
Michael Musto Apologizes - Page 2

Michael Musto Apologizes

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#25Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:05am

When stuff sucks balls, it sucks balls, and today's stuff sucks pelotas.

...and them right there is a mouth full!!

After Eight
#26Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:35am


Stupidity is stupidity even when it is capitalized. (Actually it just makes it stand out even more glaringly.) And you keep repeating the same stupidity over and over again, no matter how many times it is refuted.

You can try bold face, italics, Gothic fonts---- your relentless mantra will always be the falsehood it was the first time you said it.

tazber Profile Photo
#27Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 9:30am

Does failure to recognize sarcasm count as stupidity?

....but the world goes 'round

After Eight
#28Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 9:34am


Not when it isn't presented as sarcasm.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#29Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 10:20am

Serious question -- are you autistic?


tazber Profile Photo
#30Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 10:30am

See, I found the overly demonstrative and hyperbolic way it was presented to clearly be sarcastic.

I guess when communicating without hearing one's tone of voice it can be a challenge to interpret sarcasm though.

....but the world goes 'round

After Eight
#31Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 10:44am

"See, I found the overly demonstrative and hyperbolic way it was presented to clearly be sarcastic. "

See, apparently you haven't read this entire thread through, nor the thread about the last good season.

So now I'm going to have to spell it all out for you.

Here's what he said then, what he is blaring in capitals now:

"No one EVER likes the season at hand- there's simply too high a crap-to-gems ratio."

That is blatantly false. It was shown to him to be false. No, not everyone always dislikes the season at hand, and never has. His statement in capitals is what he attributes people as always saying and having said. Not true, and never has been.


tazber Profile Photo
#32Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 11:41am

Not really. Could you explain it again?

....but the world goes 'round

best12bars Profile Photo
#33Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 11:46am

Michael Musto Apologizes

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Kad Profile Photo
#34Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 4:11pm

Taz, you will never understand.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#35Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 5:34pm

My neighbor's dog is pretty annoying. He's getting old and he's sadly neglected so all he has to do all day is sit in the yard and bark at whatever goes by. I know it's cruel to tease a dumb animal but he scares the hell out of the neighborhood kids with his behavior. I like to show them all that he's not scary he's rather sad. And stupid. And while his barking is annoying it's harmless.

So a few times a day I go out in the yard and rattle the fence or wave a branch. HE ALWAYS goes nuts and barks like crazy and RUNS to the fence snarling like mad. It always ends with his old angry face smashed into the chain link and the neighborhood kids and I laugh and laugh and laugh at his predictable antics. I know I should stop but he is so damn FUNNY with his toothless barking I just CAN'T stop. I know, I know, I should.

Huh. I don't know what made me think of that. Back to the thread!

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#36Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 5:58pm

No, I do not think that today's critics mourn for the past, in fact, just the opposite. Their taste and judgment have so declined that they now give raves to any piece of garbage -- and let's not mince words here, garbage is what it is--- that comes down the pike, detritus that would have been booed off the stage by critics 50 years ago.

50 years ago, Howard Taubman was the Drama Critic for THE NEW YORK TIMES, to be followed in three years by Clive Barnes. It doesn't get any stupider than that.

Otherwise, I shall bow to your knowledge of contemporary New York criticism. I no longer have to follow the overnighters, so I don't. Perhaps they are all teenagers nowadays.

After Eight
#37Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 6:32pm

Psssst...... yes, you..... that's right.... you, the dolt over there..... You can laugh to your heart's content. Your "arguments" are still full of ........


Updated On: 12/29/12 at 06:32 PM

#38Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 6:40pm

I think Gaveston makes some good points. It's rude to call him a dolt.

best12bars Profile Photo
#39Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 6:43pm

After Eight, why do you try so hard? You have (some) interesting things to say, but you just play right into the hands here.


Or entertaining? I forget which.

Oh, and can I just say that I vomit a little every time I read Michael Musto's alliterated assholian name? Must be a Pavlovian response.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#40Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 6:46pm


I agree.

After Eight
#41Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 6:52pm


I'm not trying hard at all.

Debunking our dolt's "arguments" requires no effort. They're so ludicrous they debunk themselves.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#42Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 6:54pm

Excellent attempt at a point!

tazber Profile Photo
#43Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:37pm

If they debunk themselves then why do you waste your energy posting about them?

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 12/28/12 at 08:37 PM

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#44Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:44pm

I personally admire Michael Musto's musings. To me, they're informative, mixed in with a dollop of his usual brand of snark. I may not agree with some of the things he writes about, but he is entertaining. from RC in Austin, Texas

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

After Eight
#45Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:51pm


Because people like you are so dense that they can't get it without explanation.

And then you still can't get it.

Oh, well. At least I did a good deed in trying to help you out, hopeless though the task may have been.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#46Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:56pm

You could do us all a good deed and throw your computer away.

tazber Profile Photo
#47Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 8:56pm

Because people like you are so dense that they can't get it without explanation

Translation: Because I need to put everyone down to make myself feel better.

But the great irony of your posts is that your own arguments lack sound reason and you don't even realize it.

I will salute you however, you are very entertaining.

....but the world goes 'round

After Eight
#48Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 9:13pm


My arguments are backed up by a negligible little thing called facts, though I realize that that's something you have little interest in, or understanding of.

But I'm glad to know at least you're entertained.

Because if that makes you happy, then that makes me happy, too.

#49Michael Musto Apologizes
Posted: 12/28/12 at 11:26pm

I've never had a single interaction with After Eight but I've seen him "argue" with others and he seems, well, different. Maybe "special." Every "fight" he picks he loses, flamboyantly and in a pool of incomprehensible ranting. One almost feels bad for him- as my aunt Essie would say "Bless his heart."

As is usually the case in these situations, I assume he is an autistic home-schooled fifth grader or Dollypop.
