney affiliation has nothing to do with awards or reviews. God forbid a show win the Best Musical award having actually deserved the title of "best musical of the year." And that is not a title I would bestow upon NEWSIES. Not in the least.

Updated On: 6/4/12 at 02:10 AM

bdn223 Profile Photo
#46will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 2:11am

Agree about the heelys. I think they should use heelys the Mermaids,but puppets for the other sea creatures though because those unitards with fish sewn on were just riduculus, though it did work for Kiss the Girl.

Yes the Tonys have gotten over Disneys take over, but reviewers haven't . They hold technical parta of a Disney show to a much higher standard, expecting to be' wowed, or if your with the NYTimes you just look for any fault you can find and blow it way out of proportion. Updated On: 6/4/12 at 02:11 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#47will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 2:22am

I thought Mermaid was one of the worst shows I've seen. (Althought Chitty, Chitty will give it a run for it's money.)

THAT has nothing to do with Mermaid being "Disney".

I don't really get the whole conspiracy theory that people (reviewers/awards) will hate it just because it is Disney. This is the closest Disney has been in a while to having a "best' show in the running.

Is part of that the perfect timing of this particular "good" show? Yes, but that's part of life.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#48will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 2:53am

dramamama, it's the CIRCLE OF LIFE..

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#49will NEWSIES not win cause it's Disney?
Posted: 6/4/12 at 4:34am


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
