Jersey Boys Rush

#25re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 2/7/07 at 12:35am

To answer your question Duckie93, I told the the students who arrived what was going on. I actually said to the scalpers "Hey, I hear Tarzan is better than this for your money." They were then embarrassed and retaliated by saying "We are going to get all these damm tickets" I actually called a hotline that would allow me to report people littering because they were making a mess, so I did but it turned out to be a failure. The woman ahead of me was just happy she got a ticket, so she did not really care. My advice: do the SRO and don't do rush so that a message can be sent to management.

"This is a stupid story. It never stops. But we keep making lemonade! We're opening the biggest f***ing lemonade stand you ever saw!" -Walter Bobbie after a long day of Sweet Charity Rehersals (

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#26re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 2/7/07 at 7:42am

I went a few days ago on a Wednesday and I got up at 5:30 and showed up to no one there. I got breakfast then around 6:30 went back to find two people ahead of me. The women at the box office told us about the rule about only doing rush once a calander month was being enforced due to the scalpers and the kids scalpers hire to get tickets: they entered our IDS into the computer so we would be on file.

The Women said Wednesdays are a crapshoot: sometimes its crowded other days its dead.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#27re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 2/27/07 at 3:57pm

JerseyScoundrel - I think you were the guy sitting behind me in line on 12/29/06. And you were right...they sold those student tickets for about $150-$175 a piece. Well, the kids didn't sell them, they worked for a scalping company. I said something to management after the show, but they said they couldn't do anything since the show was over. I still don't understand why they don't verify the names on the ticket with the person using them...this kind of stuff could easily be prevented! And I saw a few things in this thread about waiting in-line that early being unsafe....yeah, it does feel kinda unsafe, but once other people join you in-line, its not so bad. But I wish they would go back to selling those tickets in the afternoon. I want to go see the show again sometime soon, but I dont want to have to get up at the crack of dawn to wait in line. Oh well, good luck to all you future student rushers!

geekgirl06 Profile Photo
#28re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:09pm

Okay, so instead of making a new board, I'll just ask here. How is the student rush lately? I'm going to NYC this weekend and I'm just wondering how early I should get in line if I want tickets.

Dancing through life... For the next ten minutes

#29re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/8/07 at 5:47pm

"The Women said Wednesdays are a crapshoot: sometimes its crowded other days its dead."

The one Wednesday I went to see the show was perfect. I got to the theatre at like 9:30am and there was no one there, partly because it was April during elementary and high school spring breaks not college spring breaks. It's always alot easier doing rush on the weekdays during the school year.

geekgirl06, what day are you going? I'm going on Saturday for my sister's birthday?

#30re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/9/07 at 10:12am

Last weekend I attended the Saturday evening show of Jersey Boys. As I posted before, the last time I was there (in December), the young men that waited in line for student tickets ended up scalping them. And guess what?? They were there this past weekend too when I went!! I couldn't believe it! Anyway, they did something this time that they hadn't done before when I was there. The people from the theatre actually came outside, gave a little speech about the student rush policy, and then checked for 2 forms of ID (student ID and a government ID such as a driver's liscense) make sure you have those with you! They also wrote down everyones name and what school they go to. And they don't put the student's name on the ticket anymore; they just put a big red stamp on the ticket that says "Student ID Required"...but they never checked for your ID when you got to the theatre. Hope that information helps.

kasim Profile Photo
#31re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/9/07 at 11:27am

about the scalping.

It really is insane. They must be buying up every single bloody ticket they can.

I hate using scalpers but i actually did this time.

I couldnt find a freakin good seat to Jersey Boys ... even searching anywhere from now till december.

any seats available even then were fairly far back.

#32re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/9/07 at 3:49pm

God, I hate scalpers. Are they only concentrating on JB or has anyone seen them at any other shows? I would think that they would've moved away from JB and go for other shows like Spring Awakening or Color Purple. The last time I went to see JB, there were no scalpers in line. Everyone who bought a student ticket went to the show.

#33re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/22/07 at 9:57pm

how is saturday rush for the mat?

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

shira467 Profile Photo
#34re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/22/07 at 11:17pm

I'm thinking of rushing tomorrow....what time would I need to arrive at the B.O?

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

littlelotte64 Profile Photo
#35re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/22/07 at 11:34pm

well since from my experience the scalpers come on fridays i would say come before 630. the past two times they were there i heard them talking and they got there at 630

shira467 Profile Photo
#36re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/22/07 at 11:37pm

6:30 AM??? And they go on sale at 4:30???? Or 10?

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#37re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 12:05am

I did rush yesterday (thurs) and was the first one there and people didn't start showing up until 8:30.

BTW, that new security guard sucks. He's just so rude. I miss Dave.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#38re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 8:52am

Did Dave leave? I know Dave's not there in the morning, and the box office guy who watches over the rush line is a really nice guy.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#39re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 10:53am

Yeah Dave left. The guy who does the box office is nice but the guy who stands by the stage door is just mean.

#40re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 2:34pm

David left?! That makes me sad. He was one of the best things about the stage door besides you know, chatting with the actors.

#41re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 2:41pm

When I did the rush on a Saturday, there were 7 scalpers who were there at 4am. They set up boxes and slept on them.

It sucked. They sold their tickets for $150. They took ALL the evening tickets.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#42re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 5:17pm

that's horrible...

#43re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/23/07 at 10:43pm

Just get there at 330 or 4 to get in the standing room line, got two tix and were second and third in line, great to see the bottom level, and if you squat you can see the top level of the set thru the bars. Not bad at all!

#44re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/24/07 at 1:28pm

Dave left? Man that sucks.

#45re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/24/07 at 1:59pm

Dave might just be on vacation... he never mentioned anything about leaving and he really enjoys his job. He also has been working at that theater for 2+ years.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#46re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 3/28/07 at 2:16pm

he definitely left..some folks are making a memory book to give to Dave..if you're interested here's the link to the myspace page
Updated On: 4/2/07 at 02:16 PM

ReinaInNYC Profile Photo
#47re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/2/07 at 12:09pm

i didn't want to start a new thread, but am wondering if someone can give me tips on what time to get there for this saturday evening's show? (april 7th).

are the student scalpers still there?

#48re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:47pm

I work there in the morning and the scalpers are there extremely early Friday-Sunday. And they take the evening performances first.

#49re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/3/07 at 11:10am

I am thinking of rushing for thursday evening's show because I just heard JLY's contract is up in April and I'd like to see him. I just want to make sure, tickets go on sale at 10am? And are we allowed to leave after we reserve the tickets and come back for the show? Thanks!
