
Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!- Page 2

Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#25re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 1:24am

Bumping this thread.

I discovered A Very Potter Musical a few weeks ago and I am in love! I've watched it through about 5 times now, and I check everyday to see if the soundtrack has been posted.

My absolute favorites are Ron, Malfoy, and Voldemort. Completely brilliant!

withoutlovewithoutU Profile Photo
#26re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 1:28am

I love it! Pure brilliance!

"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"

"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofu

BroadwayKing09 Profile Photo
#27re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 1:54am

The soundtrack is gonna sell like hotcakes!

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#28re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 1:59am

The soundtrack leaked...

#29re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 2:07am

Adore this musical to pieces. Me and my friend quote/sing it nonstop. And it didn't help that soon after we watched the musical we went to see the newest Harry Potter movie. Good times. xD

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#30re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 2:14am

The soundtrack leaked...

That's what I heard but I'm waiting until they officially release it on the site which should be any day now.

It'll also be free since they're not allowed to make money off of the show considering copyright laws.
Updated On: 8/13/09 at 02:14 AM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#31re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 2:43am

Is it a studio recording or just the audio from the videos?

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#32re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 3:14am

I'm 95% sure it's a studio one.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#33re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 3:21am

JK Rowling is incredibly litigious. She even sued fans, hugeboys who published A Harry Potter Dictionary. She would, I'm pretty certain, bring the rain to anyone who tried to rip off her product and this isn't parody, this is outright theft trying to wrap itself in the parody defense. I believe the courts have said you cannot appropriate the entire story and characters of a copyrighted work. "The Wind Done Gone" which was the book that told "Gone With The Wind" from the slaves' POV was successfully enjoined from becomming a movie and there have been numerous other examples.

This goes way past parody....

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#34re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 3:34am

I'm pretty sure they looked into all of the copyright information and they're fine (this is what I've gathered from the Facebook page). The plot isn't exactly the same and they're not making any money off of it, it's just for fun.

If there were problems I think they would have heard by now.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#35re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 3:42am

The only issue I've heard was the name which has been changed to "A Very Potter Musical"

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#36re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 8:36am

They also took out a few of the dirtier bits of the musical, and bleeped out the swear words.

But man, I love this musical. I've seen it far too many times, and it's ridiculous how emotionally attached I get to the characters. Like, when I see Harry and Ron, I think of them as the Harry and Ron from the books, which I've never done with the Harry Potter movies. But yeah, musical theatre and Harry Potter are my two favorite things, so combined, it's like my favorite thing ever.

Also, I think the guy who plays Voldemort is a ridiculously talented actor.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

#37re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:15pm

Malfoy rocks!!! He's so funny.

Kad Profile Photo
#38re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:17pm

"JK Rowling is incredibly litigious. She even sued fans, hugeboys who published A Harry Potter Dictionary. She would, I'm pretty certain, bring the rain to anyone who tried to rip off her product and this isn't parody, this is outright theft trying to wrap itself in the parody defense.... (etc. etc.)

This goes way past parody.... "

It would be an issue if they were trying to make money off of it, but they're not at all. The videos are free, the cast recording will be free (hell, the original production was a benefit)- they're not making a cent on this. At this point, how is it ANY different from fan fiction or Potter Puppet Pals or the like?

If Rowling or the legal people at her disposal saw something they objected to, they would've done something about it two months ago when it debuted.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 8/13/09 at 12:17 PM

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#39re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:24pm

Thank you Kad! You said what I wanted to say very eloquently.

when I see Harry and Ron, I think of them as the Harry and Ron from the books

Same! As much as a love the actors in the movies, the ones in the musical just completely hit it on the head for me. Especially with Hermione. She is so much like the book Hermione it's ridiculous.

Kad Profile Photo
#40re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:29pm

The fact that they made Quirrell and Voldemort not only incredibly likable but outright endearing is incredible.

Even if this has no future in terms of productions, it'll be exciting to see what else the people involved will do.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#41re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:32pm

I completely agree! They had a very talented group of actors in the show.

I love the idea of Voldemort and Quirrell together now..so hysterical.

claudioislove Profile Photo
#42re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:40pm

I have to agree. Musical Hermione is so much closer to book Hermione than Emma Watson. I do in fact like everyone of these actors better.

Because I look different you think I'm subversive.

#43re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:41pm

Ron in the musical is exactly like how I envision Ron's personality from the books. It's awesome.

And... Hermione actually has brown, bushy hair! YAY.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

BroadwayKing09 Profile Photo
#44re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 12:47pm

I was really impressed that they created the music and lyrics by themselves. Thats what i call talent! Ron and Malfoy were HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#45re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 1:56pm

Legal/Downer note: There is no way this will ever become a professional (much less Broadway) venture unless and until it receives permission from JK Rowling. She is very protective of her copyright (case in point: her recent New York Southern District copyright action) and would no doubt seek an immediate injunction. The producers will try (and fail) to raise a first amendment and parody (or ?fair use?) argument as a defense against a permanent injunction. Ultimately, they will fail as the musical falls within ?substantial use? (the standard for parody intellectual property arguments) and is made for purposes of profit.

Even presuming the show could demonstrate less than substantial use, the Rowling camp would litigate the hell out of this, thereby driving the producers into the poor house.

withoutlovewithoutU Profile Photo
#46re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 2:05pm

Not to threadjack, but if you liked Very Potter Musical you should check out Little White Lies.... it has some of the same people in it and the music is really good!
Little White Lies

"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"

"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofu

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#47re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 2:45pm

I love Little White Lies! The cliffhanger is killing me, I hope they make a season 2 or a conclusion soon.

#48re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/13/09 at 4:20pm

Little White Lies is amazing, and quite professional. Love it. :3

I too think the actors are incredibly talented. They all did a wonderful job, singing and acting.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#49re: Harry Potter the Musical!!!!!!
Posted: 8/15/09 at 11:56am

Thanks Play Esq. I was merely commenting on any attempt to profit from this piece, not the hilarity of the concept of the excellence of the execution.

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699
