The Woodsman at NWS

#25The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/3/16 at 10:54pm

1. She is running away.

2. They are not related. They are from two different worlds and share no relation. I am not sure what could give you that impression. Yes, they share a space, so she must physically walk by him, but this is about suspension of disbelief... She is not literally walking past him on the yellow brick road, they are at two different places on the yellow brick road. The green light reps resents the emerald city as the destination / hope.

#26The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/6/16 at 4:03pm

"They are not related. They are from two different worlds and share no relation. I am not sure what could give you that impression."


I mean, we can get into a whole conversation about diversity and casting but suffice it to say, I thought the two actresses they cast looked similar enough that I could believe it if they wanted to argue that they were related (e.g. one was the other's daughter or granddaughter). 

uncageg Profile Photo
#27The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/6/16 at 5:51pm

I don't think casting 2 actresses that resemble each other has anything to do with it.  I think it is pretty clear they are not related, unless there is reference to this in the books.

Just give the world Love.

#28The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/6/16 at 7:30pm

There is ZERO relation between Nimmie Aimee and Dorothy Gale. None whatsoever. There is not even a hint at that by Baum or Thompson and Ortiz does not create one either. In any fashion.

Simply because two actresses look passingly similar, and not very similar at all in my opinion, is a rather hollow construct for one to make. If ANY creator sought to have those characters connected. In this play o4 in the novels, it would have been a MAJOR plot point for a HOST of reasons 

#29The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:52am

Revisited the show today. 

The longer this show runs, the tighter this company gets. To be absolutely honest, this incarnation is far and away the best. It has never lost it's simplicity or soul, but every engagement has become a little richer and a little more fleshed out in performance and physical production. The design encompassing and blending into the entirety of the space in this way is absolutely new and absolutely perfect. The Emerald City effect, in this fashion, is new and a truly beautiful effect. 

James Ortiz's puppets continue to thrill me. Some I vastly prefer to other to be fair, but they are all a wonder. The crows, the Witch, the Kalidah...

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#30The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:07am

Any chance of a transfer?

#31The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/13/16 at 4:55pm

"There is ZERO relation between Nimmie Aimee and Dorothy Gale. None whatsoever."


OK... calm down.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#32The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/13/16 at 6:13pm

is this a limited run?

#33The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/13/16 at 10:04pm

I loved The Woodsman. So magical. Check out this great review on the show on the new Broadway Blog, Everyday Broadway: Really brings out what makes the play so special and deserves to be seen.

#34The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/13/16 at 11:57pm

Just saw it tonight. Found it lovely and heartbreaking. When it started I worried that I would be bored or unmoved. So glad to be wrong!


Of course watching the titular character transform into the Tin Man is just magical. But I was mesmerized by the whole story. I also found the set design created wonderful ambiance when you stepped into the intimate theater.


It was so different than anything I'd ever seen. It was art through and through and definitely worth catching.

#35The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/29/16 at 11:49pm

it's been over a week since I saw THE WOODSMAN and I can't get it out of my head.  It was such a feast for the senses... I totally recommend this show for anyone looking for a unique but totally accessible experience.

HBP Profile Photo
#36The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/30/16 at 12:05am

I've recommended it to so many people. I hope it has a long run. Absolutely loved the puppetry for the witch.

#37The Woodsman at NWS
Posted: 3/30/16 at 1:13am

I still haven't seen it but I've heard nothing but wonderful things and would really like to! It sounds like a really beautiful piece and I'm definitely gonna try to go.  
