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For the Cheno haters

pab Profile Photo
#25re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 3:25pm

Thank you!

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

CostumeMistress Profile Photo
Posted: 4/10/05 at 3:41pm

Avatar - Isaac, my blue-fronted Amazon parrot. Adopted 9/7/07. Age 30 (my pet is older than me!)
Updated On: 2/7/06 at 03:41 PM

#27re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 4:06pm

So what does it mean to be tolerant? Accept everyone's views as right and moral? So just because I, as a Christian, believe homosexuality is wrong -- that automatically makes me hate every gay?? I have yet to see Kristin do any real protesting against homosexuals. Has she EVER said anything against homosexuality (maybe she has; I'm asking)? I'm not a liberal Christian. I believe abortion is wrong. I believe homosexuality is wrong. But dangit I'm not going around sticking my noses in everybody else's business. I have gay friends. They are quite aware of my views of homosexuality, but hey guess what?! They let me believe what I want to! Just like I allow them to believe what they want to, and not battering them over the head with a fire poker until they concede with my opinion. But I by no means concede with their opinion, either.

As CostumeMistress said, I hate to be automatically grouped with people like Bush and Dobson just because I'm a Christian. Some things these men do and say I agree with, and other things I do not. For goodness sakes try talking to people before you stereotype them.

Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.

#28re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:16pm

Amtrak Schedule
British Fashion
Airline Food

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

sabrelady Profile Photo
#29re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:18pm

Hospital Care

pab Profile Photo
#30re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:20pm

Head Butt
Pretty Ugly
Plastic Glasses

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

#31re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:24pm

I agree somewhat Derech, in the fact that just because someone disagrees with a belief and doesn't accept it, does not mean that they automatically condemn or hate someone for feeling it.
I think all of this is such a hoot! I don't think Kristin needs to justify her decision to go on 700 Club, nor do I think she has to go on the show and blast it, just to prove how liberal she is. Of course, it's odd how people work...a good number of Christians had the same reaction when one of 'their own' crossed over and 'affiliated' herself with the liberal lifestyle. Some of you may remember the boycotts and condemnation of Amy Grant, when she decided to do pop music. Or some Baptists have blasted the cutie, Kirk Cameron for doing reunions of Growing Pains, for a network...ABC...that so blatently represents the 'liberal' point of view. It's all so laughable. I'm of the school, do what your gonna do. I won't make judgements on you if you don't make judgements on me. To carry on with the oxymoron thing though...
'bleeding heart liberal' boy yeah...there's a lot of love and acceptance going on around here! LOL

midtowngym Profile Photo
#32re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:28pm

if i was Cheno i'd be concered that my fans can't discern the difference between hating someone and being angry at them. And now YOUR arguments are ruined kiddies re: For the Cheno haters. Get a dictionary!

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 4/10/05 at 05:28 PM

#33re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:34pm

Very nice, pab. Keep mistaking a religion's loudest members for its majority. Your open-minded tolerance just blows my mind. Really.

pab Profile Photo
#34re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:36pm

I'm sorry but I have no idea to what you are referring.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

#35re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:40pm

I'm sure that there are a few Liberal Christians and I'm pretty sure that they also make up a very small percent of the christian population. Just like I'm sure that there are Gay Republicans and a few people in the Military with intelligence.

Must be something strange stuck in my eye. Now, I would start on a rant about how most of the Christians I know are liberal, my entire family is made up of military veterans, and all of the Republicans I know actually have no problem with gays, but like I (facetiously) said- your open-mindedness really blows me away. If you're so determined to paint all the members of a group with one brush, I doubt logic is going to stop you.
Updated On: 4/10/05 at 05:40 PM

pab Profile Photo
#36re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:55pm

Well, I will speak from my experience and you can certainly speak from yours. I grew up in fundamentalist religious family and most of the Christians that I knew, and now know, are definitely not liberal. The majority are NOT, by any means, Liberal. So I'm happy for you that most of the ones that you know are.

As for all the republicans that you know that actually have no problem with gays, that fine. I also know some republicans who have no problem with gays but I did not say anything about republicans that don't have problems with gays I used actual Gay Republicans as my example.

And your family is made up of military veterans. So?

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
Updated On: 4/10/05 at 05:55 PM

#37re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 5:58pm

There's a few people in the military with intelligence? Oh, never mind. I'll be sure to tell that joke at our next yokel family reunion.

pab Profile Photo
#38re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 6:09pm

Yep, based on my years of observation, in my opinion there are a few. But hey that's just me and my opinion which I trust I'm allowed to have. After all, isn't that a part of what the military is supposed to be fighting for? The ability for everyone to have an opinion and to be able to express it without fear of retribution?

I hope the yokel family reunion goes well. Give them all my best regards.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Thenardier Profile Photo
#39re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 6:11pm

I can't believe this is still going on.

It is definitely up there with the Wicked shills' threads.

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#40re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 6:49pm

I come home from work and this thread, MY thread, is still alive.
I feel so special.

Pab-I am a church-going Christian, I sing in the chior, I tithe, I've read the entire bible.

However you can ask almost any person on this board and they will tell you that I am extremly liberal. I FIGHT for gay's and women's rights, I go to my local township government meetings and give my oppinion (the youngest person in my town ever to do so), I donate my time to work with an evironmental protection agency and teach others about environmental protection, and I donate money and time to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

I truly believe religion is what you make it. I personally believe that the book of Revalations (the main "source" for gay-hating) is a load of bologne, and MANY, MANY Christians that I know agree.

And so what if Cheno went on a Christian television show, she is an artist trying to sell her cd to the target audience.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#41re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:02pm

You folks just miss the point entirely. The problem people are having is that she went on a show that promotes intolerance and discrimination against gays.

If it had been a show that did that against people of color, every single one of you would be ticked off.

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#42re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:08pm

jrb- I get where you are coming from and I would be upset if the interview had anything to do with her views on homosexuality (or any other controversial issue), however it did not. It was about her CD, which has CHRISTIAN music on it and is geared to an audience of CHRISTIANS.
I don't know how many of you guys are union but let me tell you that I talk up my work any chance I get, because it means I get more money. This is all part of being an artist, you have to sell your work to the people who will buy it. Not everyone is going to purchase the CD for that "latte boy" song

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#43re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:09pm

and once again--you miss. the. point.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#44re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:11pm

jrb--we have to keep in mind that many posters are on the young side. It may be several years before they understand or appreciate what we're feeling.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

Corine2 Profile Photo
#45re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:15pm

I have met Chenoweth several times. She is a joy.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#46re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:15pm

I hear ya, middie. I think this concept sums up the problem we have in this country--most Americans don't equate racism/sexism/religious prejudice with homophobia. And, Bush and all of those anti-gay politicians have made it ok to "hate fags".

I also want to repeat that I have nothing against KC. I think she is endlessly talented. I always got that she was gay friendly. I just agree that this was a bad choice going on a show that promotes hate.

#47re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:24pm

I am in the same position as Jacob. I am a church-going Christian, but I am liberal. I believe in the freedom of choice and am adamantly FOR gay marriage. I think some of you are beingnarrowminded about Christians just as much as some Christians can be narrow minded about Liberals.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#48re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:31pm

JUST so we are clear--I am not one of those people. I'm not saying ANYTHING about Christians. I am ONLY referring to The 700 Club. And, as I understand it--that is ALL most of those who have expressed this concern have talked about.

pab Profile Photo
#49re: For the Cheno haters
Posted: 4/10/05 at 7:31pm

jacobtsf, I'm proud of you and I applaud all that you try to do and can do. IMO, you ARE in a minority of Christians throughout the USA.

I know some Liberal Christians but, for the most part, the term IS an oxymoron and that is all that I was pointing out. This is coming from someone who has a brother who attended Liberty University (the college run by Jerry Falwell). Trust me, I've had first and second hand knowledge of what intolerance is all about by a majority of the Christians with whom I’ve come in contact.

I never said there were no Liberal Christians:

"I'm sure that there are a few Liberal Christians and I'm pretty sure that they also make up a very small percent of the Christian population."

I wish there were more but, from my own experience, I know that that is not the case.

Maybe you did not get the read the whole thread yet but as for Miss Chenoweth, I wrote:

"I have NO problems with her at all."

"what she does with her personal life and what shows she chooses to appear on is her business and does not phase me one way or the other."

I personally would not have chosen to go on the 700 Club. I've seen the show and I would not want to be associated with it. That's me. She had a choice to go on it or not and she made a choice to appear. That's her. Her choice will not stop me from seeing her in something, at some later time, if I so desire, but if other people choose to not see her in something because of her appearance, well, that's their choice also. Everyone lives, or should live, with the decisions that they make. She may have lost some audience members but who knows, she my have picked up some as well.

When I came to this thread I thought I would simply try and lighten what had actually started in another very long thread, which was something that I thought was a tempest in a teapot in the first place. But no, I got dragged into it because some people didn't bother to properly read what I wrote in the first place. People don't seem to have a sense of humor anymore.

Anyway it's all good. I'm glad that you are the kind of Christian that you are. Would that there were more out there like you.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
