
What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?- Page 2

What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?

#25re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 3:52pm

"For costumes, I would have to go with "Oh, Calcutta!" although your right Hair did it first."

I believe Hair's nudity was done in half light and the actors only had to take it off if they wanted to. The nudity in Oh! Calcutta was in full light, required of the actors, and so important to the show, i.e. the only reason the show existed.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#26re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 4:00pm

VolleyBaller, I respect your definition of innovative and understand your point. However, I do not see how someone who defines innovative as I do (in terms of artistic achievements more than technical/technological) would not consider West Side Story a ground-breaking piece. In addition, to what wickedrentq said, it is also important to note that West Side Story was the first show to give a name to each member of the chorus so all of them had a character which is why--as wickedrentq said--all the dancers in the chorus needed to be actors and singers as well.

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#27re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 4:59pm

Gothampc - Exactly my point. Any points Hair gets for nudity are completely overwhelmed by "Oh! Calcutta" use of it.

FoscasBohemianDream - We don't all have define innovation the same way. Every aspect of the show that aids in the story telling is worthy of innovations. And especially worthy of note on this thread if something that was not considered revalent previously, suddenly is used in a new way that dramatically changed the way the story was told.

Someone once said that once that a well defined problem solves itself. What you are arguing about is the definition of the problem (or question). I am sure if we refine the question enough we could all agree that WSS is the answer.

Updated On: 11/10/06 at 04:59 PM

#28re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 5:10pm

"However, I do not see how someone who defines innovative as I do (in terms of artistic achievements more than technical/technological) would not consider West Side Story a ground-breaking piece."

You're not talking about me here? I hope not. If you are, I definitely feel WSS was a ground-breaking piece. But as I said, it's not my innovative definition. I don't think you're talking about me, though. :P

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#30re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 5:30pm

Well HAIR is definitely one of the main ones.
FIRST full rock score on Broadway
FIRST "environmental show" [cast mingles with audience]
FIRST show with nudity on Broadway
FIRST musical on Broadway without a show curtain
FIRST show to transfer from off- broadway to BROADWAY

Think about it. How many musicals on Broadway today contain one of these aspects? It all started with Hair.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

#31re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 5:31pm

I agree w/ Starlight Express. Even thought it was not a huge success on broadway, it's near impossible to say it is not innovative. Also, A Chorus Line. It isn't based on any book, play, or opera. It's based on interviews with real people. If that's not innovative, I don't what is.

"Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good." -Terrence Mann
Updated On: 11/10/06 at 05:31 PM

#32re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/10/06 at 5:33pm

It seems that every decade or so a show comes along that fits this description and the shows in the past are overshadowed by the new one.

"Everybody has a different idea of love. One girl I know said, 'I knew he loved me when he didn't come in my mouth.'" ~ Andy Warhol

devonian.t Profile Photo
#33re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/11/06 at 9:31am

A brief sweep through history, focussing on form and content:

Showboat- introducing the modern book musical as opposed to operetta or follies-style review

West Side Story- revolutionary form AND content

Hair- a new sound on Broadway

Company- introducing the concept musical where narrative is secondary

JCS- the rock opera arrives

(Sweeney is quasi-operetta, so imporessive to be sure but not ground-breaking)

(Les Mis- completes the evolution of the 80s rock opera)

Rent- a revitalizing introduction of youth culture to an ageing Broadway

This is not meant to suggest these are the best shows.

What will be the next innovation in form and content?

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#34re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/11/06 at 10:05am

There's going to be an innovative, genre-blending show every few years... so I'll go in order

1. Show Boat (Book musical)
2. Oklahoma! (And that's the first with the exclamation point, so it beats Oh Calcutta! :) also, serious things spoken about in a musical. Such had been touched on in Show Boat, but it still had a Follies-esque element )
3. Hair (which beats Oh Calcutta! by being the first rock musical... understandably so. If you think the first rock musical, you’re going to think Hair.)
4. Company (rethinking of a type of musical, and though it wasn’t groundbreaking at the time to the audiences, it placed a landmark for the type of musicals that were created onward)
5. A Chorus Line (say no more)
6. Cats (as much as I hate putting this here, it was the beginning of the mega British pop-rock shows, yes even more than Evita and JCS. It changed contemporary Broadway more than anything. If it’s a positive or negative change, well I can’t say, but it cause a change)

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#35re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/11/06 at 10:06am

Ewww, double POSTER!

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable
Updated On: 11/11/06 at 10:06 AM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#36re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/11/06 at 1:37pm

How are some of the shows listed genre-bending and innovative? Starlight Express? Spelling Bee? The Sweeney Revival? Come on.

I'd say:

Show Boat
West Side Story
A Chorus Line

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#37re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/11/06 at 1:43pm

Avenue Q is as innovative as it gets

#38re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/11/06 at 3:02pm

thevolleyballer, I was not referring to you re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
I do not see Cats as being innovative, to me Jesus Christ Superstar is much more relevant in terms of Broadway history. Along with Hair, it started the success of the so-called "rock opera" on Broadway.

#39re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/12/06 at 6:24pm

No, AVENUE Q is as gimmicky as it gets.

Put Out To Pasture

#40re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/12/06 at 6:46pm

I believe that people consider Cats innovative because of the staging. At the time, people were ga-ga over the flying tire. Wasn't it also the show that everyone considers to have ushered in the "out of sight" ticket prices?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#41re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/12/06 at 6:47pm

haha! I'd have to agree with Oklahoma!, West Side Story, Hair, Sweeney Todd, Company, and Rent. What about Porgy and Bess and Cabaret?

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

pants2 Profile Photo
#42re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/12/06 at 6:51pm

i'd have to say godspell, it played a big part in the belting craze that is modern musical theater

Can, can I have it?

wackjack132 Profile Photo
#43re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/12/06 at 6:53pm

I say Wicked!!! just bcause it totes rockz my sockz off!!! and i mean omfg how kickin' are Idina and Kristen?!?!?!?

I'm sorry...I saw the oppourtinity and I took it. But in reality? I'd have to say the top 3 are:
1. Company
2. JCS
3. ACL

#44re: What is the most innovative, genre-bending broadway musical?
Posted: 11/12/06 at 6:55pm

On Your Toes - Coreography used in Story Telling
Carousel - Even more depressing subject manner that Oklahoma!

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!
