
London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway- Page 2

London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway

The Scorpion
#25re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 5/12/07 at 11:27am

I asked Matt Rawle about this on my last visit to EVITA last month, and he also said that the show wouldn't be transferring to Broadway (although Elena Roger said she had no idea as no-one was talking about it...).

I'm sure it was on the cards at one point following all the positive reviews it got (and I completely disagree with you, songanddanceman2, this production WAS very highly praised by the vast majority of the London critics), especially given Riedel's report at the time and the fact that the rights to the show in the US were withdrawn (I don't know if they still are).

I think a lot of factors contributed to the short run. One is that the positive reviews sort of backfired -- by focusing so much on Elena, the nights she wasn't on were very empty (Variety reported that attendance for one of the alternate's nights was as low as 29%), which didn't help the fact that the show's weak point was selling during the week rather than the weekends (since both the alternate performances are on weekdays). Otherwise attendance was fine -- some nights I went it was sold out, others were half empty. I think that whatever happened, the show probably would have departed with Elena...and after seeing Abbie Osmon in the role and hearing less than ecstatic reviews of the new alternate, I'm kind of glad that the show is closing with this cast.

I think opening in the so-called 'year of the musical' was a mistake. Revivals have a limited shelf-life anyway, but it was pretty obvious that not all the musicals opening in 2006 could survive competing against each other. And I agree that it was completely overshadowed in the ALW world by THE SOUND OF MUSIC; it was as if ALW just couldn't be bothered to give EVITA the boost it needed and focused all his attention on the other show. I also think that publicity was extremely poor -- there was very little press coverage. With WICKED advertising was everywhere; with EVITA it just meant an advert stuck on the back of a few scabby cabs. A lot of people I talked to at my last couple of visits to the show told me they had no idea EVITA was even on in the West End, and only found out when discounts for it started appearing everywhere on sites like lastminute.com.

Don't forget that ALW deliberately delayed his revival of EVITA by a couple of years (it was originally planned for 2002/3) because he thought that it wouldn't find an audience in a climate that was becoming increasingly biased towards feel-good shows. I think he's been proven right -- if anything the climate has become even more feel-good since 2003, so a serious musical with a political theme has no chance in the West End (maybe it should have been done at the National?).

All in all I think it's a terrible shame, but I enjoyed the production while it lasted. And while I do think there were some aspects of Michael Grandage's take on it that were flawed, I do agree with the critics that it was, overall, a strong production with an exceptionally strong cast (excluding the alternate Evas). Something tells me that not even Hal Prince's legendary production could have lasted in the current West End climate, which does make me wonder if EVITA really would have even managed a year on Broadway, which is arguably even more feel-good-orientated than the West End right now.
Updated On: 5/12/07 at 11:27 AM

ElFantasma14 Profile Photo
#26re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 5/12/07 at 11:58am

I know ALW and Really Useful would never go for it, but because it was so heavily praised and yet wasn't successful at a commericial run, it seems like the type of show Roundabout would want to produce. However, that is extremely wishful thinking.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#27re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 5/12/07 at 5:14pm

ALW wanted the Neil Simon, but with "Hairspray" doing decent business and the impending film release he scrapped plans for the transfer and went ahead with touring the show in the UK.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#28re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 8:05am

I loved this version - far superior to the HAl Prince original (though I liked that too). It s a shame it dodnt do that well, but I hope to get to see it again if it tours.

folkyboy Profile Photo
#29re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 8:08am


you thought the London Revival was better than the Hal Prince version?! please explain why

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#30re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 8:10am

Original - 8 years!
Revival not even 1 year!
Speaks volumes doesnt it.

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

Shawk Profile Photo
#31re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 10:35am

Wait, so things that run longer are automatically better? I'm sure the Sondheim fans will back you up on that one...

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#32re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 10:49am

OK not so, but we talking about the original Evita and the recent flop revival in London.

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#33re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 12:27pm

The revival was a very shallow production... and now Kenwright's producing the UK Tour so I guess he'll take away the only redeeming factors of this production: sets/lighting/costumes will be all scaled DOWN!
On other boards, apparently Denise Van Outen and Marti Webb were to play the role of Eva!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @ www.facebook.com/felixdrawings

Shawk Profile Photo
#34re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 2:03pm

I just don't think that length of run is necessarily any indication of the quality of the production.

I saw the revival and Elena Roger WAS the revival. She gave that role "star quality," as many of the critics said. While I appreciated the talents of Philip Quast and the other actors, I didn't feel that the show had a clear directorial message. It was sort of like, "Yay, sparkly, shiny Evita, see her dance and sing!" and then the possibility for political nuance or any sort of further message was paid little attention.

Denise Van Outen... hm.

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

#35re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 5:17pm

The show in the end was awfully rushed. It launced in February and opened in June. They thought Evita would natuarally just sell (like they do when a broadway it comes to london) so the marketing and advertising initially wasn't huge and needed to be.

Also the production didn't help. It was awful. I love the music from Evita and love the show but this production was just so bland. The choreography didn't reflect the time and setting at all. Elena Roger, yes shes good, but no real star I have to say for that role...lets face it you couldn't understand the words she was saying and she struggled with her voice in the run.

The whole revival was based around this latin feel and yet i found it cold and in desperate need of more people and buzz "New Argentina" had a few people waving hankeys! where we the banners the conjestion etc etc

The show just lacked time and care which in the end proved fatal as this show deserved a revival after being away so long.

Theatrical Landladies Profile Photo
Theatrical Landladies
#36re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 6:50pm

I agree with Michael Bennett that the revival was "too literal" it seemed to take itself too seriously as a political piece. Overall the cast and production were just not as strong as the original which I was lucky enough to have seen with E.P.

I must say the opening was especially underwhelming and totally lacked the impact of the original (the cinema, funeral etc.). Eva's first entrance was originally very moving and quite exciting and this was lost played as it was in front of a cloth down front stage.

A missed opportunity as I think a full scale revival of the original production would have much more impact.

"Your eyes..... they shine like the pants on my blue serge suit"

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#37re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 7:08pm

"Elena Roger, yes shes good, but no real star I have to say for that role...lets face it you couldn't understand the words she was saying and she struggled with her voice in the run"

couldnt agree more, whilst i thought she had great presence and charm her accent was a real problem and when i watched the show her voice was weak and strained.
The theatre was about a quarter full when i watched the show as well

I cant even say who the UK tour have asked to play Che lol

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

Shawk Profile Photo
#38re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 7:19pm

I dunno, I was more put off by Matt Rawle's weird vowels than I was by Elena Roger's accent. re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

MrBundles Profile Photo
#39re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 8:32pm

I saw 31 shows in London over a 5 week period and I paid the most for evita and ironically it was the biggest disappointment.

"We don't offer student or standby discounts because we sell out ever night," the box office told me. The theatre was not even half full when I saw it.

Your fupa is showing.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#40re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 2/13/08 at 9:08pm

That show could barely sell half full never mind a sell out

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

#41re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 9/27/08 at 8:24pm

Unfortunately, I did not see the original Broadway cast of EVITA but you said a mouth full! I've seen the show six times and not once was I satisfied with the show's treatment. I did see it with Loni Ackerman and, while her performance was exceptional, the rest of the cast and crew seemed to have some place to go that night as they rushed through it at a life-threatening pace. Yes, it can be a "bore."
So ... I fought to direct it for a local theater company and it opens this coming Friday, October 3rd. I've been blessed in all areas ... talent, costumes, set, lighting, orchestra ...
Send some positive light out into the Universe for us. I'm quite sure it's a hit but any reinforcement is welcome!

#42re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 9/28/08 at 12:47am

I think Evita has been done to death by local groups and maybe people don't want to see a Great Production without a huge Star. Evita is a great musical and its sad that it seems not to get the respect that it does deserve!

I wish I could sing.

#43re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 9/28/08 at 2:49am

That wasn't quite the positive reinforcement I was looking for but ... perhaps too many people were turned off by the train wreck of the movie, possibly? Never-the-less, local groups in this either don't have the resources or the nerve to take on such an ambitious endeavor as this modern opera. I have both. I think too many groups approach it as 'just another musical' and go into it without much knowledge of the woman and/or Latino culture and passion. They don't see the depth, complexity and mystery behind the real Eva Peron. I've educated my cast and crew. Hell, I've obsessed over it.
I've also convinced the Board of Governors to increase my budget by 2K. I can be quite persuasive re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Judging by what I've seen on YouTube, I suppose I agree to some extent. Too many groups are doing it who shouldn't and as for "big-name-stars" taking on the challenging role of Eva Peron... I can't think of many who have the proper training to do it and were they to, the show would probably suffer the same fate as the movie. We are infested with weak "pop culture" vocal abilities.
I also disagree with those claiming it's outdated. Current political turmoil keeps this work of art fresh and relevant ... again, if the show is done right with the proper respect it deserves.

Rentaholic Profile Photo
#44re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 9/28/08 at 4:03am

Idina Menzel would successfully ruin the role of Eva for me. You need someone who can belt, not someone who can scream on pitch.

#45re: London Evita Revival will NOT head to Broadway
Posted: 9/28/08 at 9:28am

I've seen the show done with "screamers" cast as Eva Peron. It crawls right up your spine. I would have immediately left the theater if I wasn't an optimist with hopes that it would get better.
