
Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:13pm

Heading to NYC in a couple weeks. Already have tix to Shuffle Along and American Psycho, going to TKTS a couple more shows. Need some recommendations please! Thoughts on Fun Home, Color Purple, Something Rotten, King and I, Waitress,Blackbird, Finding Neverland, or something even better than all these (besides Hamilton), that I may be missing?? Priorities??? (Wanted Long Day's but it's sold out already for my dates). Thanks!!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:18pm

The King and I is not to be missed!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:22pm

My favorite show currently running is She Loves Me.

Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:44pm

I don't know your specific tastes and mine are admittedly pretty eclectic, but loved every one of the shows you listed (except for King and I, which I haven't seen). My favorite of those, though, was The Color Purple. The current production is truly fantastic and I really, really recommend it.

little_sally Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:46pm

I love Something Rotten and The King and I (probably my two favorite shows currently running.) I also really liked Bright Star.  If you'd like to break up all the musicals with a play, I recommend The Humans or The Crucible.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

macnyc Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:47pm

I think it basically comes down to your personal taste and whether you're in the mood for someone harrowing (Blackbird) or something light (She Loves Me). 

haterobics Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 2:57pm

Long Day's is at Roundabout, which means I wouldn't count it as sold out, necessarily, as members can exchange tickets for other days, they hold some tickets for subscribers, etc., so I would check that constantly for the days you are going and you may get lucky yet. 

Posted: 4/4/16 at 4:19pm

Thanks for the advice so far! What would be maybe the most entertaining/funny show, and what show has the biggest "wow" factor (whether it be the music, cast, staging, spectacle, etc)....of those that have opened within the past couple years?

lucillefrank Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 4:21pm

I'd say the show with the biggest "wow" factor is Something Rotten!, at least for me.

i've got 99 problems and a revival of parade would solve like 94 of them

Posted: 4/4/16 at 4:37pm

I absolutely LOVED Blackbird. I thought it was phenomenal and the performances were just incredible- but you have to be prepared for a heavy, disturbing play. But, I also love She Loves Me, and if you want to venture Off-Broadway, Daddy Long Legs is a great choice!

abbagirl Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 5:03pm

If it's entertaining/funny you're after, I highly recommend Waitress! Definitely worth catching, especially since it's already doing well and I imagine may become a hot ticket (so get in while ya can). :) Also a big fan of Fun Home, Color Purple, and Blackbird (although the latter is pretty damn dark, so you've gotta be prepared for that; incredible acting from Jeff Daniels and Michelle Williams, though!).

Posted: 4/4/16 at 5:14pm

I think Something Rotten is one of the funniest musical comedies to open in the past few years. A lot of the jokes may be lost on people who aren't familiar with musical theatre, but it's very much a comedy with nonstop jokes that usually land. As for spectacle, Finding Neverland has some truly incredibly effects and stage pictures (and frankly, I loved the show and don't think it deserved the critical response it got)

Posted: 4/4/16 at 5:20pm

All depends on your tastes.  I saw Waitress and Tuck this weekend and DEFINITELY preferred Tuck.  But for sheer laughs, Something Rotten wins.  And School of Rock if you want to....rock.  

Posted: 4/4/16 at 5:23pm

Depends on what you're in the mood for and what you mean by a wow factor. In terms of pure entertainment and comedy, I would say Something Rotten. If by "wow" factor you mean a show with big showstoppers, tap dancing, etc. that's a great one. You'll particularly enjoy the humor if you have some knowledge on musical theater and/or Shakespeare. I took my mom last night after seeing it a few months ago and she absolutely loved it. (I almost didn't see t because the premise reminded me of Spamalot which I didn't like, but someone on these boards recommended it and I was very glad!)


She Loves Me is perfect if you want a good, old fashioned musical. I adored it and thought it was sheer perfection. It's just a delight and left me smiling all day. The cast is wonderful. I could see this dozens of times and have fun each time. 


The Color Purple is also fantastic. Much better than when I saw the original tour. It's stripped down and powerful.  The performances are amazing and I still think Erivo has an edge for the Tony out of the shows I've seen (although I wouldn't be surprised or upset if Benanti got it!!). I cried just about the whole show. 


Fun Home is also fabulous but it's very different than be others. A much smaller, more intimate feeling show. Very serious and sad but has funny moments too. Several members of the cast have left since I saw it so I can't speak to the current cast. 


I haven't seen all the shows, but if I had a friend coming to NY those are the ones (besides Hamilton) I'd suggest. 


As to the other shows you asked about, first,  Blackbird. I thought it was enthralling and powerful, but uncomfortable and not fun to watch. I'm very glad I saw it, but it depends on if you want that kind of experience. 


I  also loved King and I, but Kelli was my favorite part of it, and she departs later this month. If you can see it before she goes and you're interested in seeing a classic, you won't be sorry. 


I enjoyed Finding Neverland quite a bit, but plenty on this board hated it. It is going to tour so your time is better spent seeing something else unless there's something drawing you to this cast for some reason. 


Also so you mentioned TKTS but also check theatremania, Broadway box, etc. for discount codes. (Just google the show name and discount code.). You can often get tickets for about the same price but you can see what seats are available and pick ahead of time. Yesterday at something rotten, the usher who took the tickets said "wow, you did good."  (1st row mezz, next to the premium seats, for 40% off, which I think came out to around $100.). All it takes is Google!  The advantage to TKTS is you can walk up, list a few shows, and find out what the best seats are (and sometimes there are discounts to shows with no codes), but if I've made up my mind about what to see, I rarely use them anymore. 

Posted: 4/4/16 at 5:28pm

Thanks for all the thorough replies!! Very helpful. I did use BroadwayBox for shuffle & psycho, so saved some $$ already. I have a wide variety of tastes, so just have to decide if I want powerful, fun, showstoppers, a classic, etc! 

JPeterman Profile Photo
Posted: 4/4/16 at 5:35pm

Out of the shows running now, and including the ones you mentioned, I would highly recommend She Loves Me, Color Purple and King and I.  I REALLY loved She Loves Me.  It is charming and the score is gorgeous.  Benanti and Levi are perfectly cast.  Benanti's voice fits the old fashioned love story perfectly, and Levi is a very likeable and sweet Cary Grant like leading man.  Color Purple is phenomenal .... much much better than I anticipated.  Do not miss it.


There are three shows I would consider very good but not great, and all three are a lot of fun and very entertaining .... Something Rotten, School of Rock and Robber Bridegroom (which was a very pleasant surprise for me).   All three of these are a lot of fun, but I would consider them a notch below the three I mentioned above.  Something Rotten has already booked a tour, so maybe you can see that closer to home in the near future.  Same goes for Fun Home and Finding Neverland.


My favorite play this season is The Crucible.  I absolutely loved it ..... as well as last season's A View From The Bridge.  The second Crucible ended I stood up and yelled Bravo! ... so apparently I am a van Hove fan. The Humans is good, but I did not love it.   I have not seen Blackbird or Eclipsed.


The Royal Shakespeare Company is currently at BAM in Brooklyn doing a cycle of 4 plays.  I saw Henry IV part I, it was very good.

You mentioned wow factor .... American Psycho most definitely wins that award, and you already have tickets for that.  As a huge fan of the movie, I was a bit disappointed in the musical but it was entertaining enough.  The score is monotonously 80's synth pop Depeche Mode /  Pet Shop Boys.  I like that style, but it got a little boring after awhile.  But you will definitely not be disappointed by the sheer spectacle of it.


Waitress was very cute and I really enjoyed it .... there are some great moments, but I didn't love it.  I was very disappointed with Fiddler on the Roof .... it was very, very safe.  Nothing fresh, nothing to remember. I saw Fiddler at Stratford a couple years ago, and that blew this Broadway Fiddler out of the water ... the acting, singing, dancing ... everything.  In my opinion, Scott Wentworth was much much better than Burstein as Tevye.  Also, I honestly think they should be embarrassed not to have a violinist on stage as the fiddler, actually playing the violin.  Instead, they have a young actor faking it, poorly sawing away while the real violinist in the pit actually plays.  And in their version of the show, they really highlight the fiddler, and they have him on stage quite a bit. There are more than 100 world class violinists within walking distance of the Broadway theatre, and they couldn't find a violinist to play the part?  I honestly thought that was shamefully amateurish.  


Bright Star was better than I expected, and the score is beautiful.  The book is old fashioned and romantic, but extraordinarily predictable.  That didn't bother me, but I could hear a few people laughing out loud during a couple revealing moments late in the show.  Shuffle Along is phenomenal in some ways, and not so much in many others.  The individual performances of the actors are stellar.  The first act holds together well, but the second act still needs some cuts and changes, in my opinion.  I saw it this past Saturday night.  But if you go in open minded and focusing on individual numbers, rather than the cohesiveness of the entire show, it is definitely worth seeing.  I thought the majority of the score was wonderful.


I have not seen Tuck yet, so no comment there.  I also have not see Dear Evan Hansen yet, but I have heard great things from a variety of people and I am really looking forward to seeing it.

I have not seen Long Day's Journey ... but haterobics is right .... I got 3rd row center orchestra seats to Noises Off at the last minute when they were turned in by a subscriber so if you really want to see that show keep a spot open on your schedule and check their website frequently.  If nothing opens up, you can always buy tickets at the last minute for something else.

Updated On: 4/4/16 at 05:35 PM

Posted: 4/5/16 at 10:30am

Everyone is so helpful here! Thanks! I think I'm leaning towards The Color Purple at the moment!

Posted: 4/5/16 at 10:31am

diem86 said: "Everyone is so helpful here! Thanks! I think I'm leaning towards The Color Purple at the moment!



Great choice! I hope you have a great time!

Posted: 4/5/16 at 10:56am

Jennifer Hudson is performing all nights, correct? She doesn't have a regular night off?  

Updated On: 4/5/16 at 10:56 AM

Posted: 4/5/16 at 11:54am

I too amending to NY in a couple weeks and I was having a tough time deciding on what to see with my final slot. It cam down to Color Purple or She Loves Me and after reading this board I think I may have to go with Color Purple.

Posted: 4/5/16 at 11:57am

BwayinVan said: "I too amending to NY in a couple weeks and I was having a tough time deciding on what to see with my final slot. It cam down to Color Purple or She Loves Me and after reading this board I think I may have to go with Color Purple.


Haha then I may see ya there! Listening to a couple snippets of songs from Color Purple is what won me over for picking that. 


BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
Posted: 4/5/16 at 12:02pm

Do not miss The King and I, She Loves Me, and Rotten!

Posted: 4/5/16 at 1:47pm

diem86 said: "Jennifer Hudson is performing all nights, correct? She doesn't have a regular night off?  



Yes, she's on at every performance. It was actually her goal for the run to never miss a performance, and so far, she hasn't, which is cool. She's really excellent in the role.

Leaf Coneybear Profile Photo
Leaf Coneybear
Posted: 4/19/16 at 10:08am

Something Rotten was SO much fun, absolutely hilarious! I also recommend Fun Home, if you're looking for something a little sadder and more serious. Both are my favorites on Bway right now!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
Posted: 4/19/16 at 10:58am

I found Something Rotten to be charmless and trying way too hard, but lots of other people like it. I definitely recommend Fun Home.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
