
What do you think of Shoshana?- Page 2

What do you think of Shoshana?

#25re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:46pm

Parks, according to their site (http://www.dallassummermusicals.org/allevents.shtm - click on Wicked), it's only Season Ticketholders so far. I guess check back often to see when the sale date is :)

Elphaba Profile Photo
#26re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:47pm

well Gee, thanks Matt.....so much for my trip to NYC next month to see Wicked, LOL.......

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#27re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:50pm

Don't listen to Matt!

He is the first negative review I have heard about Shoshana. She is supposed to be excellent!

Matt_G Profile Photo
#28re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:52pm

Um, how about don't listen to Matt and all the others on this thread.

If you like Shoshana, great. But the fact is that when people spend that kind of cash they fool themselves into believing things that aren't true. It seems that's the case here.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#29re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:53pm

idina's facial expressions are....expressive, to say the least


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

kim1061 Profile Photo
#30re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:53pm

I'm glad the way it turned out. I would rather Stephanie on tour and Shoshana on Broadway.

By the way, if anyone wants to hear Stephanie j.Block cause they haven't heard her, there's a song at scottalan.net called "never never land." She sing it. Shoshana is on another song singing "Home." Both do a good job.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#31re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:53pm

I believe several people on this thread were less than pleased with Shoshanna Bean's performance...

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#32re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:55pm

kim~ "good job" is an understatment for Block's "never never land" it is amazing.


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#33re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:56pm

I was a fan of Shoshana's long before she was even an understudy in Wicked
I think she has an incrediable voice but I haven't seen her in a large enough role LIVE to comment on her acting abilites

JeaniusIsMe Profile Photo
#34re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:01pm

I saw Shoshana back in October. Personally, I really didn't think much of the acting, but that was my general feel with the whole cast when I saw it. I really enjoyed her singing though. It took her a bit to get into the role, but by No Good Deed, I think she was amazing. That's my two cents.

#35re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:24pm

Now I havent seen her live but based on recordings ive heard I have to say a really hate her voice. It just doesnt work for the part. Her wizard and I is really mediocre. Her heart seems to be in the right place but it diesnt sound right. and the way she says talent in the "did that really just happen..." part sounds like a bad Barbra streisand voice. and she over grins all her "eeeeee" sounds. and hering Ill make "goooooooooooood" is just awkward. Plus theres this awful vibrato that sounds foced. What is this feeling is fine. I Think that one is hard to screw up. Defying Gravity is just awful. Her harmoniezing with JLT during the "you and I defying gravity..." doesnt exist. its like the're singing in different keys. And the final vers especially the "ITS MEEEEEEEEEEEE" did not give me chills and every thime i listen to both Idina and Eden I at least get some goose bumps. also I have hears all three do it live. and during "take off" Eden and Idina get cheers and screams and thundering applause. Sho doesnt get even a single "woop" if you will. As long as your mine ive only heard her with Joe not David and its ok but again her harmonies seem really off during the duet. and the "for the first time i feal Wicked". yuck! And no Good Deed. I hate it. Everyone has been raving about her no good deed. I was really unimpresed. the bad vibrato working over time. and the "Fiyero...FIIIIIIIYEEEEEERO" I didnt like. thats supposed to be her best. no this isnt all her songs but there the really big ones. and I dont like her rendidtionas at all. cant wait to see stef. hope the tour comes to boston. but i think that if the show get re-reviewed after JLT George and Carole leave, the review will not be that good.

#36re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:28pm

"Don't listen to Matt! He is the first negative review I have heard about Shoshana. She is supposed to be excellent"

You're basically saying that Matt and everyone else who is less than enthused with Bean's interpretation are wrong. And his was not the first negative review. Not everyone loves Bean in this show, the same way not everyone loved Idina. They're called opinions, pal.

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#37re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:28pm

everyone is entitled to their own opinion

and if someone has one that is different than yours..just let it go...


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

hedwig14 Profile Photo
#38re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:08pm

Thanks for all the input. I was debating whether to see Wicked in NY next month or just wait and see the tour here in SoCal in June. Looks like I'll be seeing "Block and Co."

#39re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:14pm

Id still go. see Carole b4 she leaves shes awesome. I wish Morrible was a bigger part. and JLT I think is awesome. her popular blows Cheno's out of the water. and she can really milk the jokes. and My post may have been harsh. They would cast her in that part if she sucks. Clips of her going on for the first time as a stand by may not do her justice. plus I dont think the tour willbe as technicly amazing based on the fact that they have to move it all. or better yet see both. lol

little_sally Profile Photo
#40re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:16pm

I thought Shoshana was really good as Elphaba...

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

hedwig14 Profile Photo
#41re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:19pm

"...better yet see both."
I'm definitely tempted to!

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#42re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:20pm

See the tour. Stephanie Block's performance is bound to be a great combination of incredible singing and incredible acting.
True Block doesn't have the teen appeal of Bean, but she certainly has more staying power.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#43re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:29pm

"Can we put Shoshana on tour and send Stephanie Block over to the Gershwin?"

ahh No. Even though I love Shoshana's singing, Stephanie j Block wins hands down. I'm soo excited to see her on tour.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

#44re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:29pm

Its really funny how these threads go, generally if they start off positive, everyone who agrees chimes in, if they start negative everyone who agrees with that chimes in... last time there was a post about The Producers being great, i posted that i was let down and was followed by a slew of people who agreed. funny how that works. guess people want someone else to be the first.

I love Sho in this role, and ive seen her in it twice, once when Idina was out and again on her first official night. I thoroughly enjoyed her performance. She does have a very different acting and singing style than Idina, I dont think anyone would disagree with that. Idina made Elphaba more bitter, Sho makes her seem younger. And im sure Sho has missed notes in her lifetime (as im sure Idina has as well) but when I saw her she didnt miss any that I noticed. I think she does an amazing job.

ShuQ Profile Photo
#45re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 12:08am

I've only seen Idina but I have seen clips of Sho performing and she seems to fill Idina's shoes with ease. I would love to see her. I WILL be seeing Stephanie and can't wait. And NO you can't send her to the Gershwin because America wants her!!! I can't stop listening to "Never Never Land." God it's amazing.

#46re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 12:17am

is shoshana going to be in the tour??? thanks :)

#47re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 12:26am

Anyone who originates a role in a show inherrently makes the role their own...

#48re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 12:27am

No, Shoshana will not be in the tour.

musicman117 Profile Photo
#49re: What do you think of Shoshana?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 2:16am

From the clips I've heard of Shoshana Bean as Elphaba, I am not a huge fan of hers. Shes just not my favorite vocally in that role by far......

As for David Ayers, i would really like to say you were more than likely just there on a bad day. Ayers is really not that bad.... although Fiyero is not exactly the best role for him, he handles it much better than Taye Diggs did, who I really did not like in that role.
