#25INDECENT Previews
Posted: 4/8/17 at 9:52am

Going this afternoon through TDF. I will try to report back. 

macnyc Profile Photo
#26INDECENT Previews
Posted: 4/8/17 at 10:50pm

A friend and I had TDF tickets for tonight's performance, and they were great seats in center orchestra Row J on the aisle. We could see everything perfectly. I saw someone with a large video camera in the last row, so I assume the creative team was camped out back there. 

 I think this show is stunning and moving and packs a wallop.  Some scenes looked new to me from the Vineyard production, but my memory is not so hot, so I can't be sure. The staging is great and it's easy to follow the complex plot with the help of the projections. I noticed the projections appear on both sides of the stage also, I guess for people sitting on the far sides. 

I wouldn't be surprised if this won the Pulitzer. I hope it is able to find its audience, because it doesn't seem super commercial to me. I'm very happy it made it to Broadway, though, and the show plays very well at the Cort.

Updated On: 4/9/17 at 10:50 PM

#27INDECENT Previews
Posted: 4/9/17 at 7:36am

Has anyone rushed the show?  Where have the seats been located?  Also, does anyone know where the Audience Rewards seating is typically located?  Thanks!

#28INDECENT Previews
Posted: 4/9/17 at 9:33am

I have one ticket for 4/12 matinee for sale.
Orchestra aisle, J-2

Paid $85 with fees
Asking 50.
Paypal payment.
PDF ticket.

Email me directly if interested ... Updated On: 4/9/17 at 09:33 AM

VotePeron Profile Photo
#29INDECENT Previews
Posted: 4/9/17 at 6:02pm

Saw the matinee today. My feelings can be summed up in one word: perplexed.

I didn't know what to expect about this show going in - the marketing is all over the place, yet never gives a solid clue as to what the show is about. I was ultimately unmoved, and shocked at how tame the entire play is, up until the ending which I feel is unearned and bit too brazen. The most compelling parts of the production are when they are acting out bits of God of Vengeance, but other than that, I'm sad to report I felt the writing seemed a bit pedestrian, and the story itself moved at too slow of a pace. Katrina Lenk was the only cast member I felt did an extraordinary job - she was wonderful.

Unfortunately, this show will not last the summer on Broadway. The house was shockingly empty today, with more seats being open then filled in the mezzanine and balcony. I don't have a clue who the audience is for this, other than high-brow NYC/NJ theatre-goers. And I do not believe it is very accessible to people outside of that demographic. 

Don't mean to rain on anyone's parade (pun not intended), but I just don't know who thought this was a good idea to bring to Broadway. Besides being "important and relevant" for the sake of being "important and relevant", I don't feel Indecent is really offering anything new and worthwhile. Just my two cents. For those who enjoy it, I'm very glad! Paula has always been a favorite of mine, so I do hope the best for it.

#30INDECENT Previews
Posted: 4/10/17 at 12:03am

Saw it today, did rush for $30 front row center. Stage is fairly high, but once the show started it actually wasn't too bad at all. 

There were some excellent performances from various cast members. Very intriguing and interesting story as well.I really thoroughly enjoyed it - the last quarter of the show was really phenomenal, incredibly sad, but well done. 

Also spotted Paula Vogel as I was leaving the theater and stopped to greet her. She was so nice and lovely to speak to for a little bit, and she signed a Playbill for me which was really awesome. 

#31INDECENT Previews
Posted: 5/13/17 at 4:47pm

Has anyone tried rush lately? Is there any need to show up more than 2 hours before the box office opens?

