Daniel Davis

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#25re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/9/05 at 11:41am

Yes, since the producers were so vocal about WHY they fired Daniel, there must be SOME validity to it.

And as I've worked with him in the past and have seen him in action, I don't feel that I'm "railing". I just a little tired of folks thinking they "know" someone, or like them in a show, so 'they must be a good person.'

Unless you have worked with them, or actually have first hand information WITH PROOF, then you opinion it just buzzing in my ear.

I'm sorry if it bothers some folks, but the fact is, not everyone is as nice in person as they appear on stage (or even backstage).

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#26re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/9/05 at 12:07pm

TheatreDiva has a very valid point. Just because someone is wonderful onstage, or even signs your Playbill and talks to you, does not mean they're a wonderful person in real life. I've known actors who were fabulous to their fans, but mean and horrible to everyone else around them in their daily lives. It's easy to be nice to people you meet for a minute or 10 who are just telling you how great you are.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#27re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/9/05 at 1:45pm

popcultureboy, I would suspect Mr. Davis would investigate lawsuits on a number of matters. I would imagine he would want to keep any lawsuit he may pursue very quiet, because bringing lawsuits in the theater community will certainly hurt his future work, even more. YES, THERE are things he can sue for. Regardless of the "tort" laws involved (responsibility), Malice is a powerful thing to sue for and it seems to exist here(Malice is something done with intention to hurt.)
I suspect Mr. Davis will be suing...I suspect he will win money, and perhaps a public apology. He is most likely to do more work in the lucrative world of television and perhaps films.

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#28re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/9/05 at 4:38pm

Then, once again, someone will waste the courts time with a frivolous law suit.

Hell, if the producers want an eye witness, I'll be willing to share my experiences...

Maybe Daniel should be happy he's been paid a lot of money, and doesn't have to do a thing for it.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#29re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/9/05 at 4:42pm

"Maybe Daniel should be happy he's been paid a lot of money, and doesn't have to do a thing for it."

I was thinking the same thing. It's not like they cut him off without a cent. His contract was paid off. He got paid as if he were to finish out the run, and he doesn't have to do a thing.

#30re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/10/05 at 4:16pm

Melissa E fan, the thing is--------if you were the sole producer of a Broadway show, would you wanna hire this guy right now???? Sure he should be glad he was "paid out," etc. but the way the announcement was made certainly hurts his chance for future employment on Broadway, no? :)Most people don't wanna hire someone who was so very publicly fired.

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."

Mamie Profile Photo
#31re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/10/05 at 4:25pm

The way this whole thing was handled seemed very painful and ugly - not to mention awfully unprofessional. Anyway - I'm wondering if someone saw something here that I didn't. I recall seeing a piece by Reidel that quoted "production insiders" but never gave a name. Everything I've read since then has always gone back to this original post as a reference, and then occasionally added 'word is....' or 'backstage gossip is....'. Has ANYBODY, EVER, actually said anything?

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#32re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/10/05 at 11:20pm

I think the only comments have been through the gossip monger Reidel. I'm not sure we will ever hear the full story but my guess is that had the box office been spectacular, nothing would have happened. I think the producers handled this situation badly.

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#33re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/10/05 at 11:27pm

Yes the PRODUCERS did handle this situation without any class whatsoever, but Hopefully Goulet will cause a Box Office stir for them and the shows fans.

diana rigg Profile Photo
diana rigg
#34re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/11/05 at 1:31am

Mr. Daniels worked at ACT. In the 70s San Francisco, I went backstage at the Geary Theatre after a performance of "Hay Fever." American Conservatory Theatre was in its prime.

After chatting with two actors I commented on Daniel Davis’ performance. I sated he was charming and found an honest laugh on every line. His entrance with the candelabra was especially comical.

The two actors, both with pages of credits, Broadway, Regional, Conservatory teaching, awards... looked at each other in shock. They emitted a "harrumph" and looked at me as if I spat at the Temple of Art.

The unfortunate news of Mr. Daniel’s departure from “La C.” has put closure to that conversation.

More unfortunate is Mr. Daniel’s behaviors (if indeed his behaviors prompted his firing). It took me a while to learn “Good Citizen” behaviors and guidelines backstage during summer stock and on tour early in my career. Those experiences were extremely painful for me. And so to for the members of the company. The source of my unacceptable actions had nothing to do with the job. They ad all to do with me and an inability to work with others. My behavior changed because I had a desire to change.

San Diego


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#35re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/11/05 at 11:36am

Beautifully written Tom.

I work with Daniel shortly after that at PCPA.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Feodor Sverdlov
#36re: Daniel Davis
Posted: 4/18/05 at 9:20pm

The '70's? As in the 1970's? Thirty years ago? A couple of people appeared not to like him 30 years ago? Are you kidding me?

