
My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE- Page 2

My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE

#25re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 1/28/08 at 7:05am

sweetestsiren - Simply, I found nothing in the material satisfying. I'm not saying it's bad, I surely "get" what Sondheim's trying to accomplish, but it just underwhelmed me. Of course there are some nice moments - I've always enjoyed "Putting it Together" the title number, and "Sunday." Anf the recurring "Color and Light" theme was caught in my head until late last night.

I just didn't feel for any of 'em. Their actions didn't matter to me in the least. I didn't strike me as a very well thought out or well-rounded piece. It was like Sondheim and Lapine wanted to create two shows - one about the making of a piece of art and one about the ideas of legacy, and tried to combine the two without much success.

It was like when you shake a soda bottle and leave the cap on. It builds and builds and builds, but then, nothing. Of course, for everyone else, that "nothing" is when Dot returns and finds Modern George.

But that's just My Opinion... Updated On: 1/28/08 at 07:05 AM

#26re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 1/28/08 at 8:30am

As brilliantly conceived and executed as it is, SUNDAY has always been, for me, rather remote.

I saw the original production with Patinkin and Peters and, even with great seats in the tiny Booth theatre, it was a chilly, intellectual affair. Exquisitely staged though and, I have to admit, quite haunting.

I am glad to hear that Evans and Russell are bringing some warmth and passion to the piece -- it will help make it feel more "accessible."

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#27re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 1/28/08 at 9:59am

I saw it on Saturday, and it was one of the most...interesting theatre moments of my life.

First of all, not even 10 minutes into the show, the lady in front of us started to blow chunks and had to get up and was just dripping in vomit, so having to smell that for the whole first act did NOTHING to help me enjoy it. The first act was very slow but brought tears to my eyes at the end.

The second act was great, and of course "move on" and "sunday" were just out of this world. I would really like to go back just to hear those two songs again.

It is a show i would tell others to see.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#28re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:09pm

Just got back-- didnt want to start another thread, because I am going to be very brief...

This is one of the most amazing theatrical experiences that I have ever witnessed !!! Visually enchanting and enthralling !!!

Evans and Russell are SO good !!! A MUST-SEE !!!


stella985 Profile Photo
#29re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:13pm

I just got back from this production too. However, my response was very different. Sunday in the Park with George has always been one of my absolute favorite musicals, and I'd heard a lot of good things about this production so I was looking forward to it, but I was VERY disappointed. I thought the visuals were interesting, but I thought the performances weren't good at all. I found them to have no depth, and also I didn't think the singing was very good- actually I was surprised at how bad Jenna Russell's was (someone needs to send her to Joan Lader). Anyway, I know I'm in the minority but I was very disappointed.

salutz1031 Profile Photo
#30re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:15pm

i agree....this prod moved me more than i thought....ive only seen ActI on dvd with Patinkin/Peters (not a Patinkin fan at all)...and the Act I "Sunday" brought me to tears...brought chills!! act II..eh! but when Dot comes back to sing "Move On"...get ur tissues or sleeves ready!! this is a must see...evans and russell are worth the trip!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#31re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:17pm

While we did enjoy it, we still feel Follies was the best Sondheim show. I saw the original & Mrs R saw the recent revival by Roundabout & still felt it best. I have seen most of them (Sondheim shows) but Mrs R has not.

I basically introduced her to Broadway as she loved opera & she introduced me to opera. It worked out well for both of us.

Poster Emeritus

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#32re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:30pm

Simply, I found nothing in the material satisfying.

So, Yankeefan, ... you didn't like the original production (fair enough..not everybody does) yet you rushed in to see an early preview of the revival. Then came right on here to trash it.

I totally understand people not liking SUNDAY. The ones who do like it respond to the art of creation. To those who are not stimulated by that, it can be a drone. But, knowing what the show is and knowing you won't like it WHY would you waste the time and money to go see it? It would be like me willingly paying to see an ALW show.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on www.proudfm.com

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#33re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:34pm

I'd hardly say that Yankee "trashed" the show. He was just voicing his opinions -- opinions that weren't even that negative/harsh.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#34re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:45pm

Saw the show on Friday. It's in very good shape for its preview stage. I, too, enjoyed Act 2 more than Act 1 and that's because of the pacing. The pacing for the whole show was rather slow, but it was particularly slow in Act 1. Far too many pauses. I had tiny quips about certain line deliveries (altering Yvonne's meaning of "you have to have a life" to Dot before We Do Not Belong Together seemed forced to me) and I was not a fan of Cumpsty, Gemignani, anf Fantano (though I liked him in Act 2).

That said, I loved the production. I didn't expect it to be perfect because it's almost impossible to do a perfect production of this show. But the design, most of the supporting cast, and Evans and Russell are wondeful.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

TomMonster Profile Photo
#35re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 6:55pm

According to Yankee007:

"It was like Sondheim and Lapine wanted to create two shows - one about the making of a piece of art and one about the ideas of legacy, and tried to combine the two without much success.

It was like when you shake a soda bottle and leave the cap on. It builds and builds and builds, but then, nothing. Of course, for everyone else, that "nothing" is when Dot returns and finds Modern George."

Brilliant way of "putting it together". Analogy with fizz.

Whether or not it was a success you still understood the nihilistic point of the show. And if that soda didn't "pop" for you, you'll just order a different case.

At least you took a sip. And it fizzled--good or bad--it still had that buzz on your tongue! Or in our case, words.

Connect, Yank, connect. Keep the words alive. I'll always read them. re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE

"It's not so much do what you like, as it is that you like what you do." SS

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." GMarx

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#36re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 7:01pm

The "pacing" or length is the only thing that I would change..
Act I is a tad bit slow. Could be about 10-15 mins shorter.

#37re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 7:12pm

frontrow - I didn't "rush" to see an early preview. It just so happened that the only time my schedule would allow me to see it was the first weekend of previews.

If you notice my posting records, I post comments after any show I see. It just so happened that this one didn't thrill me. And I don't even consider what I wrote to be "trashing it," either.

I've found a lot of damn positives. I just don't like the material. Hope that's okay.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#38re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 7:20pm

Simply, I found nothing in the material satisfying

- 'We Do Not Belong Together', 'Children and Art', 'Lesson #8', 'Move On' and both act closers really do NOTHING for you?

#39re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 7:24pm

I enjoy the two act-closers. I enjoy the song (one of the few), and I love the harmonies. And I love the painiting.

Beyond that, I'm an icebox. What can I tell 'ya?

#40re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 8:13pm

I think coming from my perspective (as a writer) and wanting something to outlast you, and something to leave behind, and always feeling like everything you write/do has already been done before, I could just really connect with this show. I especially can related to the relationship of Dot and George - George is too busy for Dot because his mind is always on something else, some other project. I just find the show to be beautiful. There are parts I don't care for, but the show as a whole is the most stunning piece of theatre I've witnessed. I've never had a show move me so much - and that's saying a lot considering I hate Mandy P.'s voice. So I'm really excited to see this revival.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#41re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 8:25pm

<< I just find the show to be beautiful. There are parts I don't care for, but the show as a whole is the most stunning piece of theatre I've witnessed. >>

Totally agree !! It really moved me, despite a few slow parts.

Overall, however, it's a stunning production !

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#42re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 8:39pm

I've found a lot of damn positives. I just don't like the material. Hope that's okay.

OF course it's OK! I just don't understand why you would go see a show that you don't like.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on www.proudfm.com

MotorTink Profile Photo
#43re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 8:58pm

Absolutely visually stunning!!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#44re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 9:03pm

Frontrow - 'Cause you never know how a production can turn a show around. Know what I mean?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#45re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 9:06pm

But we've known since the start that this production was basically the same exact show, just with projections, new (but similar) set, and lighting.

The book and score were NOT changed. And the staging is pretty damn similar to the original.
Updated On: 2/3/08 at 09:06 PM

#46re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 9:16pm

Well excuse me for not reading up beforehand.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#47re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 9:17pm

You're excused. But there was a recording, reviews, and tons of buzz of the London production.

#48re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 9:19pm

I knew of the buzz, and had a vague idea about the design technique. I hadn't heard the album (as I've said, not my favorite Sondheim score). So I pretty much went in blind, only knowing what I remembered about the Patinkin/Peters version.

#49re: My thoughts on SUNDAY in the PARK with GEORGE
Posted: 2/3/08 at 9:23pm

Are you a fan of musicals, yankee? Seems like you're more into the plays. Not a bad thing, just wondering.
