
Leaf Coneybear Profile Photo
Leaf Coneybear
Posted: 4/19/16 at 10:08am

Something Rotten was SO much fun, absolutely hilarious! I also recommend Fun Home, if you're looking for something a little sadder and more serious. Both are my favorites on Bway right now!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
Posted: 4/19/16 at 10:58am

I found Something Rotten to be charmless and trying way too hard, but lots of other people like it. I definitely recommend Fun Home.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

_IrisTInkerbell Profile Photo
Posted: 4/19/16 at 5:32pm

How many more shows can you see?


I would recommend to go for a good mix of genres/types of shows, i.e. maybe a dramatic play, a comedy, a modern musical, a classic ect.

Out of the classic musicals I would recommend SHE LOVES ME over King and I. I just liked it a bit more overall, and I feel like you could probably happily see a regional production. The Broadway production is beautiful, and I'm sure Marin will be a great Anna, but She Loves Me has a stellar all-around cast that shouldn't be missed.

For a fun musical I would go with SOMETHING ROTTEN over School of Rock. SoR was cute, but it's pretty loud and I didn't feel like I saw anything super special. Rotten on the other hand was absolutely hilarious, has very catchy songs and has some great showstoppers. Definitely a show with a "wow" factor.

I didn't love COLOR PURPLE as much as many others here (partially possibly due to a crappy seat) but it's definitely an intense show. Same goes for FUN HOME. I thought it was great, and I'd recommend it, but I didn't *love* it. I just felt like it could have been a play, and didn't need the music (although I usually love Jeanine Tesori).

BLACKBIRD was amazing, but very tough to watch. Some fantastic performances though, totally recommend, just be aware it's not what I would call "entertaining" necessarily...

Haven't seen Waitress or Tuck yet, so I can't say anything about those.

I really liked FINDING NEVERLAND. I don't know if you've seen the movie. It's a bit more aimed at kids than the movie was, but I still loved it. It's great music, very emotional, funny and I personally really liked the sets and staging.

BRIGHT STAR was fabulous and I'm rooting for that show so much. Yes, it was a bit predictable, but like someone else said before, it didn't bother me one bit. The book was written so well that I still teared up at the end, even though I knew it was coming. It has a great "laughter through tears" kind of quality about it. Steve Martin really nailed that, imo. The humor is in all the right places and hits the right notes. Amazing performances, great bluegrass music, just beautiful.

Also can't recommend DADDY LONG LEGS enough. It's a perfect show, really. A classic musical, but extremely intimate in a tiny theater with just 2 actors and 3 musicians. The story is heart-warming, inspiring, funny and charming. Megan McGinnis is perfect in the role, and you won't get the music out of your head. I also haven't heard from a single person who's seen it and didn't like it. It's hard not to like.

Agree about what was said about Long Day's... Roundabout is annoying that way. Tickets will very likely become available again closer to the date.

Posted: 4/19/16 at 6:29pm

I would highly recommend The Color Purple.  I loved it when I saw it in previews and I will be seeing it again shortly before Jennifer Hudson leaves.  The stripped down stage just helps emphasize the power and beauty of the dialogue and songs.

I would also recommend Something Rotten if you are looking for a purely fun, laugh out loud musical.  I avoided this musical for quite sometime because I had heard it been compared to Spamalot (humor I am not really into), but when I saw it in February I laughed none stopped.  I loved the references to other musicals and Christian Borles performance as Shakespeare.

Posted: 5/1/16 at 8:43am

Thank you all so much for the great suggestions! I had a fantastic trip a couple weeks ago.  I ended up seeing The Color Purple, Long Day's Journey Into Night, Shuffle Along, and American Psycho.  I really enjoyed them all, but Color Purple and Shuffle Along were probably my favorites. Blown away by the talent in those. And the music in Color Purple -- WOW!  Shuffle Along was a complete joy to see such talented actors strutting their stuff.  And Audra was nice enough to take pictures with everyone at the stage door who wanted one.  I thought Long Day's Journey was good, but too long. The lady next to me actually said out loud during the show "this is miserable.". HA! WOW!  It was not miserable. Just a bit long. Lange was, of course, incredible. None of them did the stage door though.  American Psycho was SO much fun. Loved the music and how stylized the production is. Can't wait to come back as soon as I can!
